High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

But the statement should beā€¦ They left, but not all.

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Literally all of this.

Have the Vindicaar floating above the new Exodar City.


Sameā€¦ yeah it has amazing burst damage and the crits are off the chart with aimed shot. But the rest is so bad it barely registers as dps, night as well be healing the boss.

Canā€™t stand having pets, extremely annoying and cumbersome.


Thereā€™s always those ppl that canā€™t detect a joke.

Itā€™s literally just destro lock turret gameplay without the damage and with the survivability of an enh shaman.

Like, why even play MM when I can just play destro and do the same thing, but better in every way.

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I stand by what I said.

Look, my issue with the notion of " we will just change how high elves look" is that it is exactly what void elves are essentially. The high elf model with modifications.
Which means lore wise, you can write things in with ease.

Small post for now.
Being attacked by cat


And this is a point we probably agree on, that merely integrating the remaining HEā€™s into the Void Elf population would be a generally popular notion ā€“ especially if it involved expanding the customization options.


Long as they arent fair akinnes go nuts


So then the point of rolling the remaining HEs into the void elves would beā€¦ null and voidā€¦ no pun intended :expressionless:

(Iā€™ll show myself out now)


Hang your head in shame for that pun.
The thing is, if high elves are high elves for not doing the blood elf thing, they retain their apirit even if they convert. It turns void elves into high elves AND blood elves which provides really interesting story.

As long as theyā€™re integrated in a way that pays respect to the last 15 years of social/political events, Iā€™m perfectly happy to be restricted to either ā€œpallid whiteā€ or ā€œVoid-riddled purpleā€ pigmentations.

(Unpopular Opinion: The VEā€™s aesthetic is more interesting than the BEā€™s aesthetic.)


From the inception of void elves, it would have been more acceptable. Butā€¦ it really would be a waste to turn The remaining alliance affiliated high elves into void elves, and none of the ā€œhigh elf partā€ comes with it.

The request would remain unfulfilled and people still being left unsatisfied.


How would it be a waste? If the high elves get converted you get the very group of elves you enjoy, and you get all the lore that comes from both sides. For RPā€™ers, thatā€™s pretty legit.


while true it is also too late to do that and have it feel natural.

It would feel like blizzard forced it to be that way so they donā€™t have to admit they were wrong. If it was like that from the start everything would have been fine.

and it would be blizzard forcing it and not for any story reasons. There was no reason why void elves HAD to have been blood elves.


I will imagine an alternate scenario that had High elves specifically silver covenant high elves be the original void elves.

Alleria is visiting dalaran/some silver covenant headquarters. In secret there is a group of silver covenant mages experimenting with the void there when things go wrong while alleria is visiting. All of the silver covenant is sucked into the void. This results in a similar situation where the ethereals appear and try to turn them into ethereals. The end result is now the silver covenant is all void elves with pretty much the same reasoning. Many of them didnā€™t want it but now they must live with it.


I guess that would be a win for the role players. But still doesnā€™t give access to the silver covenant/Highvale for who they are either.

At first yes if that how blizz made the story develop. Butā€¦ at this point in time, with Nā€™zoth removed. It doesnā€™t make sense to force that type of plot.

High elves or bust for me honestly.


I do not see how in anyway it could be ā€œtoo lateā€. Such an argument really has no backing to it.
Whether they introduced them with high elve being aborbed or having high elves be absorbed later, it would still be the same thing.
It just looks like an excuse to demand an entire racial slot for a copy pasta race

Yes it does weā€™re going to the shadowlands. We are going to see Kaelā€™thas, and who knows how the story interacts with azeroth in itself.
It certainly could give access if the silver covenant chose to join her sister ALleria. Which would be perfect because the void and death are anti-thetical to each other.
It would be a shame though, because the story would have been better if Alleria was alliance, Vareesa neutral, and Sylvanas Horde.


Not if you want to fight for the Alliance, instead of against them.


hunters really are trash this expac. benched mine :pensive:

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