High Elf Love Thread! šŸ„°

Ah yes, Suramar. That famously natural city.

one more faction - elemental. hows that? but what city. thinking thinking.

Hey guys :hugs:

Those good news I was waiting for have come true :smiley: which means Iā€™ll be almost completely absent from the forums (and any Discord server as well).

Ever since my mom died last month, Iā€™ve been needing some sort of happy news and this is definitely something Iā€™m very glad about.

Keep up the good work guys and beware of mass flaggers. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll all be playing our Alliance High Elves sooner or later.

See you soon! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wave:t3:


so for elemental - highmountain? it just needs some more umph. i mean compared to the scope of suramar and the revendreth castle, highmountain city area is dinky. the other problem is, a person interested in the elementals might be a mage, rather than just shamans or druids, afterall, mages can summon frost elementals. and theres nothing magey about highmountain.

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what good news is that?


The agency I work for has asked me to participate in a rather large project, which means quite a lot of work (and money :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). Best of all - itā€™s online! Not even COVID could affect it.


woot well grats!


Congratulations! Iā€™m happy for you :slight_smile:


Sylvanas is a dreadlord confirmed

Mages use arcane energy to forcefully bind water elementals, thatā€™s nothing even close to true elemental magic.

Druids are more interested in pure life energy than spirit energy which is the special kind of life energy used by shamans, monks, elementals and world spirits.

oh dear. so the mages would like suramar. the druidsā€¦well iā€™m not sure on the druids, as ardenweald has the same problem highmountain does, from what i can tell from the videos iā€™ve seen of ardenweald. its not epic like suramar and the revendreth zone. its really pretty though.

i just cant imagine them making such epic content and then having people skip it entirely, and instead just have the old cities that arent even remotely as intense or interesting or beautiful

The Ardenweald is a realm of Death.

only as far as the natural life cycle - it represents winter. but stylistically, its very druidic looking.

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No, as far being part of the Shadowlands. The realms of Death. Itā€™s possible elementals canā€™t even travel that far from the material plane or the elemental plane.

thatā€™ll be awkward for shamans :stuck_out_tongue:


oh i see what you mean. i guess what iā€™m saying is they should take the ideas, the structures, and use them as starter zones/home cities. i can see locks, dks, dhs, and other people who like the darker themes of the gothic architecture of revendreth zone, really enjoying it as a potential home base, even if its not the actual zone, but just the art assets and concepts transplanted to azeroth. for example.

same for suramar. highmountain, though it needs more than one tree. etc

Yeah, Shadowlands has some interesting lore possibilities for shamans. The other one is orc shamans donā€™t have the ability to commune with their ancestors because the ancestors basically cut themselves off from the modern orcs after the genocide of the Draenei. This would be possibly the only xpac where theyā€™ll be able to dive into that little storyline. Since Draka is there, we know this is where the ancestors finally come to rest as well.

Cheers to you Leinadh!!

Though I think Alliance HEā€™s are coming late Shadowlands or the selling point of the expansion post Shadowlands based on the patch notes alluding to races in the pastā€¦ who knows maybe when you get back theyā€™ll throw a curve ball and have them in for the return to Northrend with Silver Covenant stuff!


Good news and glad it is for your good!

May your dear motherā€™s spirit rest well and deservedly so; in pride for raising such a worthy child!

:beer: :beer: :beer:


Congratulations Leinadh

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