High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

Then antis should leave a thread that is very clearly pro and not troll it. You have your own thinly veiled alliance hate thread. If you choose to troll calling you out is fair game.


Exactly and Sylvanas acting in the interests of her people and those under her is why many people like her.

She’s the type to not sacrifice herself, but is the sacrifice supposed to impress me? She’s in the world a little while longer to continue to fight for the Forsaken, for the Sin’dorei, for the Horde that was loyal to her. We just need to see what happens in Shadowlands.

It parallels nicely with Alleria imo and her devoted loyalty to the Alliance. Sylvanas is loyal to herself and those that remind her of herself.

God Forbid someone on the Alliance not want High Elves they are obviously secretly Horde :roll_eyes:


Ah, the personality? Let’s see

Scattered, semi-nomadic, rural and very much into adapting to situations.
I’d say a very hard-nosed outlook: self-reliance from having to make full use of limited resources.
Mistrustful of strangers; especially non-elves.

Always seeking a better way, and how to adapt to that way.
Pragmatists but not savage about it: more like ‘how can we get along and maybe work with this new way/thing/being’ as opposed to ‘‘a stranger? kill it. better to be safe.’’

It’s not being misused. It actually describes those who will dance around literally anything to try to justify what their waifu does. We have people in this thread trying to claim that because Sylvanas is a better slave master it would cause a civil war among the valkyr.

The sound of wind chimes fill your ears with ear piercing sounds, somehow making you feel relaxed without uttering a word Naruu master race.

Starla has stuck up for pros across many threads from more trollish behavior, and always calls out insults. I think it’s fair there are people on both sides who don’t argue in good faith but if I posted in the anti thread would I be un-welcome? I think I would have every right to post my support for HEs, as they do here against it.

I still think Alliance High Elves are coming so perhaps both sides are arguing moot points but it seems to be the way of things.

The thread is called HIgh Elf Love Thread don’t click on it if you oppose having playable high elves it isn’t that hard. I wouldn’t go into a thread that said f high elves.


PLAYABLE ALLIANCE HIGH ELVES: those who wish to chat about this, lets talk. This IS the subject of this thread!

and will everyone else please go to another thread or make one on the subject of your choice. Otherwise, It is very hard for me to rant and rave about this important subject.
Thank you.

And be CIVIL to one another!

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Unfortunately I doubt they are the dev team doesn’t care about the alliance that has been made abundantly evident by the refusal to do anything about the massive gap in population at max level which is why I’m now horde.

Sorry friend, but this is the general Discussion forum. Telling people with a differing opinion to not discuss is just flat out wrong.

omygosh a thought just ran across my brain, shouting beware beware:

what if i’m right and sylv was already a dread lord before arthas killed her, and we rescue the actual sylvannas from the maw, who is somehow restored to life as the leader of the alliance high elves.

holey rusted metal, batman. what.a.mess.that.would.be

Sorry friend but actively dragging a thread off topic is considered trolling and has gotten people sanctioned.

It’s actually against the rules but that’s not something he cares about, it seems.

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Actively dragging a thread off topic is actually against the rules something you might know if you weren’t simply fishing for ways to report people regardless of whether or not they broke rules.

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And the topic is playable High Elves. If anything you are the one driving the topic off-topic by claiming that people that disagree have no right to discuss friend.


I’m claiming there are more than enough alliance hate threads for people to go to and unfortunately there are.

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I play Alliance because I have an affinity for Proudmoore as a realm.

I couldn’t find a good Horde realm but I settled on Tichondrius and brought my mage over for well tailoring and gold purposes but my warlock here is my new Horde main. And I haven’t met anyone but the nicest people on Tichondrius.

So I can’t imagine not playing your preferred faction, I think it’s silly, I authentically prefer Horde aesthetic, Horde cities, Horde themes, Horde races. But I don’t think the devs hate Alliance either.

To that end I do think Alliance HEs are coming, the patch notes indicate they are listening and they’ve used the April fools patch notes to allude to things in the works before, if they plan two expansions ahead that puts HEs end of Shadowlands, perhaps upon our return?

I am pro BE and pro Horde. But I also vehemently support the Alliance Quel’dorei request because I think it helps Horde too, and BE to an extent. But I don’t support anything that involves deconstructing BE’s to build HE’s on Alliance up, there has to be a way to build both up.

Nothing about this thread is about hating the Alliance. It is about whether you want playable High Elves or not. I don’t. But it turns out according to you everyone who disagrees with you seems to secretly be a part of the Horde twirling there mustache on how they are going to claim to be part of the alliance.


The thing is the main reason I play this game is group activities when I try to play alliance alts even at peak there are maybe 10 keys over 10 and like 3 over 15 if that. On horde side I can specific search for 16 which gets me 15 16 17 and get multiple pages of results. It’s just so much easier to do even moderate content on horde side. I’ve pugged 4 mythic bosses already on alts on horde is another example. I just want the faction gap to be lessened either that or cross faction play so I can actually play the side I prefer and high elves could help that seeing as 40% of the horde is blood elf.