High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

Addendum to above.
I have always felt that, opposed to the other Elf races, HEs should be Light-based.
If not in their origin and subsequent history, then certainly by this time in Azeroth’s history.
Thank you.

And, for gosh sakes, keep things CIVIL!

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What does that mean.

I see HEs as more exile and dispersed, maybe indicating more of a rural take on things as opposed to Sin’dorei in Quel’thalas.

But what does light based mean? The Sin’dorei have a connection to the light as well. And I think for HEs to be successfully done, they need to move on from themes of the Sunwell. But I’m intrigued on hearing your ideas, more in depth.

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By ‘light-based’ I mean less apt to turn to power for its own sake and more toward those uses that those (Light) energies would be best suited for.
Healing and restoration, for instance. REAL paladins; not just someone who tortured a Light being to gain its power.
(Always had trouble with the rationale behind that; especially in the application)

In all these years, maybe these ‘rural’ HEs ‘learned their lesson’ and managed to knock off using mana-based magicks so much and found something else. The WOW universe is a very magical one; filled with various types of arcane energies.
Runes, maybe. Or a less-worship- based form of Nature?

Scattered villages and hamlets; keeping in touch, somehow? something like that?
Hunters maybe or, more likely, Rangers.
Hidden places perhaps; think of Imladris or Lothlorien: Tolkiens elven strongholds that were hidden from mortal view.
A race that has been bidding its time.


To conclude: there are many spaces on the Azeroth map that are still blank.
One such comes to mind; Look at Ghostlands, and the area to the immediate southwest. Just about the Eastern Plaguelands. totally blank.
Now who could be living there?


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if sylv is not actually sylv, she wouldnt have a problem wasting the val’kyr since she’s not concerned with sylvannas’ future. if the val’kyr are her supporters, the nathrezim would want to expend them foolishly.

do you happen to know how varimathras died? i mean where theres smoke, theres fire. he was there long enough, who knows how many leaders or people of influence were doppleganged by the nathrezim by the time varimathras is recycled.

She’s never really had a problem wasting the lives of other people.

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even pre-icc? i just find it hard to believe the legion had deployed, successfully i might add, nathrezim right into the heart of the horde, and all they managed to do is get killed before icc.

In life her troops were arrows in her quiver. In other words, things to be used and consumed against her enemy.

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There’s been zero indication that that’s what’s going on, and she’s been committing horrible acts since vanilla.

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what did she do in vanilla and tbc? the opening salvo in the nathrezim video is identical to what sylv has been doing since icc. the whole feathers in her quiver thing is straight up how nathrezim do things.

That is an awesome drawing! Love the colors and lines :smiley:

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Well, there is the Pit of Saron dungeon, wherein a squadron of Horde soldiers charge in and get killed; to which Sylvanas remarks, “Pathetic weaklings.” Whereas when Jaina sees her Alliance troops killed, she shouts, “No! You monster!”

And the reactions to Sindragosa burninating the troops in the end are pretty much the same, for Sylvanas and Jaina respectively.


This. I don’t feel like asking the mods to delete the thread if it gets too toxic but if it does I will do that. No point in having a thread up where people can’t even be civil when they discuss. It hasn’t been too bad yet though imo.

/raises eyebrow
well isnt that interesting. thats just how the burning legion think of the people of worlds they are in the process of destroying.


She’s been doing that since she was alive though.

oh? can you give an example?

In life she describes her people as arrows in her quiver. This is in response to someone pointing out that without aid said troops would be on a suicide mission basically.


Thank you I was trying to hunt down the source but was having trouble finding it :confused:

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It’s in the edge of night story.

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