How bout them high elves though?
Have a great one Murg
I am sure we will see you again soon! Be safe and healthy out there!
Not really since it was clear he was speaking about BM.
Its just pettiness now. Give it a rest.
If the Blood Elf Story was really that popular their wouldnât be a request for Alliance High Elves which are already there but not playable. Pro Alliance comments have twice as many likes when true to the reason why they are asked for, So no matter what is said here, There is a part of the community that want the Alliance High Elves for Lore and the Interactive participation in the Alliance story. (Imho) Not for the looks, or to play a Horde Blood Elf ( Sinâdorei). To say if you want to play a High Elf play a Sinâdorei is a copout and a the new go to reason lead by a DEV that had no clue why they are asked for by a Alliance Community, they are out of touch with in the first place.(imho)
We dont ask for the Horde Sinâdorei, We ask for the Alliance High Elves that been with us, fighting with us against the Horde. The same ones we been training, fighting and dying with and sharing or lore/story with. Not Your Sinâdsorei
Thatâs really, really, really, really, bad logic. There will always be someone who wants something. That says nothing about what is already there. People can want werewolves on the Horde, that does not mean Worgen are not enjoyed or that their story isnât interesting.
This just in.
The entire Blizzard dev team clearly needs to be replaced since theyâve maintained their stance for 16 years now.
In this case its not a someone but a group of people that ask for Alliance Playable High Elves, So its not bad logic when a community/group of people ask for Playable Alliance High Elves . Before you take what I Said out of context like normally, when I say community I mean the Large Community of Pro Playable Alliance High Elf community which is rather large and does exist.
When DEVs make comments like, we hear you, and we know what you need to have fun, or manipulate a game into boredom. Yah some changes need to be made on the decision making process, numbers dont lie. Their great plan introducing Renâdorei really didnât pay off on the Pro High Elf Community either. Waste of resources and effort (imho) since were still here asking for Alliance High Elves and Alliance Pro High Elf threads keep popping up after their release.
I disagree - I think one of the reasons that high elves are requested is because the blood elf story is popular.
The blood elves had a unique twist on the classic elf theme, and high elves are the complement and contrast to them. (Who keep appearing in Alliance content as a tease, apparently.)
I know I, at least, would be a lot less interested in high elves if they were the only branch of their species remaining. The big draw, for me, is that the high elves had other options - rejoining blood elf society - and instead chose to hold to their differing ideals and remain part of the foreign culture they adopted instead. And thatâs why I personally think making Alliance high elves playable would actually enhance the blood elf story.
I disagree, If everyone that wanted to Play High Would have listened to Ionâs misguided Suggestion and rolled Horde Sinâdorei then if it was for looks or the model, also these threads wouldnât keep popping up & we wouldnât be discussing it.
The Sinâdorei story is different then the Alliance High Elves Still fighting along side the Alliance to this day.
Many people in the Alliance ask for the Alliance High elves we see everyday and fight alongside with and train with everyday.
I think weâre talking past each other - Iâm not saying that blood elves and high elves are interchangeable and so only one is needed to experience their story, Iâm saying that they build off each other and one being popular does not require the other to be unpopular.
I have always been a believer in this, would make the Race History more deep and rich, To bad the Devs cant see it.
Morning all, 7 days until sub ends.
And here is another day to support for playable Quelâdorei for the Blue Faction
They should have given it a stun or make binding shot baseline to compensate. Allowed aimed shot to be castable while moving once again. Iâd say bring KS back too, but theyâre doing it in SL.
I have been slowly been moving out of WOW to, Only time I log in is to do Auctions but I havenât even been farming anymore, once I get to the point the auctions dont matter to me ill be done for a bit to. Tried to level a new character with the 100% exp wasnât as fun as the leveling event we had, so even stopped doing that.
What does this mean?
It still does not matter. Your argument of trying to appeal to popularity doesnât work because its a fallacy in itself, and you donât have enough people to even make the argument period. Nor did I take what you said out of context. I literally replied to you based upon your statement entirely.
Those are called platitudes.
They hear you, that does not mean they will institute the change you think is a good idea. As it stands, there isnât anything to really make blizzard budge on their stance besides âwell we want it, and we think youâre bad at decision making.â.
For one, it doesnât convince them, and second, it just makes them dig into their position more firmly when you attack their design choices. Youâre not showing why it would be a good idea. Youâre just saying you think its a good one.
Thanks for your opinion but dont really matter to me but thanks.
Ask a friend for help. Sorry it wasnât clear enough for you. My Apologies.
I guess being made fun for April foolsâ gives some people a bigger ego than it should.
Are you talking about me?
I thought my view was unimportant? Youâre going to have to pick a stance and stick to it.
Or you can go on back to spamming random stuff from the wowpedia.