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If she had Eyir she could get more val’kyr so she’d have more lives. I think given what she was doing Genn’s attack was justified whether she was confident we could beat the legion without odyn’s support or not.

It’s not like she communicates her intentions to many. It’s not a leap to conclude that she was willing to risk losing a valuable ally in order to secure more longevity for herself.


Genn had intentions of killing her regardless of what was going down, that was clear. And what he did was against Anduins orders. Not justified.

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He destroyed her lantern and then walked away. No more fighting. I doubt Anduin would have approved of Genn not attacking and just letting her enslave Eyir.


nuance = as i’ve been saying for like 2 years now, maybe sylvannas has not been sylvannas since she commited hari kari off icecrown. afterall, she had a dread lord right in her throneroom till the end of wrath. the nathrezim kill then copy leaders, creating a doppleganger, so they can take over and plunge the planet into war. which is precisely what she did.

theoretically, even her story of what happened to her when she died, could just be made up by the nathrezim who doppleganged her. meanwhile, the real sylvannas has been a prisoner in the maw, since icc.

although that doesnt explain her ability to raise the undead. perhaps its the nathrezim who made a deal with the jailer in exchange for certain abilities. all sargeras cared about was destruction of titan souls, he doesnt much seem to care how its done, just that its done.

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“can’t give void elves light skin because they would look too close to blood elves”
continues to give blood elves dark skin


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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How in the name of fel did this turn into a sylvanas discussion suddenly.

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Varimathras was killed (sent back to the nether) fairly early on in that storyline, just after the Wrathgate. He wasn’t there at the end of wrath.

Who invaded whose kingdom? Who killed whose son? Genn killing her would’ve been totally 100% justified. Besides, it’s not like Sylvanas really did much to help in stopping the Legion anyway. In that regard, her sisters contributed way more.


This keeps getting brought up as if he didn’t die while he thought he was about to kill her. “Oh no, this horrible banshee killed my boy in the middle of some father and son bonding over trying to kill that horrible banshee!”


The horrible banshee; who was, as I said, invading his kingdom. A kingdom that had done nothing to provoke said invasion.


That was on orders of a different Warchief, who answered for his actions in their entirety when he was deposed.

That’s not how peace works, the Alliance and Horde are at peace in Legion. Supporting antagonistic actions of the Alliance at that time points to the hostility coming from the Alliance not the other way around.

She lead the Horde to victory against the Legion.

In any regards I like all 3 Windrunner sisters, I find them interesting and I find it interesting who flocks to each one. Sin’dorei have a sympathetic nature towards Sylvanas, many supported her as loyalists but they by and large through the years have been shown as close allies, with an ambassador sitting in her throne room, BE characters start at friendly with UC etc.

Where as more Alliance leaning Quel’dorei flock to Vereesa and now Alleria as well. I would very much like that to played upon with the introduction of HEs on Alliance.


How exactly? Where exactly was she, after that whole Stormheim thing? I sure never saw her on Argus.


To be fair, Genn literally built a wall and let all his neighbors die. Which would be the majority of the Forsaken. Plus having a neighbor that may soon join the alliance due to the wall coming down and establishing a foothold right next to the Undercity literally one of the only major footholds the Horde had in the Eastern Kingdoms. There was plenty of reason to the invasion of Gilneas.

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Yeah, as far as “final victory” over the legion goes, that was very much a Draenei show. As it should be. I found Alleria jarring enough in that plot.


the slaves are happy?

and the happy slaves chose to stay slaves?

That’s where you’re going with this.
Y’all kin trust me on thet.
Yo’ health, suh

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So other than the Fact that Blood Elves are getting new options. Who’s Excited for Black Skin Elves now?

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She basically got away with convincing the population of Orgrimmar that they shouldn’t impale her on the gates as a result of her leadership in Legion, he’s right. Canonically the knife eared traitor was heavily involved.

So the two of you are going to pretend that absolutely no one has ever had some sort of feelings, and expressed as such? Or are you just running out of nits to pick?

Waifu is a term for a fictional character, usually in anime or related media, that someone has great, and sometimes romantic, affection for.

Sounds more than apt to me.


which she was only following?
Tell us all, did those orders also have anything to say about the blight and its use?

Wanna bet?
Or do you seriously think Sylvanas’ real world counterpart would’ve been merely locked away and taught to make liscense plates?