Encyclopedia was released after vanilla and saod high elves had no united groups or united allegiance.
That alone means the high elves you deal with are just a case by case basis.
I didnât have a toon above forty ish until midway through wotlk. I started early in bc. I did play a bit in vanilla but I donât count it as when I truly started.
I am sorry, rephrase this because its rather puzzling to understand in its intent.
I am also very sleepy
If youâre going to literally start something off with me by being unpleasant, donât expect a pleasant response.
Thatâs not how things work in life.
This doesnât account for NPCs that were there when the game launched, marked as Alliance NPCs and such.
he just said that doesnât count because reasons. are you reading the thread?
after BC I was able to keep up with levels at least. Gold was another story, I was barely able to get epic flying before Cata launched so I could do the quest to get that flight form on my durid (that was AWESOME and a real shame that they removed all those class quests)
Iâve seen High Elves a handful of times in Classic on both Horde and Alliance. At the time their kingdom was destroyed and they were a shattered and rare people. Makes sense that theyâd be sprinkled in here and there with no overarching allegiance
I see a post and I respond. It is my way.
I got my level 40 ground mount at 5 am of the patch day where they made them cheaper, and level 20.
I wanted it to not be handed to me like that.
Whereas I was almost gloating about getting flying at what, 67 and only paying 5g for it as a durid.
at some point in wrath it was level 30 and much cheaper.
that was beautiful.
We can get along.
Is apparently what I deserved (with itoldyouso jumping on board) for simply pointing out that making an analogy to support high elves not being playable using non-existent horde draenei does not work.
Iâm sorry, I wonât shut up and let them drag their knuckles everywhere. I get that you want to stay on good terms with everyone.
coffee then wow.
hello! i am not playing right now. i donât feel like playing. lol
No, you deserve it for continuing to lie that I was using that as an argument against high elves and not as an example of why saying high elves were analogous to draenei was a bad one.
druids are awesome in tbc.
I want people to be nice, everyone. Arguments turning to attacks will get the thread closed.
Druid chicken (flying to flight ceiling, dropping flight form and seeing how close to the ground you could get before shifting back) was much more of a risk when connections werenât as good as they are now.