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Why is it anymore odd then the interpretation that people use to assume her actions would cripple us in the fight against the Legion.

“Could the Val’kyr not do this for all our people?” he asked.

Sylvanas glanced at the implacable visage of the ghostly battle maiden. “It is an arduous endeavor, one they are reluctant to undertake. Without the Lich King’s energies feeding them, I believe it requires a portion of their own essence to succeed.” She turned toward him. “But it is my desire, so it will be done.”

Morally wrong, or morally grey. If one looks at her motivations.

Why would she damage her own ability in a war effort?

To help the Forsaken. To beat the odds for her people. It’s a much better explanation than

Which seems to be the interpretation from people who dislike her character.

Also very much this as starla points out, it’s VERY clear he had a vendetta, and without arguing the validity of his vendetta or not, they were at peace and he let his pursuit of vengeance take hold of him because of the journal.

And overall the Stormheim events, whether you believe it would have harmed the war against the Legion, or if it would not have mattered are all speculation so why is that such an “odd” take as you put it, compared to yours, when at the end of the day Genn basically just got lucky in terms of foiling Sylvanas plans so as to lend after the fact justification to him inserting himself in business that was not his.

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Man, in my fever dream of nuanced storytelling there’s a whole potential for a sort of val’kyr civil war, with the ones loyal to Odyn, and the ones who have joined Sylvanas thinking of Odyn as a slaver and Eyir as his prisoner. Odyn I think takes less work to do as a distasteful ally than as a straight up good guy with what’s in the story so far. And there’s plenty to paint Helya as at the least a sympathetic villain if not an anti-hero.

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Thank you I appreciate it Starla, I don’t know why that’s always thrown out as if to invalidate or mock valid reasons to like Sylvanas. Even if true with some people’s reasonings (I cant speak for everyone) it’s not appropriate at all to insinuate.

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Sylvanas was literally trying to enslave the val’kyr lols. Why would anyone support her or have a civil war.


I don’t know if Horde had a similar scrapped quest, but they’re the same now.

Nobbel has a video talking about it I think. One of the Sylvanas story ones
 Might have been bellular.

Because it’s accurate to the primary writer who causes issues and frankly towards a lot of people who still support her after everything she has done.


That’s if the Val’kyr weren’t already slaves. There’s a lot of nasty in Odyn’s actions up until now


I never much was a fan of how Sylvanas (a filthy traitor who never should of been made warchief) gets an immediate Alliance attack force for being a bit of a prat but several of the class orders don’t get a peep despite doing objectively evil stuff.

What Sylvanas did was nothing compared to what the Ebon Blade did.


What lol? Let’s say your interpretation is accurate how is being slaves under sylvanas better than being slaves under odin?


The Ebon Blade was just trying to give the highlord another chance to beat the legion now on the other hand the dragon stuff yeah that can’t be explained away. There also used to be a hidden feat of strength if you killed everything but they took that away before it went to live.

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Which if you remembered involved an all out raid on the Silver Hand. I always enjoy sticking it to paladins and that campaign is half the reason I still main DK, but murdering a bunch of paladins for the sake of making a mockery of nature out of their fallen leader isn’t really excusable morally. It had to be done, but it was evil.


Well do we see what the exact plan she had was? If the story wasn’t being written by people who seem to have it out for her it very well could have been more of a freeing from slavery and presented with a forsaken awakening type deal. Or a more stronghanded tactic like she used with the blood elves for Wrath. There’s plenty of ways where a grey story could have been done where both sides had right and wrong actions. Instead of the grey we get where the black of the horde’s actions mixed with the whitewash of the alliance to make grey

I’m aware :stuck_out_tongue: as I said yeah they did some evil stuff by sylv was as well.


She made a deal with helya in order to take control of the valkyr to extend her immortality since most of hers had died. Valkyr are essentially her horcruxes and most of them had gotten burned.



I was presenting my “if only” where I pine for an actual nuanced story that doesn’t just go with silent movie villainry but instead a conflict where neither side is right or wrong, just acting on their own interests.

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To help the plight of the Forsaken, as well as we do not know how much it would have added to her power. Perhaps she would not have needed the war to achieve her goals going forward had she commanded more Valkyr.

The Valkyr working for Sylvanas seem very happy to serve the Banshee Queen, what indication that they don’t believe serving her is the right path? Hence I think where the civil war comment came from, some Valkyr do choose to serve Sylvanas.

I’m just saying, at a time when we were doing bad stuff for the sake of power left and right because that’s how dire the situation was, singling Sylvanas out is a bit rough, even if I think she needs to be impaled on the spires of Orgrimmar.

You can dislike Sylvanas just as others can like her, and do so without insulting them or trying to think this is somehow a one word fit all for stealing the credibility and validity of people’s opinions.

There is really no place to insinuate anything with this word just because you disagree with people who like Sylvanas.

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Using the term ‘waifu’ has no place in this discussion. We shouldn’t be accusing each other of having that kind of feelings.


People are free to post on whatever they choose, alts and all. It’s a cheap attempt to discredit other people by picking on things that have no bearing on the discussion.

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