High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You had me save for this part. Quel’thalas has been rebuilt and I don’t think anyone would see it fall again.

In fact I’m not sure how the Alliance “won” Undercity, I get the Horde tricked the Night Elves to finesse a win at Dark Shore. But we always got the impression the Forsaken were a war machine, they were willing via their leader to destroy all of Undercity to stop the Alliance from gaining it.

The alliance came from the beaches above Brill I think if I recall. Everything from ASOIAF using wildfire to destroy half of Stannis’s fleet to remembering what I recollect from Troy and how hard it was for them to take the Trojan beach.

It just seems what I’m getting at that, the forsaken would have had some weapon to really curb them at the beaches, I was a bit taken aback they were basically at the walls when the battle scenario starts, then we have citation in game of Anduin doubting he had the soldiers to help retake Teldrassil, we see him in a cinematic of Genn saying “that’s the last of the soldiers” and then again at Orgrimmar he doubts WITH the Horde rebels if he could defeat the loyalists.

Yet somehow the Alliance, FAR from their bases of comfort, to the northern most edges of the Eastern Kingdoms, is to mount a successful invasion of Quel’thalas?

From a BE fan standpoint I’m against it, but I also don’t see how they would win.

Personally I would have just preferred everything else you stated though down to UC being first it would make more sense especially since it wouldn’t be expected so THEN I could see the Alliance taking Brill and the beach so quickly. But mostly I also think I like Sylvanas as Darth Marr SWTOR like character, evil but still a hero to her people, I think her staying in power would be enough context to provide a continuation for the War, and then we can see it ramp down in Shadowlands and pick up again when Blizzard wants.

I also think they could have still kept the faction war going in Shadowlands had Sylvanas stayed, but part of me expects BioWare level story telling and I have to remember this is Blizzard, they have more resources then SWTOR for WoW so the story telling should be better.

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You mean due, not do.

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Unless he’s doing something to someone called ‘what has happened’.

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Was working while typing. It’s been a long week. Forgive me, spelling isn’t my forte.

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Honestly there should never have been any numbering of the race’s populations; certainly not if there was to be an argument against any playable race because of population numbers.

How many of each playable race is there? Maybe the only answer should be ‘plenty’. I dunno.

Probably would help if Blizzard stopped making every war thing they did so damned catastrophic.

Do we even have any examples of player races actually, really recovering? Maybe the Orcs…perhaps Dwarves. All the others seem to be, for all intents and purposes, dying out. If you were to look at it deeper than the way Blizz does things, anyway.

…except that they decided the War of Thorns was a genocide.

Probably for the best not to think about it too deeply. I seem to recall the Draenei escaping Argus being a handful or something, I didn’t know an exact number was ever given. But I could be remembering wrong!

Yeah, numbers in a game like this just seems like something that should be avoided, in my own opinion. >_>


Yeah, every player race should be extinct several times over by now. How many catastrophic, world-ending wars in quick succession have we fought without even ten years for new kids to grow up?


At this rate I’m prepared to accept some whacky explanation like the Spirit Healers have been recyling the dead back; often into whole new bodies to try and keep Azeroth from becoming completely barren or …something like that.

…Azeroth’s going to need a hell of a time-skip to adequately repopulate all the player races. And make more settlements, especially for the ones that don’t really have all that many.


I just want the time skip so we can restructure the factions and tell new character stories. :man_shrugging:


Oh yeah, absolutely. I can agree to that as well. I just think it’d be nice to see more villages and the like around the place.

Of course, Azeroth would probably have to be up-scaled to account for that. Or so I would assume, at least!

New character stories are always good!


Imagen an actual freaken Draenei settlement.


It would sure be nice! I hate having to look at WoD as not counting because Blizzard for some reason thought it a good idea to just …close the expac off from the rest of WoW via ‘the timeway sealing’ or whatever the heck happened. Only to bring it back just briefly enough to usher Mag’har in as a playable AR.



I said this earlier in the thread and you said I was wrong? o.O

That is a strawman. My statement had nothing to do with playability. So I can ignore that imaginary logic you tried to apply to me.

My statement was a correction on a false one.

Let alone that the dranei ARE eredar, they are uncorrupted Eredar to be specific.
Their title is similar to the blood elves, a name change to represent what they have gone through and endured.

Dranei also werent playable before their inception.
High elves? No such luck. Their race is playable through the horde.


10 marks

Play a Blood Elf. Problem solved.


If I’m being honest, I feel like both arguments are weak (the one of yours I’m responding to, and Curemaster’s before it).

When/if Blizzard wants to do something, they’ve proven that there being an existing precedent doesn’t matter in the slightest.

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Its a weak argument because I never made the argument in regards the high elves leaving the alliance as something towards or against playability.
That was a strawman on his part.

When we do get playable Alliance high elves, we should get a special class for just them that is massively overpowered and can provide insane DPS while tanking as compensation for having to wait so long. :smiling_imp:


We agree.

The specific argument of yours that I found to be weak was the suggestion that because Blood Elves are a cultural evolution of the WCIII-era High Elves and the Draenei are a cultural evolution of the original Eredar, that neither of the other groups warrant any consideration as playable options.

I expect playable Eredar, like playable High Elves, would be a generally welcome addition to their faction.

(Note: Also, as it relates to the Draenei, having a group of their former kinfolk aligned with the Horde would actually help to kickstart a better narrative for them both.)

The argument of yours that I thought but it’s also sort of a weak argument that because Blood Elves and Draenei are both the result of cultural evolution (who


I mean…again…second time now…not my argument in anyway. That was a strawman by Curemaster. So, no need to address since its not something I considered at any point.
It would be a pretty bad argument to use such a thing to argue against playability.

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