High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Anything is better than orcs tbf

No offense, Dek

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only tarrok can use that. he owns that gif as well as manny gettin water bottle sprayed

also very troubling to hear about murgs tl3 privileges getting revoked :pensive:

Aww, no, I can’t own that one, Implied Facepalm is so much bigger than just me

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It was Quel’thalas that left the Alliance after the second war, not the race as a whole. You need to get your facts straight with this one.


Cya on the flipside, until then be good , be safe and cya if you decide to come back!

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Sorry to hear bro, not fair, even though we get on peoples nerves in these threads i think most of us are chill in our threads we ( High elf topics) end up at. But go outside our little group anties and proes that end up here its little less tolerant. (imho)

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Noone goes, " the majority of the U.S. left the Paris accord.", because it is factually wrong.
Just because companies or people of the us still go along doesnt change the fact that the U.S pulled out.

Same for here.


Read my response to Leinadh. You guys are trying to say “but my random high elves” as if it changes what was written.
Like…dude…it doesnt matter.
The alliance is an enemy.of the horde.
Random groups that choose to cross likes does not change this fact.

The story says high elves left the alliance after wc 2.
Saying otherwise is disingenuous at the least.
Thats ignoring what the encyclopedia stayes about the remaining high elves you cherish before wotlk.


That doesnt change history just because a few mercs didjt go home kirela.

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Nationality is Quel’thalas. Blood Elves are the Race/People. High Elves were the people… Nationality doesn’t defined their race, just like Orgimmar isn’t all Orcs. It is a home to a mix of races.

The current High Elves that are not at all Blood Elves are Alliance. And while we’ve heard they they haven’t gathered in any major form, in-game stories and lore now has shown us otherwise that that isn’t the case anymore.


You dont define past groups through the definition of current groups.
Hence, you cant say high elves have always been allied to the alliance.
The high elves then left, became blood elves, went horde.
Those left werent always alliance and havent always servedn in an alliance capacity

But the real fact is it was Quel’Thalas. Remember, there was also High Elves part of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran at the time too.


On the contrary. There indeed have been those that never left at all. That’s where you seem to not understand. There were those that lived in stormwind, theramore, and dalaran. Many of them never returned.


Who were part od quel thalas, like kaelthas.

Except that doesnt change history. The high elf people still were no longer formerly allied.
Vagabonds and mercs dont represent their nation or people.
The italians dont define the romans

Void Elves honestly shouldn’t be kind or noble, they should be relentless and chaotic, making them pushovers like the High Elves would be wasted potential.

I vehemently disagree with this, normalizing Void Elves is NOT the way to go. They were transformed becoming of something else. They however should have abnormal wide skin varieties such as pitch black with blue themes or more reddish hues akin to the nightmare(if that can be tied into the void).

A darker/deathly pale grey colour palette if you will.

Absolutely not, Void Elves once more need to carve out their own identity, they are not High Elves, they are twisted Blood Elves.

Wouldn’t be against a few of them hanging about in a High Elf town though them being paired together isn’t something they should do entirely.

I don’t know how a town or city could work for the Ren’dorei though I’m sure if one were to be done it would have to involve “time moves differently here.” concept.

At the end of the day they are interesting they just need time to develop and making them into High Elves or Heebs(high elf weebs for short) would damage as well as ruin any potential that would showcase something truly unique we just haven’t seen yet.


Yes the faction war should have been ongoing the entire expansion. 8.3 should have been nazjatar. It sets things up for the black empire expansion as 9.0.

Other things I would have done is the alliance attacks lordaeron first after anduin is pressured by his advisers following what happened in before the storm. Teldrassil is retaliation for lordaeron and saurfang remains loyal.

This would mean anduin refused to send aid to the night elves in retaking their land (albeit he still wouldn’t have the forces to spare) even though teldrassil burning was his fault.

Have a barrens focused war campaign with barrens warfront for 8.2. 8.3 being nazjatar with a quel’thelas warfront.

9.0 starts off with the fourth war still ongoing however saurfang and others are being ever more critical of sylvanas’ actions. The first raid of 9.0 would be another one set up like dazar’alor except it is the continuation of the quel’thelas warfront.

The alliance breaking through and assault silvermoon directly. They fight through the city and it ends with rommath tricking liadrin and lor’themar into a portal to send them to orgrimmar while rommath makes a final stand at the sunwell. The sunwell is accidently corrupted by alleria and this is where N’zoth and the black empire truly kick off.

This leaves the alliance and horde with strained relations due to what happened at silvermoon. The fourth war becomes a B plot along with the sylvanas plot for the rest of the expansion. It ends in a similar way where sylvanas is forced out of the warchief position and 10.0 is shadowlands.

IMO this makes the story a lot more nuanced. The horde isn’t comical bad guys and the alliance isn’t all goody goody do-nothing-wrong. The alliance would have messed up big time with the corruption of the sunwell that just like the sword in silithis we can do nothing about.


With this logic, Dreanei should have never been a playable race either. Their world was Argus and nation was there. Their people were the Eredar. Most of their kind remained and sided with Sargaras. Only a few hundred with Velen fled.

The fact is that it is possible for them to become playable due to what has happened with previous races before them.


There is no reason to oppose the addition of a playable race when it doesn’t break lore. Say what you will but alliance high elves exist. That is an undeniable fact. That is all that is needed to make them playable.

Nothing will be taken from you by having a new playable race be made available. Your character isn’t going to disappear. You won’t be forced to move anywhere.

There is nothing special about you to warrant that you must remain unique when that rule doesn’t apply to literally anyone else and it was already “broken” by the addition of void elves.