High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

Yeah it is highly possible that the request for High Elves made them take a closer look on the Blue Eye issue and what it means to actually be a Blood Elf.

But it was apparent from the start why these things where the way they where.

Blood Elves underwent massive changes in population, culture, magic, and identity.

It’s also possible that the main supporters of Blue Eyes where also heavily against High Elves and the entire request might have been perceived as a troll against High Elf supporters. :man_shrugging:

I tend to think all of the above.

It’s the top 2 powers in the WoW universe.


I’m so glad he said this.

Part of the problem was people wanting to pretend Blood Elves where exactly the same as they always had been. That they did not grow or change as a people.

As someone who grew up thinking how awesome it was that Kael’thas took his people to a barren world and plunged headlong against a demonic enemy to try and forge a new destiny for his people.

I’m glad that people will now see that Blood Elves are Blood Elves and if you’re a fan of them, your a fan of how they changed.


This was said better than I ever could! I really vastly prefer BEs so I tend to dislike arguments that some use for HEs by deconstructing BEs as a narrative / culture. But I think this really says it nicely.

And I love how HEs encompass so much of how they didn’t change, and it basically fits a more traditional elf story for those that like that.



It kinda made sense that most of those requested blue eyes only did so to spike those who were spamming pro HE threads.


I’ve mentioned this before;
I’ve been playing on RP servers since I started playing.

Until recently, if you played a blue-eyed Blood Elf, you’d be getting some major scorn leading into upright heckling. It was considered lore-breaking by the community on a larger scale. And this was on both Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord; both servers had negative reactions to my own blue eyed elf and to others.

And I knew it was going to spur IC reactions, but OOC? People were petty towards people playing “high elves” on Horde. (Even if they didn’t label themselves as such.)

You can still probably dig back on profile roasting blogs and find people pointing out eye color as a reasoning for being “bad”.

Yet suddenly it’s wanted?
I ain’t buying it.


So, eventually, they are going to get around to customisations for AR’s, but would not be at the start of the expansion.

Oh, this has my hypes up too.

A lot of AR’s such as Void Elves, LF Draenei, HM Tauren and Nightborne need more customisations. Those are lacking the most.


Also, since this is supposed to be a love thread.

I posted my new art I got from an artist named Jawbones on Discord, but I’m gonna slap it up here to share some positivity.


All the squabbling lately has made me bring the character from the background forwards. Shadowlands can’t get here fast enough.


On a somewhat related subject.

It looks like Night Elves are potentially getting Highborne customization options.


That’s pretty childish.

Good. Glad the “BuT ThEyRe ThE SaME RacE” argument can be put to rest finally.


Uh huh

I am still every bit opposed to them as I ever was. No to playable Alliance high elves.

Keep the factions distinct.


Want me to just put it in caps instead? Would that make you feel better?

Oh I see why you’re here. Nevermind.

Other than not giving blood elves blue eyes, this news really doesnt change anything.


Disagree, class sets are coming back, babbbby.

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Honestly I like that the starting dichotomy is Horde/Alliance, it’s about two super powers in a cold war, so I get why that’s the starting status quo; what I would love for it is to evolve given the constant global and cosmic threats we suffer lol.

Something like this is what I would like, although given the hard Horde/Alliance division it would have to start by you going independent to unlock earning opposite faction reps, and maybe the moment you do earn rep for one you lose with the other, kinda like with Aldor and Scryers; and also, you can prevent yourself from earning either horde or alliance rep altogether, functioning like a mercenary, based on neutral territory, but maybe you actually get to enter all settlements, but unable to take quests marked explicitly horde or alliance.


I am happy to hear the new information about the eyes. It helps solidify what I have been saying for a while now. It certainly feels like a step in the right direction. Alliance Quel’dorei still have a chance, and this new information about Blood Elves evolution will help separate them even more in times to come. I’ll keep supporting until they become a reality for Alliance or until the game ends.


What step? Its literally nothing has changed except the possibly isnt getting yeeted into the dumpster. You guys really read into these things too much

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I don’t know how you got there. Ion’s words before were so incredibly important to the anti-high elf fans when he tongue-in-cheek said they’re the same race, but now that he’s confirmed they are totally distinct races and reiterated that they’re still open to adding high elves later, people are “reading into it too much”?


Indeed, my main want is Dark Rangers, but i do feel like I can get that through also San’layn and Venthyr. I speak as someone that thinks of this VE as a HE; It would be better if he didn’t look blue, and it would be better for more BE Hunter Dark Ranger to look less pink. I don’t need the specific AR/Customization combo, I just need something closer.

Actually wanting a sort of independent/third faction gameplay is kinda opposite or at least appart to my desire for High Elves, this one is mostly about the limitations of the faction system and how it affects the story. I like High Elves specifically because how they fit the strengths of the faction dichotomy.

It’s just that sometimes it doesn’t makes sense for some groups to be playable on the H/A system and it kinda sucks that’s the end all be all of playability -like for example, Arakkoa and now the SL races, also Ethereal, and many more.

Otherwise, in terms of player choice, I think my fourth want would be more leeway when it comes to choose faction, that the choice is more meaningful and we are not forced to it by race, because what I like about the factions, and HE’s is the choice to follow one side. It’s true in universe, but gameplay prevents it. And it would be fun to think what other groups would have “crossover” potential.


It doesn’t. Quite the opposite, going by the very very canonical Warcraft movie.

:rofl: Well, 
that was oddly adorable. Like an angry puppy. :heart:

Were they? I just found it funny. I’ve made my previous post history known about Ion (I dont particularly listen to him, and rather see results); but this is a rather interesting point you take:

So if someone agreed with something X said in the past, they arent allowed to disagree with it?

Fascinating rhetoric. Also, wouldnt this be counter active to the ideology
where people said Ion didnt know anything from the other side when he said “blood elves are basically high elves”? Dont you kind of kill your own point?

No they didnt. Where in that questioning did Ion say or allude to that?

You are, because you said Ion ‘reiterated’ that they’re still open to adding high elves later when
the words “high elf” was not even said by Ion at all.

All we know is:

  1. Blue eyes are not going to blood elves
  2. People suck at datamining
  3. They belong to NPCs.

So unless you have a specific time in the twitch VOD where he says that (I would be happy to listen to it and readjust my statement), you are jumping the page so hard.

Essentially, nothing has changed for the community. You have gone from a massive net negative to nothing
thats all. You guys need to stop going full Bellular sometimes.

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