High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

I thought so too! There is no reason just because this was the expansion that started the Fourth War or what have you that it needed to be ā€œdoneā€.

I kind of dislike that mentality that stories canā€™t span expansions, I never get this impression in SWTOR, things end organically, span multiple expansions. In wow I find it so weird its like okay end of expansion cut all ties, move on, period, full stop. And when we do see storylines or characters touched up on again, its almost like it has to be new, like no matter how rushed the story seemed Blizzard says this is Act II now they wrapped up Act I, like the expansions are their stories, but they seem static and closed or rushed when done.


Yes! Things should be able to expand and end when it makes sense. Not just to meet some deadline.

Further while it would slow catch-up and I get that, you should on each toon have to complete the previous storyline before moving to the next. Like complete war campaign part one before part two becomes available and such.

Yeah its jarring at times and at other times just leaves massive holes in the lore. For instance High Elves and what the majority of those small side factions of them we have on the Alliance are actually doing. Who do they support? things like that.

Yeahp. Yeahp. Exactly.

the lore of this game has essentially become ā€œthis is a cool thing, letā€™s do it!ā€

we argue lore on the forums all day every day. but do you think that the night warrior and the strongest mortal in the entire world got rekt by some rando hunter? but thatā€™s exactly what happened. why though? because it was coolā€¦


It wasnā€™t even cool.


i am pro sylvie. you all know this. but that was the biggest load of crap they couldā€™ve put into the game. my thoughts while watching it is ā€œdo they want all nelf players to rage unsub?ā€ because the two most powerful nelves had a fool made of them by him. and heā€™s not even that strong. sylvie was at 10% after fighting malfurion but apparently heā€™s stronger than everyone? pls.

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Even a lot of sylv fans dislike him. Heā€™s a glorified hunter trainer with an overinflated sense of self worth.

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Oh wow I really stan you then, because coughs same

i donā€™t like him either. he was a jerk to me the entire time i was doing the war campaign and i was on sylvieā€™s side!

Iā€™d set them both on fire, listen to their soothing screams while painting my nails, and not feel an ounce of regret.

For Teldrassil!


the tree burning is the entire reason iā€™m even horde. :stuck_out_tongue:

I lied. Iā€™d feel some regret. Just burning them wouldnā€™t make them suffer enough.

The burning of Teldrassil is why I barely play horde now.

sylvie isnā€™t even part of the horde now though. are you just not gonna play horde ever again because of it?

The whole argument from Blizz on this is pure BS. All because they came up with a crap story to have something called ā€œvoid elvesā€ and know damn well high elves in lore made more since.


Itā€™s why I have trouble playing Horde is her leaving. But Iā€™ll just continue to ignore that and persevere for Quelā€™thalas on my Blood Elves.

I wanted at least a title for being loyal. Most Loyal, or something should have been a title :sleepy:

Also so keen to find out Kaelā€™s opinion of her and recent events too.

The horde followed her, defended her sewer right up until she flipped them off and left. If horde players had the option to turn on her immediately, and if other horde leaders had withdrawn their support right after Teldrassil, Iā€™d play horde.

As it stands, they all helped, and none of them seemed to have much regret over Teldrassil.


iā€™m still waiting on the item weā€™re supposed to get later vs the toy that the other people got. i also felt it was really silly that until the very end they wanted me to betray her but if you accidentally picked to help soyfang you could NEVER get back to following her. smh.

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I read those SO carefully! It was the reason I came back to the game, so I could do the loyalist stuff also I wanted a priest on alliance and a Warlock or Paladin on Horde to replace my mage.

I thought it would it be like SWTOR they let dark side light side choices determine the ā€œstateā€ of the galaxy, so I wanted to choose Sylvanas hoping they took that into consideration to keep her as Warchief.

They didnā€™t. :frowning:

But I didnā€™t know we were supposed to get something later? I just wanted a title, like Banshee Queenā€™s Most Loyal or something!

I did it on my mage Iā€™m not really an alt person but my mage is my one I decided I would switch from BE-HE. So I have to think how he gets there having such a zealous loyalty to the Dark Lady. Other than disenfranchisement with the Horde, but my new warlock will stay a BE, he will just go on holding out loyalty far into Shadowlands!

This whole storyline I wanted to see an Alliance High Elf perspective though.

Edit: I also think it would have been a nice bonding moment for Night Elves and Alliance High Elves, Night Elves seem a little judgey of other Elves imo but I think High Elves on Alliance would have stood by them in their time of need and it would have seen a nice friendship for NEā€™s idk


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dekkar was my alt until the end of legion. i was a dwarf pally since i started playing. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dwarves are better than orcs.

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