High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

It really was, because on the stream itself they said they weren’t sure, but made no mention of it on the post itself; all they had to say is that “we think these are for BE’s but they are not labeled so we can’t confirm” thing they did not do at all.


Im literally asking, what in the good god are you literally f-ing talking about?

Im literally asking, what in the good god are you literally talking about since your argument is basically a jumbled mess thats all over the road.

is a blood elf a high elf

simple question

I think everyone including ion is saying today had nothing to do with Quel’dorei. And everything to do with Sin’dorei. Regardless of the shared legacy or not.


Why do you hate nuance so much? Why is it so hard to understand that even a small difference is a difference and it’s inaccurate to call it the same? Why?


Are all high elves blood elves? Once you answer this question, you’ll see why you legitimately have everyone including be boggled by what you are on about.


He never said anything about them evolving beyond green eyes.


a few arent but im referring to the race as whole. thats why i said high elves, you know because blood elves ARE high elves

And ion today was referring to BEs only. So you applying it to the race as a whole means nothing.


He also never said high elf either. It was literally just about blood elves not getting blue eyes.

then that statement is still incorrect, because saying “as a whole” includes that part you just said wasnt blood elves.

Try the statement one more time. I believe in you Fyre.


but we know the greeen glint isnt permananet avarie. so the implication is when its gone the only option is gold

So they all go gold. Yes. We know this. Blood elves will all be gold.


Which is a BE trait.

Okay for BEs. Which was what today was about.


and a blood elf is a high elf. they are the same biological race and subjected to the same sunwell. if a blood elf is evolving so is a ‘high’ elf

Speaking of which, I still would have loved to see some dialog of the High Elves breaking off their agreement for Sunwell pilgrimage during either of the wars.

Belf didn’t just evolve because of the sunwell though, they also fed off from living creatures’ mana and fel crystals used to sustain their city.

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She will try to make that round peg fit that square hole no matter what. Logic is menaingless.


Apparently not any time soon if the other data mined eyes are for players. They are getting a few new green options if that’s the case.

Plus he said blood elves evolved beyond them, so if high elves still have them, who knows what will happen for them.


like i said. gold is the future after ions comments. it might not happen in the games life time but long term that is where they will all be at eventually