High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Farewell friend. I hope you enjoy your time in those other games. I’m sure we’ll all strive to be civil in your absence.

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I’ll miss you too, Avarie…see you down the road my friend. :purple_heart:

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Take care of yourself! I’ll try to keep people well behaved in your absence.

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It is going to feel different without seeing you around, but wish you all the best Murg.

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Ingame ally and forum gadfly: you kept us all honest and the banter, fun.
May the winds be fair and the seas calm, wherever you go!
Tries to think of something REALLY cool and relevant but ends up simply filling her biggest drinking horn from the ale-vat
:beer: :beer: :beer:

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Yeah I’ve got two weeks left too. I have like a million Warhams and Legion models I need to paint and I still have to work on the Churchill for my Airborne platoon. There’s only so long I can keep paying money to do dailies.

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you and me both buddy

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Well said Kirela! My love of Blood Elves isn’t going to change, and it adds an added story for me to be invested in, especially on a Blood Elf, especially in regards to being hyper invested in the downfall of any narrative involving High Elves, to wanting to see them in pvp, etc.


MM is a destro lock without the damage and without the survivability and without the utility. MM is basically a dollar tree Destro. The only thing it has going for it is the burst, but most other specs have a better burst.

Why do you think I hate DHs so much? My main is MM. My main damaging ability is physical damage on a 2 second cast time for all of 50k damage unless I am using my offensive CDs which I can use for 10 seconds every 120 seconds. A DH can blade dance and dodge all my damage every 4 seconds. Then they can use darkness and go immune to all my damage. And then they can use blur to dodge and reduce the damage of all my attacks. Or the DH can imprison me, then stun me, and then use their second stun on me and all my CDs were wasted and I can’t do anything from then on because MM hits like a wet noodle without their CDs. In WPvP and Bgs(RBGs are dead this xpac) I can do fine since I can get the jump on them, but in arenas I’m just a free kill for the DH. I’m forced to play survival which I find to be awfully boring.

Just go to the arenamate website, go to whichever PvP format(2v2, 3v3, or RBGs) you want, then click the box next to the hunter icon under classes, then click filter and it tells you how many play each spec. MM can’t even get past 12% for the 3 hunter specs(12% of people play MM in RBGs, 1% play MM in 3s, and another 1% plays MM in 2s.

And BM is the second strongest dps spec in the game.

Cool, I’m not talking about BM. I’m talking about MM. Thought that was obvious, but guess not.

I know MM is trash and hardly played and all so it’s easy to forget about, but don’t get MM confused with BM in the future. Thanks in advance.

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Either say “hunters” if you mean “marksman” or act smug about someone mentioning the fact that hunters are overall in a pretty great place, but don’t do both.

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The post you quoted specifically said MM. Please, don’t act confused, you knew exactly what I was saying.

Actually, hunter is the least played class. So please, tell me how that’s such a great place?

You’re right, you can tell by the way two people now have asked you to clarify what you mean.

Almost certainly not true, the new census website isn’t even remotely accurate and the last time we had an accurate character counting service hunter was competing with paladin and druid for top spot.

Which two? I only see you.

Funny, looking at the leaderboards now, I don’t see hunter competing for top at all.

If it’s so good, why is the top BM player ranked 175 in the US(469th when adding EU players to that)?

If you mean the pvp minigame, then again you’ve failed to communicate well. Hunters might be in a bad place in the pvp minigame, but when you say “hunters are in a bad place” while they’re absolutely killing it in PvE then what you’re saying is unclear.

Maybe you should work on your clarity when you write, it can be very hard I know.

I figured it was clear when I specifically talked about PvP. Guess some people just don’t understand PvP talk.

Which fights are MM hunters “killing it in?”
And are you using Noxxic for this? Because that site is way off.

You’re just going in circles now mate. Work out exactly what it is you’re trying to say then get back to me.

Which fights are MM hunters “killing it in?”

You yourself said

They as in all hunters I’m assuming? I’m just confused because idk what you mean by this? I can play your word games too, Sir.

I just wish MM was more fun. They should have rolled more of ranged survival into it when they turned survival into melee.