High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You just spent the past few hours trying to explain that Quel’thalas left the Alliance and that the story went with them, ignoring the fact that it was just the nation and not separate groups of people. If this is not you trying to argue against their playability, then what is it and why does it matter to this topic then? Calling something a straw man just because you don’t like where something is going by comparison, doesn’t make your opinion stronger. I used Dreanei in this case because you said it was only Mercs and Vagabonds that stayed with Alliance, and the same could be assumed as well for the fleeing Dreanei. To think that in the same light, Eredar have no chance of being playable, or even on the Horde by comparison is the exact same thing as saying High Elves can’t because Blood Elves are playable now. Sheesh…


They were not separate groups of people until after the events of WC3.
Again, no one says “After WW2, MOST of the US became unfriendly to Russia.”.
Its “The US became unfriendly towards Russia.”
Same here.
The high elves left the alliance in WC 2.

It isnt

Correcting people who continuously wish to overplay the significance of high elves as if they have always been allies of the alliance when everything in the story; which you lore hounds claim is so important; when this is clearly not the case.

A strawman is a strawman because it is a complete mis-representation of my argument that you are creating to make it more easy to refute. At no point did I make any comment of playability. THat was something YOU made up in your head.

I like how I call you out on the strawman.
You acknowledge it was not an argumnt I made in regards to playability, but you double down on it anyway.
Seriously…there should be a limit on how…lacking a person can be in some aspects


8 days until no game time. So 8 days of support for High Elves for the Alliance.


I have…1 month left I think.
There wasn’t anything else to really work for in terms of weapons/armor. NOt really interested in the backpack
Maybe I’ll go final fantasy.
I hate the elves there anyway…

I’ll be a catman!


No unique to one race classes.

Hell I think DH should be expanded to at least two more races.

Yeah, BfA is just really turning into a huge disappointment. The story makes no sense, the content is not even worth doing… And classes are extremely boring…

I just can’t wait to see what really is getting unpruned with our classes in Shadowlands. But I am just hoping that there is a little more communication between the devs and the playerbase, especially when it comes to in-game bugs.

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From what they said there is not going to be any major class reworks. So, I am more likely going to drop my DK and stick with my DH and Warrior.

How do you swap characters so quickly?

This is the specific point I was referencing.

It is implied, heavily, that your position on this matter is that High Elves couldn’t be made playable because the Horde already has access to one of the three cultural offshoots. Notwithstanding that Blizzard has already demonstrated that they don’t agree, evidenced by the inclusion of Void Elves and Nightborne, we’ve seen numerous instances whereby Blizzard has been entirely willing to break with previously established precedent (i.e. when they released Pandaren, or when they restricted Demon Hunter to only two playable races).

All I’m saying is both sides of that particular argument weren’t especially strong.


Oh, I am looking forward to seeing curses back on the Warlocks. Oh the memes…

“Oh, I am not saying you have a filthy mouth, I am just saying you curse more than an Affliction Warlock”

Okay that makes things quite a bit more clear.

In what way?
Currently, the issue with high elves is that they are the exact same race of what is already available on the Horde. In no other aspect is this the case. Now I understand you brought up void elves and nightborne, but neither of those cases is the exact same in appearance as that of their respective parent races in terms of design.
Now I know some have said “we can modify high elves”, but void elves fill that design aspect of being a modified model. SO what is the issue with adding to the void elf lore? Particularly since they have such an opportunity with shadowlands?

As for Pandaren.
Pandaren were released neutral.
This is not a case of Pandaren being Alliance first, and then the devs making them neutral. Such a precedence doesn’t really work.

Can you explain this one further? I am puzzled by your usage of it as an example


I am sure a few classes like Lock and Mage will be happy. I think they are getting back some interesting stuff.

We get raise dead…and I hate having pets with me because they count towards your power budget. So if that pet dies, you lose a sizable portion of your damage.

Anti magic zone is great.

I would much rather have presences, or horn of winter (10% attack power buff).
Things that were iconic to DK and make it so you’re not forced to bring class X for raiding or dungeons.

Kill shot on my MM hunter. :slight_smile:

Hopefully MM isn’t dumpster tier in Shadowlands like it is in BfA.

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I am just hoping for fun, something what Blizzard is against.

It’s a gif-
stabbed again

Someone really flagged my comment about Phoenix man from one punch?
That is something petty

Oof. Poor DH(is it bad that I don’t know what one punch is?).

It isn’t bad, but I do think you would enjoy it.
Look it up.

We will know you still support even if you leave for awhile!

Also I have until like July, and as slow I manage to level I’ll probably still be doing loremaster on this warlock.

I buy the 6month things for the mount


We simply aren’t going to agree on this particular issue. This is how the discussion would play out:

  • I’d start by citing to the fact that Stormwind Humans and Kul Tirans Humans are different variations of the same species, and that Darkspear Trolls and Zandalari Trolls are different variations of the same species.

  • You’d counter by indicating that you agree with the statement that those groups are simply different variations of the same species, but that it is crucial to recognize that both groups of humans belong to the Alliance and both groups of trolls belong to the Horde.

    (And as it relates to this particular point, it’s worth mentioning that virtually every prominent poster in favor of playable High Elves has requested that the aesthetic be shifted away from “traditional Thalassian” and towards something that is more socially/politically appropriate when considering the trajectory that the post-WCIII High Elves found themselves on.

    You’ll find very few people who are in favor of playable High Elves that are actively engaged in any requests for something as simple as “blue-eyed Blood Elves, without any other adjustments”, except those people who are already playing Blood Elves.)

  • I’ll point out that Blizzard has already demonstrated that they disagree with your premise, with their inclusion of Nightborne and Void Elves.

  • You’ll mention that in order for Blizzard to justify either of them, they had to be changed from what they were (at which point I’ll refer you back to the italicized section above). Then the cyclical discussion repeats, ad naseum.

The number of prominent posters who maintain that playable High Elves should present as being “the exact same in appearance” can be counted on one hand.

Just to reiterate that more plainly, for those just skimming, virtually everyone agrees with this statement: If playable High Elves ever make it into the game, they will have a different appearance from Blood Elves.

Nothing. It’s probably the most elegant solution.

The point wasn’t to create precedence going forward, but to demonstrate that the inclusion of Pandaren was Blizzard breaking a then existing precedence that there wasn’t any racial overlap between the factions.

It’s a somewhat weak example, to be sure, but the idea is that Blizzard spent the better part of a decade expanding upon the number of races that could play as a Druids. This because there has always been a push for accessibility:

  • Accessibility is why Death Knights were made available to everything, even things that didn’t strictly make sense.
  • Accessibility is why the Cataclysm Race/Class Combinations were introduced.
  • Accessibility is why Monks were made available to everything, even things that didn’t strictly make sense.

To shift back to something as exclusive as Demon Hunter is a break with ~13 years of precedence heading in the other direction. Which I’m not arguing is good or bad, just making note of the fact that they often upend their behavioral patterns.


please. all I want is the azuremyst isles turned into something similar to alt draenor shadowmoon valley.

Turn the exodar into another karabor with its’ own harbor and ships. Turn odysseus’ landing into a naval base with him in charge there. The small Island to the south could be given to the night elves and they turn it into a small village for them.

Also have most of ashenvale reclaimed by the night elves. The horde can keep splintertree and their lumber yard but they are pushed out of the rest of the zone including the base on the western shore. Forest song north of the lumber mill can be completed and built up as a draenei settlement in ashenvale.

Also give draenei the big fey dragons back! I loved those in WoD.