High Elf Love Thread! 🥰

Yea, that racial is actually quite nice. Voidy isn’t very good at his job nowadays :slightly_frowning_face:

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Mine just likes to watch me die, considering when out in the open world, I do pull large groups.

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Just use misdirect duhh

I’m a Warlock. Not a Hunter.

Haha I know I’m just being silly

Ah. So, you’re the silly Night Elf Darnassus warned me about?

yea its really good

about what

Snark aside, the symbolism here is about the source of the magic.
Blood Elves eyes turned Green because to satiate their magic addiction they began to feed on Demons who are powered by the Fel magic - which is Green.

The slow transition to allow for Gold-eyes is to account for the effects of the Sunwell after so many years.
The argument for Blue for Blood Elves is simply that part of the magic aiding the Sunwell is also Arcane, it’s not just a font of Holy Energy.

I see that. Given that it is primarily gold in appearance when you visit (even in Wrath for the Quel’dalar questline and in Legion for Nightborne questline and when Alleria visits), I see why at the moment the Blue eyes are on hold. The Sunwell at this point seems to be living up to its name in looking like the Sun.

At some point, Blood Elves having blue eyes may come up again and this is something I am actually okay with.
Them having blue eyes doesn’t change any of the arguments for playable Alliance High Elves.
While that would have marked one minor point of physical difference, that in and of itself, was not the core of the argument for High Elves on the Alliance.
The core argument has always been down to story, lore, and RPG-elements based on said story and lore. Within the game no less. Reading Chronicle or other outside sources unnecessary to see that High Elves are already part of the Alliance, always have been (even if in lower numbers than there are Blood Elves on the Horde), and they should be playable.


I thought it was to reflect that the minor fel tainting they got from being in the vicinity of the fel crystals was wearing off. You know, like the devs said in one of the “Ask a CDev” things?

"How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan.

The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way."


I agree with a lot of what you say, but Blizzard also has a tendency to ascribe meaning through visuals. It’s pretty normal to do with any type of work of art.

When Ion elaborates that “it [blue eyes on blood elves] doesn’t make sense for how they’ve evolved.” He is ascribing meaning to Thalassian eye color.

The same thing occurred when Golden Eyes were previewed and TradeChat interviewed Jeremy Feasel asking about why are Blood Elves getting them now. Jeremy answering that it is where they should be at now based on their story at the end of TBC.

We don’t see this with other races, as in people aren’t questioning how come Orcs or Humans are now having more different eye colors, because there isn’t meaning behind the eye color of those races for instance.

For Thalassians, maybe all elves, eye color has a meaning. Kind of like how Gold/Silver has (or had arguably) meaning for Night Elves vs Blue Eyes (Night Warrior) for them.

So Blizzard has decided to ascribe a meaning to Thalassian eye colors.


Agreed. Better said than what I did, but same idea as what I intended to go for (and did not get across =P )

Well, time to find out who those eyes are meant for that were in the data mining.
I am going to laugh if it is something either meant for a brief in-game cinematic (like someone gets possessed by a Ghost or something) or something else that has far less meaning than what anyone on the forums ascribes to it. Like the blue eyes aren’t even permanent.

problem is, players as individuals, all have preferred alignments for their characters. this is why dungeons and dragons created an alignment chart, ranging from terrible evil to ridiculous good, and, and here’s the important part, everything inbetween.

but to suggest everything inbetween is being satisfactorily employed by 2 factions that are, at the end of the day, evil, is not fun. its not emotionally fulfilling. its frustrating and chases people off the game.

did you count up how many different blue eyes were datamined from the belf folders? way too many to account for an npc. it’d have to be a bunch of npcs, all different, all with slightly different blue eyes.

Well said. I feel like blood elves getting just any eye color would be like orcs getting purple skin, fair skin, etc.
Since gold eyes on night elves in their culture signify “destined for greatness”.
I find it odd that all male night elves have gold eyes and females all have silver eyes. Are only male night elves destined for greatness? Lol! Anywho I’m glad gold eyes are potentially coming for both genders in SL.

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Thus why I had my list of ways in which some of the plot points from Legion could have been done in a way that didn’t force the Horde player to be evil like BFA did. And allowed a non-faction alligned NPC (Odyn) represent the evil it feels like they started to touch on.

Odyn was shown to have acted in a reprehensible way when he created the Valkyr, that is true.
I disagree that Horde players in Legion were not forced along the ‘evil’ plotline any less than in Legion. In fact, I would say BFA was trying to offer SOME OUTS. There just wasn’t enough of them nor were they of large enough magnitude.
In Legion, pretty much if you helped Sylvanas in Stormheim, you were being evil alongside Sylvanas. Yeah, Odyn’s got some shadiness to him, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right which is what Sylvanas was attempting to do by enslaving Eyir.

It’d be one thing to pose that story as trying to free Eyir and the Valkyrs…but that’s not what happened. It would have been an even worse form of servitude to Sylvanas than what is already present with Odyn (where if the tribe of aspirant amazons is any indicator…a lot of them are willing to go through the process — how many would be willing if they knew the original truth is a good question).

Also, having Odyn represented entirely as an evil force, rather than one who is simply a ruthless protector, would start to hurt the cosmology they setup and the mythological archetype they are using the Keepers for (esp. since said keepers are based on Norse mythology).

Frankly, I think Sylvanas simply should never have been made war chief. The story of Stormheim, should have been both Horde AND Alliance investigating the actions of a rogue commander. That way, neither is forced into unsavory actions. As for BFA…should have been Sylvanas manipulating and tricking the Horde into a war they didn’t want…and by the time anyone learned the truth of the matter…the fighting was already ongoing in earnest (with too many back and forth attacks) to do much about it anymore.


So you’re agreeing with my point but phrasing it as a disagreement?

Thank you for a very coherent post on this subject. I’ve tried but always ends up ranting and raving.
guess i’m a little too close to that subject, for some reason or other.

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Haha yeah I’m glad both are coming. The destined for greatness bit was back when getting golden eyes were rare in Night Elf society (I believe Illidan had them as well at birth when the belief about it was the norm). Since then after many years of more and more golden eyes happening it has lost that meaning within the NE society, which is why I put ‘arguably’.

I’ve always wanted the males to have silver eyes just because I think anything moonlight-based works really well for the Night Elves!