High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

High elves are analogous to draenei in the sense that they’re both almost extinct.

You were not using it that way.

You detracted and tried to compare high elves being playable to draenei being horde, which doesn’t work. Why? Because high elves are already alligned with the alliance.

“ Yes, much like the vast majority of the elves of Quel’thelas were killed by an Alliance prince gone rogue. And then lost even more to those that went over with Kael to join the Night Elf Illidan. And they are already a playable race. Alliance high elves would be like the horde getting a splinter group of Draenei upset that they crashed into another crazy planet .”

is what you said.

Where am I lying exactly?


oh wow lol
your guild name… tell me you did chromie’s quests in legion and got the title? :sunglasses:

There right there!

And here!

I responded to someone who was arguing that high elves MUST have this giant population (if you go back to the original of me responding to them almost a week ago that just got dredged up. And jeeze, I worry about necroing an argument if its almost a day old…) and that because Draenei almost died out that meant that High elves were in the same position.

My argument was that Blood Elves would be the better analogy to the Draenei, and then made up a hypothetical to give an example of what a draenei analogy to high elf would be in the context of a population argument.


Nah, friend joined after I was abandoned for a while and bought a name change because they didn’t like the old name (it was a bit bland) and they’re a big dr. who fan

ya need to. then your name/titles would be
timelord tarrok of the guild, time lords. :sunglasses:

I’m sorry for misunderstanding.

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I’m fine with misunderstanding, it’s the keeping arguing when I tried to explain it before

My connection is still terrible.

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I was on ok internet for the last few years when I was in the boonies in WA, but finally back in slightly less boonies but with cable rather than dsl

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We have one company for my area of town that is dsl. Everything else is satellite. Oh and fiber, but they have a 700 dollar installation fee.

The people I lived with gamed a lot too so they didn’t want to mess around with satellite, think they said they were basically the last house out for being able to get dsl too.

Satellite internet blows. We had it before at a house that had satellite and dial up as options.

But but!

Except the Silver Covenant and the High Vale which are both tagged Alliance. Where as Blood Elves were never Alliance and are indeed Horde. High Elves were never Blood Elves, but many of them had become them, not all. Where you see the people as a whole, others do not and will not, because they are treated as separate entities in game, in books, and in lore. So while Quel’thalas and it’s Blood Elves are Horde, the remaining High Elves who never were Blood Elves are apart of the Alliance.


Fixed that for ya

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they have no problem with alliance BELVES which is exactly what velves are… but don’t want alliance to get access to helves when alliance has had helves since the rts games. i wonder why that could be? hm…

(muh belf peach skin obv)


indeed. High elves didn’t stop being alliance. QUEL’THELAS stopped being alliance after the second war.

Not all high elves called Quel’thelas their home. Many had lived in human kingdoms for centuries. Some had made friends or even family during the war. They were exiled because they chose to stay. That is what makes up the majority of high elves within the alliance today.


I know BFA is over. I personally love faction war storylines, still sore that this wasn’t more faction war oriented and they moved Sylvanas too far and removed her from office, and then ended BFA on the note of an old god.

That off my chest lol, I wanna say I hope when we get Alliance High Elves we get a good perspective from them on events right now even if it’s some while (post Shadowlands) the way the Blood Elves still bring up purge of Dalaran or something.

We know they don’t agree with them starting with how the BE’s rebuilt their civilization. But I want to know what did they think of Sylvanas being able to sway so many Blood Elves as loyalists. What did they think of Lor’themar standing against her but re solidifying their place in the Horde. I would find it very interesting.

What do they think of Vereesa, idk where I got this impression but Vereesa feels less than her two sisters no? Do the other High Elves get that impression too, or does she hide it well.

I also want to see Kael’thas’s reaction to current events, but I’m uninterested in him past that.


Kinda wish the war lasted through bfa and in the next one we dealt with N’zoth as the main bad.

All of this. This is why I want high elves. To explore this.


I saw you in game earlier.