High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

Not this thread the so called “celebration” threads

That would be ridiculous.

It would however save he who must not be nameds waifu and set the forums on fire so it would at least be entertaining.

A point that I have made and supported all along. Too bad we’re both in a very small minority.
There is no way EVER I would support belfs back into the Alliance.
There are very good reasons for this and I have made them.
Scroll up, or feel free to prowl my archives, which are open to all, which is more than a lot of other people can say.
AND, as a gesture of good faith, I will name one of those reasons here

Belfs have cooties.

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aye it would and it would shake things up to the point of many forum meltdowns. the horde now all have reason to hate sylvannas, since she, against all better judgement of an actual leader of the horde, admitted she thinks they are all losers. thats burning legion viewpoint of the inhabitants of planets they are attempting to destroy. it makes no sense otherwise.

also, the alliance hates her because of her behavior/actions.

i just dont get, 1) how people presume the actual sylvannas would act like that, if perhaps she hasnt been the actual sylvannas for so long, we may not even have relevant lore specific to her, for the moment she was killed and replaced by a doppleganger. and 2) sargeras is privvy to the shadowlands. how would the burning legion not be involved with the jailer since its their thang to take over worlds by killing its inhabitants, thus feeding the shadowlands and the maw.

oh theory - so we rescue the real sylvannas from the maw and turns out shes a nice lady. somehow she is rezzed. and now we gots a problem - the ranger general leader of the high elves is back but the high elves have split into four camps - fans of the dread lord sylvannas, enemies of the dread lord sylvannas, alliance high elves and horde high elves. who do you think a pre dread lord sylvannas, would side with? alliance high elves, thats who. her sisters, thats who. oh what a mess. epic proportions.

but the devs would keep their promise that sylvannas is not garrosh 2.0

All yall talking about Sylvanas but Knaifu is the superior waifu. She protecc me with her voidy powers for the entirety of legion. Then she broke up with me. But I forgive Knaifu. We will see Knaifu again in all her glory I swear it! Knaifu>Sylvanas

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been playing so much animal crossing NEW HORIZONS that i hear the wind everywhere now

It’s at least a C+!

I actually love this.

Naaru sounds are probably one of the most beautiful sound effects Blizzard has ever put in this game.

Brings back nostalgia and is just so pure, comforting and mysterious

Warlocks, priests, demon hunters and warriors all did variously questionable acts over the course of Legion.

At this point, Sylvanas deserves raid boss status a thousand times more than Garrosh did.


unless it isnt sylvannas. lol in which case, whatever it is, does and that wouldnt nullify their statement that sylvannas would not be garrosh 2.0. here’s the problem - they made whoever that is, so unlikeable, people who didnt want her to become garrosh 2.0 are now asking for her to become garrosh 2.0. lol not everyone, obviously, as some folks dont mind that whoever/whatever she is, thinks they are readily expendable, pathetic, losers. gotta wonder why anybody would idolize that but it is what it is.

I’ve been calling “Sylvanas is possessed” since WotLK. While I feel vindicated the story supports my stance, in this case, I’d rather have been wrong and gotten a better story for it.

I hope not. But the way the story is going Yogg the self proclaimed god of death might be the one possessing/mind controlling her,or someone else entirely. It’ll feel weird to lose years of plot for a character and for them to be the actions of someone else. I won’t like it but it does seem that this is the direction they are going.

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She exhibits the classic behaviour patterns of a possessed (or mentally ill
) person in literature, with how she acts, especially in legion. The way she alternates between benign-malicious is like she’s two different people; or bipolar and/or schizophrenic due to the traumatic experiences in her life. It’s equally possible she’s not possessed and her time under the lich king instilled a second personality in her that exhibits his will, essentially making it so that she never actually broke free, her original personality just overrode the other for a while.

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ah you too? well possession is more like lich king strangeness, rather than a complete replacement with a doppleganger. it just seems odd that the dread lords had infected all the seats of power around quel’thalas but not quel’thalas? seems unlikely they didnt have someone in their ranks also. i mean look at dar’khan drathir. he was corrupted by the lich king.

theres too many examples of death and the burning legion getting power ups from each other. as i asked before - how does sargeras not know about the jailer and the maw. he most certainly does and has all along.

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Seems more likely that Blizzard is just doing a crummy writing job than them doing some 10 year storyline with a massive twist.


Oh yea, I won’t give them that much credit. It’ll just be a :poop: excuse to not kill her and so blizz can then claim that she didn’t commit genocide even though they without a doubt didn’t plan anything. I don’t even know if they have the actual story for Shadowlands even mapped out yet by the looks of it.

been watching vids of the zones in shadowlands. revendreth’s zone puts undercity to shame, shame i tell you. they need to reimagine the factions. put all the people who like the darker themes in the revendreth city / area. put all the people that like elven themes in suramar and
not sure yet on the holy light zone. then we’d have light,dark,nature, as factions.

i mean if you cant tell the difference between one faction and another by simply looking at the color of their name, i dunno what to say.