High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

:hugs: :kissing_cat:

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Ok you didnā€™t answer my question, we know what you would do, you would be a belf dk like youā€™re now. But what about others?

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i already answered what they will exactly do

At the top of my head a devs twitter statements, but its also reinforced by the fact VEā€™s donā€™t stem from the SC HEā€™s.

I will find more information on it, but its something Iā€™ve heard multiple times and recall it being in the occasional wow youtube video I have watched. Normally I only watch Hazel but I feel like this was in a Bellular video.

Can you repeat it? Because I donā€™t see it.

I have only seen you mention it so clarification would be great, thanks!

A lot of us would keep asking for playable alliance high elves honestly. Blood elves with blue eyes are still horde blood elves and separate from the high elves that never joined the horde in the first place, which is what we are asking for. This is also why void elves are not sufficient, they are blood elves that would still be blood elves if they hadnā€™t been kicked out.


I respect your loyalty and stance. However I think most would switch to Horde just because the blue eyes, just my opinion. But yeah I was just curious of what some would do.

I really want playable High Elves, but I wouldnā€™t do that. Theyā€™re still Blood Elves, which I donā€™t really enjoy as much as Alliance High Elves. The aesthetic of the Horde, their lore and their characters arenā€™t really something I enjoy. Iā€™ll always be convinced theyā€™re the bad guys, and Blood Elves fit in perfectly with them.

Regardless of Blood Elves getting blue eyes or not, Iā€™m going to keep asking for playable High Elves on the Alliance side.

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Well I canā€™t speak for everyone, but most of the high elf fans I have spoken to wouldnā€™t give up. High elves are more than just an eye or hair color, and in fact should not be limited to just blue eyes just because the npcs are.


I still find it odd, since itā€™s been stated blood elves are high elves. To me that statement seems like a nail in the coffin for high elf on Alliance

we know troy. the problem for you people was always to play a high elf the option was to go horde. the icky horde. but now you can play a twisted high elf on the alliance. the option to play a human is on the alliance even though there are human factions that work against the alliance and even a pirate faction currently aligned and fighting for the horde in the fourth war. if i want to play a human i have to play alliance. seems reasonable to me in a faction based game

blood elves are high elves. Just not the post wc3 version of them. Blood elves still fulfill the theme of the overall fantasy genre of ā€œhigh elvesā€. That being one of nobility, magic, and snootiness.

I think a lot of confusion stems from this. We call what we want high elves because that is what they are collectively known as however they donā€™t really fit the fantasy mold of ā€œhigh elvesā€. They are mix of human culture, wood elves, and magic.


That was never a problem for me. If I wanted to play a Blood Elf, I would just go ahead and do that. I want to play a regular High Elf on the Alliance though, not an ex-Horde Blood Elf afflicted with Void energies.


that is a blood elf. youve always had the option to play a traditional high elf. youre not owed anything because theres 2 easter eggs in SW and 4 showed up for the fourth war in BFA. i want to play a fogsail freebooter pillaging the seas making rude gestures at the alliance and you want to be a SC elf bound to dalaran and its neutrality running laps around the city hoping the kirin tor pick a side again(they wont). we cant all have everything :smile:

Is the full quote for you.

And a Blood Elf is a Blood Elf. A Void Elf is an ex-Blood Elf. High Elves have been neither, and theyā€™ve had no reason stopping them from becoming Blood Elves for all these years, so I highly doubt theyā€™ll ever declare themselves as Sinā€™dorei either.

You can pretend that thereā€™s only a few High Elves all you like, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true. They donā€™t have major numbers, but thereā€™s definitely more than enough to not be considered an ā€œeaster eggā€, especially since theyā€™ve had actual important roles within the Alliance since Vanilla.


While this would be wonderful for blood elves who deserve their arcane eye color returned, I highly doubt that any change in the request would occur.

Most high elf fans want high elves. Not blue eyes.

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which is a high elf

when the developers and lore say its true is is. our words dont trump theirs. how alliance high elves are presented in game perfectly support this. they are a rare thing. 4 showed up for the fourth war, and only 1 put boots on the ground. dalaran did not pick a side like khadgar said and the SC did not appear to the surprise of no one who doesnt spew fanfictions. this is all accurate to the alliance high elf situation, they exist but are individuals and few. fanfictioning a massive, unseen and loyal population for the alliance is not accurate and comes off as desperate fanfiction

Technically High Elf is the race with 2 sub races blood elf and void elf. A high elf was not corrupted by the sunwell like blood elves, and some blood elves became corrupted by void to be void elves. An odd chain of events lol.

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High elves and blood elves are the same race.
They both connect to the sunwell

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