High Elf Love Thread! šŸ„°

He said theyā€™ve ā€˜evolvedā€™ passed blue eyes. Which is a bad word choice if heā€™s trying to clarify something.

I wish he was just direct and said ā€œthey arent happeningā€. I hate his lawyerspeak sometimesā€¦

What? Ion didnā€™t say Blood Elves are not High Elves.

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It just means they are adapted/slightly mutated to a different environment, thatā€™s what evolution means. Itā€™s not becoming ā€œbetterā€, just more suitable.

I mean yeah. IMO it means nothing, at best it might mean they are considering something in the ballpark of High Elves, which might be from HE skins for VEā€™s or less restrictive faction choices. Could be anything, or nothing.

While I can argue the minutiae of ā€œblue eyes donā€™t make sense for Blood Elvesā€ I do agree with the overall statement; unless the new Sunwell explicitly functioned to give BEā€™s blue eyes back, as a whole theyā€™d retain green eyes, some phasing to gold eyes.


It can also mean that anything has changed, when someone says a narrative evolves they donā€™t mean it in a biological way.

When did Ion say they are still open to adding High Elves later? Or is this from way back?

All we know now is that blue eyes for BEā€™s donā€™t make sense ā€œas they have evolvedā€ I really donā€™t see nothing more specific about HE playability.


Im going to say its nothing, since weā€™ve heard that ā€œno allied races in Shadowlandsā€ and ā€œno new cusotmization for allied races.ā€

The only way I see it is if they are making blue eyes a Void Elf thing, and regulating any other usage to quelā€™dorei NPCs.


I mean the phrase he says is ā€œthat eye color (blue) does not make sense for blood elves, as they have evolvedā€ And while you could read it as in thematic/aesthetic terms, I think the more likelier read is the simpler one and green eyes is just part of the BE evolution. IMO it reads as how they have physically changed and thatā€™s just evolution.


I had originally read it in the summary someone gave in the main Reddit post.

He also implied that High Elves (or any more allied races) are not currently planned for release in SL, but they remain open to it in the future.

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Hence the problem with the term, people are going to read it according to their bias.

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Iā€™d watch the actual VOD, since the question about allied races in general came before anything about the blue eyes question

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Indeed, itā€™s just wild speculation. Tho I did like that he left the door open for expanded customization on AR as a whole, saying that the Core races are the priority but itā€™s an unending process. But yeah, that is no evidence of HE skins for VEā€™s at all.

Maybe, tho VE eyes are more white so no blue eyes for anyone? But yeah, some of the datamined pictures do look like at least three shades of blue-ish eyes for VE. TBH we donā€™t even know how HE eyes should look given that thereā€™s a huge difference between male and female eyes, so maybe SL will make those NPC eyes match one another.


Maybe, and I would say that I think my interpretation is more accurate, but how would you believe that and not just chalk it up to bias?

IMO, Blood Elves and High Elves ā€œareā€ biologically distinct, but just as dark skinned humans and light skinned humans are. Itā€™s just evironmental variance. Itā€™s just that in WoW the term ā€œraceā€ is ALSO a gameplay function and that messes things up.

Human ethinicities, Troll tribes, NB and NE, BE and HE; they are all examples of variance due to adaptation, mutation, just in different degrees.


Someone elseā€™s perceived ā€œimplicationsā€ do not a good source make. Gotta double check that stuff if you wanna stick to facts -I havenā€™t watched the whole VoD so I canā€™t confirm that-

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he never mentioned them today. why do you think no one can link anything

all that happened today was high elves have ā€˜evolvedā€™ beyond blue eyes. any high elf with them right now will probably lose them in time. maybe not in WoWs life but gold is their future as a race. and void elves definitely wont be getting blood elf skin tones now

Even so, I kinda hope they expand in doing AR customization. Just slight improvements. Personally Iā€™d prefer if they added a ā€œtransformā€ form for VE; one being similar to worgens. Allowing them to revert to their previous form before they got affected with void effigy, and if attacked revert to their normal form.

But alas a man can dream canā€™t he.

Funny enough, normally people check wowhead for their ā€œfactsā€ and yet they left out at least one important part of the video about allied races in their summary. Canā€™t trust anyone anymore.

I think itā€™s more style than anything. There isnā€™t a lot of consistency.

i did want blue eyes, it made sense lorewise, but i am content. the main goal was always maintaining faction integrity. blood elves still are our high elves


ā€œI really wanted this thing, but itā€™s okay I didnā€™t get it, because I still get to deny other people this thing they want.ā€

I feel genuine pity.