High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

If we are being honest with our selves here.

Vereesa and Alleria will become side mentions to side quests involving the hunt for Sylvanas.

I only hop on mine to Farm the mogs from warfronts when I remember to do so.

wowā€¦I guess Iā€™m happy with trash then. lol Love my hunter!


Hunter BM isliterally one of the best in the game

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what spec are you preferring?


Yeahā€¦youā€™re probably right

I could get behind these concepts.

Iā€™m happy to see high elves be an AR but given that we do have the void elves already I, personally, would be fine with them being rolled into the void elves through some sort of scenario.

Iā€™m playing MM because I prefer not to depend on my pets for so much damageā€¦plus after they gave us 2 petsā€¦it was just too much, itā€™s annoying enough to have one pet let alone 2. Iā€™ve played all specs, but for now MM seems to be the best for me. I wontā€™ even consider SV now.

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My actual Horde main is a BM Hunter.

Got an Alliance Void Elf MM Hunter too.

Both seem really OP for this expac to me.

I will say that any scenario like this (with all due respect) would make me cringe. No matter where they try to ā€œfixā€ VE, they wrote themselves into a corner because

I am not suggesting that scenario as a way to turn them into void elves now. I am suggesting it as the original way void elves were created.

It is far too late. There is no way to turn all high elves into void elves and have it feel like a natural part of the story. No matter what it would feel forced out of pettiness.


Same. I stopped playing because hunters in such an awful place right now and I donā€™t want to play surv.

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Didnā€™t catch that it was a before thing, sorry. You are right. Even using High Elves and turning them into VE would still be hypocritical and a jerk move to anyone who was asking for them before (it was a request BEFORE Blood Elves came out, according to some players). They donā€™t need to be changed. They could use some cool touches and updates, but the existence of Blood Elves does not need to stop High Elves from being playable. There is no argument on this planet that explains away playable High Elves.


How are they in an awful place exactly?

my preferred spec sucks dude(mm)!

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Gotta lesrn to enjoy sending hyenas on people

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Preach it!

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Iā€™m out for a while as well, Amigo. Iā€™m lined up for the New World beta when it drops, I have an active FF sub, an active EvE sub, and Iā€™m hip deep in Red Dead Redemption 2. Iā€™ll be back at some point, but itā€™s been a couple of weeks since I even bothered to log in. And yes, before anyone asks, something I consider to be a really bad decision on the part of staff does in fact have something to do with it - but not everything to do with it.

So, since this is the place where the people who know me the most tend to congregate itā€™s as good a place as any to say Happy Trails until I wander back this way.

Keep fighting the good fight, both sides, and at least try to be civil about it in my absence. :wink:

Peace out.


MM is the only spec on a Hunter I can enjoy this expac, but still is pretty trash.

Noooo, Murgy, Iā€™ll miss you!

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