High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Again, you’re glossing over the number of people who died.

I’m sure the Horde got bummed out that they had to be complicit on another genocide, aw shucks!

I’m sure the questions of morality the Horde had to deal this expansion are as much as a consequence as one alliance race getting genocided and their home burned to ash.


Even if they get blue eyes it changes nothing though does it. Sin’Dorei are not Quel’Dorei.

It’s like saying a Frenchman eating overly roasted beef is magically now English. He ain’t.


No, I’m simply considering the ones the Horde also saved.

population numbers change in lore all the time. We’ve seen it again and again. Which is why Gnomergan people are still around, which is why Darkspear, the smallerst troll tribe, has NPCs everywhere.

If lore retcons should teach you something is that anything said one time is not something you should keep in mind forever.

Except then the only difference would literally be that they renamed themselves. It’d be like putting night elves on the horde and calling them day elves.


 didn’t play Horde this xpac, or if you did, you didn’t pay attention do the dialogues, did you?


guess i need to dream up ideas for the alliance that are not so nice but then, we’d get them. haha

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Well here’s hoping you guys get something akin to alliance bias next time.

Is very naive to think that these eye glows are for NPC’s races like High Elves instead of customization options for a playable race, such as Blood Elves. But who knows.

But my point is that these don’t look finished or appropriate at all, and they aren’t sure that they ARE for Blood Elves since the files are not labeled.

No if anything, I hope you get the “horde bias” treatment.

I wonder how long it would take for you to still call it Horde Bias when it does happen.

But I think Alliance will be safe. Blizz won’t dare sending the Alliance into total chaos and make them look worse.

First we sacrificed that tree to save all our asses if you’ll remember
 Though you might have been gnawing on your family members bones at the time

We lost a lot. Teldrassil was built partially to remedy those losses. Also we didn’t live in Nordassil. Just around it. And those places also got badly damaged.

Also Nordassil wasn’t burned to the point of utter destruction.

It was healed and even blessed back in Cata.

It held our people. We’d moved so much of our people and culture there. It was a new beginning for us.

You’re right that we’re not going to die. But there’s no way we come out unscathed.

Still ignores the massive loss of life. The massive destruction of what we’d built. This was a major massive destruction to the night elves.

Forsaken got to destroy their city on their terms after they got almost all of the civilians out.

You really can’t say nothing to us about who has it worse.

That said
 I do hope your people get a new home too.


Sure, we might get some cinematics and some races we actually want for a change.

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Midare, I main Horde. I know exactly what the Horde went through, and it’s ridiculous to even say that what both factions went through is even comparable. The Horde managed to “rally behind the good side” of their revolution and came up mostly unscathed, just talking about how questionable what Sylvanas was doing yet still following anyway until it was time to turn coat.

None of that compares to the Night Elves being genocided and burned to ash on their home, and how the whole of the Horde that went with Sylvanas was complicit on that. And the complete sweeping it under the rug of it is the worse.


Family members?

I have a balanced diet of gnome flesh, thank you very much.

And yeah, Night elves sacrificed it for the world
 only for them to try to recover what they sacrificed. That’s not very altruistic of them, specially when it’s something that goes against the natural laws as trying to mimick something those blessed by the creators did.

And yet night elves recovered.

I shouldn’t have faith on the night elves, you should.

One of the several mistakes made during Cata.

I’ll never understand why they’d have Alextrazsa approve of that abomination to begin with.

But who knows, maybe you guys can’t stop depending on defying the laws of nature (which is incredibly ironic all things considered) to survive.

Enjoy your civil wars, the constant defeats and having your leaders as loot pinatas, I guess.


midare is a sweety but once she digs her heels in, forget it. its usually around times like these, where its obvious the alliance faction is getting screwed again, that she seems the most adamant about the horde being put upon by the devs. i think this is because the devs do this kind of thing on purpose, so we blame each other instead of them, for bad ideas

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Yeah, but that just highlights the difference in how the story paints each side. Alliance was always heroic story, with the night elf story being the starting tragedy like Alderaan being blown up or such.

Undercity there was nothing there for the Horde to feel heroic about, and even rubbed our faces in the hopes we might have had from the reveal of the cinematic of a return to form, Horde standing as one to defend itself. NOPE! We’re there for the sole purpose of defending Sylvanas from retribution from atrocity. No civilians to protect that would be caught up in the mess, or possibly provide a teeny tiny touch of grey to the Alliance’s victory. No, it was all just being the minions holding up the Heroic Alliance forces until Sylvanas could spring her bond villain stuff.

The only problem with the Alliance story was that Blizz forgot Horde was playable for a bit and then realized that they couldn’t have their awesome night elves just wipe them out.


if the top 1% of cutting edge raiding guilds are horde, why would giving the alliance a horde race and its story but painting it blue fix that when the same damn option is still available on the horde. there is no incentive to switch. what is this logic


Sure. Losses tha won’t be reflected in game and civil wars that wrap up with us being absolved of any wrongdoing while you guys take out irrelevant npcs as vengeance for a genocide sounds fine to me.

I never said it was comparable. But to say that the Horde simply got away with it it’s a gross exaggeration.
Because of that, the Horde went through a second inner conflict. It doesn’t even make sense that the Horde is still standing nowdays, it barely even made sense after the whole debacle with Garrosh.
This is the proof that Horde has it better? That the writers have to come with some
 rear pulled reasons for the Horde to still exists just because it’s playable?

And also, stop with the whole “genocide” spiel. The Horde didn’t have the possibility of even carry such a thing. The Alliance outnumbers and outguns the Horde by a landslide. Yes, many died there, but it’s obvious that the whole “we’ll never recover!” thing it’s hyperbolic, because even those that are outnumbered and outgunned actually saved people as well.


That’s the problem; Horde gets to complain “we didn’t get to feel good about anything!” while the Alliance got one of their races genocided. While the Horde managed to rally behind their better angels at the end, the alliance ended up broken and bitter, with a people unavenged and those responsible being not held accountable.

I play both sides, and it’s not I dislike the Horde story entirely-even if it is a repeat- what I found absolutely wack is how they wrote in the Alliance reacting to it as a whole -as usual, they just have to take it and forgive and forget-

It’s like MoP, but the whole repetition of it all makes it cheap and hollow. Horde ends up with an heroic sacrifice because at the end it was about an Orc that felt very sad about doing a genocide again, yet the victims of said genocide -the Night Elves- are barely the focus of anything but a Warfront that is resolved off screen.

Like WTF.