High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

I’m quite excited. Cant decide if my high elf SI:7 spy will be my dark skin toned Elf or if I’m going to make either my Demon Hunter or Rogue blood Elves dark skin toned. Probably going to try both when it comes out and see which talks to me
 as it were

I’m still trying to decide what class I’m going to be when the options come.


It didn’t belong in a response to another person who has never expressed any indication of considering slyvanas to be his ‘waifu’.
It’s degrading and disgusting and needs to be called out.
I’ve been making this correction on many people for the past year or so, it’s not a helfer thing.
Not sure why any of you helfers would even want to discuss so many off topic subjects here though.


Having just reread that post, he seems to be using it as a general description, along with a few other adjectives, one of which I have frequently used.
And the way the person in that link likes to talk about everyone fav banshee brat, you’d think he IS in love.


Warlock: or something else completely different from what you normally would game.
Different classes/races/speccs are SO revealling!

That’s where you seem to be going with this. Why would you call someone a slave because they like the side their on? How do you know the Eyir wasn’t the one enslaving the other Valkyr and the ones who serve Sylvanas didn’t do so willingly? If your mind goes straight to believing people are slaves that’s not on me, Forsaken also have a devotion to her and they were not slaves, in fact it’s safe to assume she was freeing the Valkyr by taking down their oppressor, and in return getting what she needed to help her people.


Why would it be appropriate to insinuate someone has romantic feelings for a video game? I do not know why that is so slyly thrown out which obviously belittles who ever you’re talking to on the subject, one on account of invalidating valid opinions, and two it insinuates nothing appropriate and means to cause embarrassment. So reasons one and two would both be valid not to throw the word around at people, especially when you do not know them. Why do I have to tell you the insinuation of romantic feelings to a video game is insulting? Who wouldn’t find that insulting?

I support Alliance High Elves, Starla does not support Alliance High Elves. This conversation has moved on to atrocities the Silver Cov and Alliance has done, and somehow become got back to people bringing up the Stormheim topic, which I am inclined to talk about.

Why would it be a bad thing that either of us like to keep the conversation civil?

Exactly this, thank you, it’s often used and it doesn’t make it ‘right’ in any of the circumstances or topics.

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Well that’s one heck of a way to try and spin things. Especially since val’kyr are fallen warriors that chose to prove themselves worthy in the first place.

I really doubt she had anything in mind that was beneficial for them. Especially since the ones that did choose to serve her have pretty much been wasted by her, and they go to the maw in her place when they sacrifice themselves to bring her back.

Plus the ritual for nathanos’ shiny new body wasn’t one the val’kyr was jazzed about doing because it would pretty much drain her. Sylv didn’t care about how that val’kyr felt. Why would we assume she cares anything for the ones whose leader she was trying to enslave?

They’d just be more tools for her to use.


See it goes both ways though because many people do have reason to believe she has good intentions.

The husbando.

The two of you need to talk.
You also need to get more familiar with anime, internet relations, and the vast and loyal cult that has grown up around (former) Queen Roadkill.

As for the rest, I don’t pick nits.
I just drink :beer:

and a civil war is just what the Alliance needs.

Almost forgot



No thanks. I don’t need to learn about anything else to know when a term is being misused and also used as a personal insult.
Maybe you’re the one who needs to learn something.

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Only if they haven’t paid attention to who sylvanas is, or are in denial. I think it’s one thing to like a character, but if you have to paint them in a different light, do you really like them?

It’s fine to like a character, what disturbs me is the attempts to sweep what they do under the rug, or attempt to spin genocide and forced enslavement in a good light.

I mean Sirius Black is my favorite Harry Potter character, but he definitely was flawed, and a straight up jerk at times.


The cutscene where Genn jumps in is very revealing: she was obviously torturing the Val’yr leader.
The final spice in the honeybread was when she showed her true feelings, after cheating in ,mak’gora.

The banshee has been written into a corner and BADLY.
There’s only one solution!
We need a bunch of PLAYABLE ALLIANCE HIGH ELVES to come to the rescue!


Yeah, she says nothing about Eyir needing to release the val’kyr, she says submit, and the val’kyr are mine. Quite a bit of arrogance there since only 9 pledged themselves to her. She’s the one that wasted them.


Why is my opinion indicative of this, but yours is not? Telling people they “haven’t paid attention” or are “in denial” isn’t very nice either. You have valid reasons to dislike her, and I have valid reasons to like her. Why can’t you state that without adding insult?

It is and it’s also fine to dislike them without insulting the other person. Or not calling out obvious comments meant to be hurtful.

That’s just your POV, I’ve seen you speak on yours as much as if not more than mine, and I disagree with it but it doesn’t “disturb” me that you dislike the character. It does disturb me you feel the need to paint others in ill light over it.

To that end thank you again for noticing that, and speaking out, and keeping things civil Starla.

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You don’t acknowledge what she says or does though, and you blame other characters for choices she makes.

There’s no defensible reason for Teldrassil.


This is an absolutely fascinating read! I have always gravitated to playing my beloved Nelfs with more than a touch of the Dark.

(leaves for a moment to think deeply on how this could help Playable Alliance High Elves into the game)
(Happens to notice Lannis’ post below her, as she is drink
(new post coming; hang on and scroll down!)

Well the conversation topic was brought up in terms of Stormheim and iirc perhaps I’m wrong one can always scroll up, but specifically Silver Cov wrongs were brought up.

To which Stormheim was brought up to the point of it proving Alliance hostilities first.

I feel the same way about your take on her, and that’s fine it’s a lore disagreement. I don’t insult or support insult over it though.

Sylvanas does interest me to the point she’s always been a sympathetic figure to Blood Elves, and to that end it intrigues me to wonder what do Alliance High Elves think of her. Do they instead put their faith as we’ve seen in Vereesa and Alleria? I would like to know the draw of those characters on Alliance High Elves, the way Sylvanas always felt sympathetic to me as a BE player (barring my VE though he did start out Horde)

I doubt high elves think much of her. The ones at quel’lithien, who had been rangers under her command, straight up hated her. This is because of her letting nathanos send horde players to their lodge to murder them and look for documents to prove who nathanos really is.

As if people wouldn’t know who the human ranger following her around like a puppy dog was just because he chose himself a new edgy last name.

Also I’d have felt more sympathy for her had her actions been different when she regained free will. The dying for her kingdom and being raised and forced to work for the guy who did it IS tragic. My sympathy didn’t last long though given her actions.


until recently, at least.

If they have an IQ, AND have been watching(from afar) it might go something like ‘‘wait what? ‘Little arrows’? Ran away from fights? BLIGHT? and consorting with
HORDE? This ain’t the Windrunner WE knew!’’

As opposed to the viewpoint above? If they feel they must, then yes HEs would indeed look to those two as the remaining scions of the Windrunner family.

When you consider the long history of High Elves, they would really REALLY need to think upon who they could trust and how much and, more importantly
(this falls to a thought I had, for a third faction of True Neutrals OR, at the very least, Mercenary modes.)
To conclude, WHEN Playable Alliance High Elves do return, it should be for a VERY definite lore-centric reason.
I need a drink!

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