High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

Here is my daily love and support for playable Alliance Quel’dorei.


Oh noooo, you have human potential!


Human Potential to support our High Elves to be made playable for the Alliance :smiley:


chronicles is the definitive version of WoWs history. the whole point of the series is to “codify, tighten up and clarify the history of Warcraft” or a chronicle if you will. i think you have this view because it doesnt mention ‘high’ elves after they rebranded themselves. well that should be obvious as antis have pointed out repeatedly modern ‘high’ elves are just nice flavor NPCs to reflect the lore that a few individuals are still around but serving as nothing more then a nod to this past. easter eggs in the background that are irrelevant to the plot or any narrative in the game

also the sunwell IS arcane as much as it is holy. thats just a fact. if it was pure holy then it would be even more insane that any high elf had blue eyes still



Playpen, is that you?


its my new rogue!

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We need to talk about her living up to her name sometime. nodnod

We should probably keep this as the main thread and stop ping-ponging them up and down.


high elf love thread, eh?

i hate high elves then

im not sorry

Fluffybuns? More like mr grumpybunns!


please dont hate me

High Elves for the Alliance for another day of support!


Yeah, I agree. Assuming it does get mass flagged again just like every other thread of ours.


I am not sure what the hang up on the developer end is.

Storywise, it makes perfect sense for their to be playable High Elves. RPG-wise it makes perfect sense.

I think the faction blurring is a placeholder answer, meant to seem somewhat legit (if there weren’t other holes in it already), but hide their actual reasoning. What the actual reasoning is? That’s a good question. My suspicion is that they believe it wouldn’t hold up to scrutiny and so the best thing to do is to use other deterrents and deflections instead.


well i had been considering lotr similarities and assumed kael’thas was like the lotr/hobbit equivalent of thranduil. and the dwarven heir to the throne of the lonely mountain, thorin the second, was like garithos. he insisted thranduil assist them in the war against smaug. thranduil saw the situation was hopeless and fled with his elven army.

the problem was, thror, a former dwarven king, had stolen magical elven gems, including a necklace encrusted with these rare gems (i think the story/movie tries to insinuate the necklace had belonged to thranduil’s now deceased wife).

so there was already bad blood between the elves and the dwarves. the dwarven king tried to use her necklace and the rest of the stolen gems as leverage against the elves, to force them to comply with their wishes.

in wow, thorin the dwarf king, becomes garithos the human general or whatever he was. and the stolen gems become the magic sunwell.

this might explain why they dont want to have the high elves on alliance, because alliance has dwarves and humans, both enemies of high elves in lotr/wow, respectively.

though thranduil was king of the wood elves in lotr, he is represented by kael’thas in wow. alliance’s wood elves, the night elves, are mostly drow. so their leader, tyrande, is not even represented in the lotr story. the writers were flying by the seat of their pants on that one. as a result, the night elves are unique, comparatively.

It says you’re a human warlock, but your characters image shows a way more horrific and in my honest opinion, disgusting creature.

Not really, because Garithos doesn’t speak for the Alliance as a whole. He’s just one man, a rogue commander at best.
For that to be any form of major reason is an assignment of collective guilt.
I get some of the similarities to the LOTR, but they don’t fully characterize the situation well enough in this case.
And again, in your case, it was collectively all the elves of Mirkwood (their main allies) and collectively the dwarves of hte mountain. In the WoW case
it was one rogue Lordaeron commander.
What about the Wildhammers? What about Stromgarde? Hek the Wetlands which has a major port with a major human and dwarf presence isn’t much further. The Elf navy in WC2 was a huge enable r on the Alliance, their ships could have easily gotten to Stormwind if need be with survivors. (or to send messengers for aid and bring back armed soldiers quickly — Stormwind was in such a desperate near annihilation event only a little while ago in WC2, they would have helped).

No, the big divide, between the two is on the magic addiction thing and what to do in lieu of the Sunwell.

This in turn leads to a different mindset.

In the Blood Elves, it is survive at all costs and with the most easily available answer. The Forsaken offered help? Done.
Demons and Naaru to feed on? Sounds good.
Whatever it takes to survive, no matter any other consequences.
Joining the Horde at that point, again, would have been deemed a survival measure. Better to be allied to the Forsaken (and Horde) while rebuilding than potentially have to fight them off.

Hence the difference with the High Elves who actually WERE thinking of the consequences of these actions and were looking at LONGTERM survival and not just whatever was readily available shortterm.


its the same in lotr. the king of the dwarves is making a bad decision regarding the elves, and the whole of dwarfdom suffers the consequences, not because they should, but because the same mindset is applied in both wow and lotr - et. al, flat out racism. everybody that looks a certain way is collectively guilty.

garithos does it to the blood elves. blood elves do it any races in the alliance, and alliance do it to any blood elves or races in the horde. notice i said any blood elves and not any high elves, as at least the alliance didnt/dont blame all high elves for what some high elves did/do. in effect, garithos is a good lesson in what not to do.

So in grade school many decades ago I learned that when you combine colors that are blue :large_blue_circle: and yellow :yellow_circle: together you get
you guessed it, green! :green_circle: :smiley:

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Yeah, I race changed because I am sick of a tanking pet that can’t tank and those cast pushbacks.