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Since she was unjustly attacked, I don’t think we can comment on what her motives are at this time in regards to Stormheim. Strong suggestion from the Nathanos content where she helps him find his new body would have us believe that despite the difficulty, and odds against being able to achieve this for other Forsaken, she is going to try anyways. That would be more an indicator to her motives for unlimited Valkyr. And if we’re speculating on motives like you’re doing, who is to say had she been successful in Stormheim she would have still started the war? She may have had to at that point, it may have been her only option left in regards to achieving more power, and since Alliance showed obvious unwarranted aggression it killed two birds with one stone, get rid of her rivals, and achieve her goals.

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That’s not how it was originally.

It was meant to be like the person you so elonquently are trying to discredit said.

But you know, Alliance can’t be shown doing anything questionable out of the blue, it would make them look bad, and they can’t have that.


Yah dont think he using DKs for blues eyes, and the Mod hes working on isn’t in game, Think they are zones he created to fit High Elf themes on request, Like WOW model viewer and the other programs, one we use to use was Wow world viewer I believe plus he is using other programs blender and others.

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Again the alliance has a breadcrumb quest which is what originally sent them from Az to Storm before the level anywhere was pushed again. In it you find a journal stating that Sylvanas intends to seize power from the V in storm. Which is what gets Anduin to sign off on the mission. She is intending to subjugate an ally in the fight against the legion in the middle of the war. It’s like if the US after liberating France decided that it was now a slave state.


That’s how it was both in game and in the book lol


Quite the headcanon to decide that for a quest that both sides get in a fashion that only lets one be possible. Plus it’s not mentioned at all in the questing leading up, just that they learned Sylvanas is going there and they’re to track her. Which is only said by Sky Admiral Rogers. And up until almost the end of Stormheim questing Genn has no idea what Sylvanas is up to.


It’s not headcanon rofl. We are talking about a pacifist leader to get him to do anything you need significant proof I miss chin man.


But he didn’t have anything to do with it. He just said they could keep an eye on Sylvanas and not do anything stupid. Genn and Rogers then had a competition to see who could find someone to hold their beer first.

Anduin Wrynn says: Champion: The Skyfire is about to embark on an urgent mission. I must ask that you accompany them.

Anduin Wrynn says: Report to Stormwind Harbor as soon as possible - they are under strict orders not to leave without you.

Anduin Wrynn says: I trust that your valor and discretion will serve the Alliance well, as it always has. With honor, King Anduin Wrynn.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: Follow me, . The Skyfire is just about ready to leave.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: Stormheim is home to one of the Pillars of Creation - the [Aegis of Aggramar].

Sky Admiral Rogers says: Vrykul legends speak of a trial - to conquer this trial is prove one’s worth and lay claim to the Aegis.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: Impressive, aren’t they? The new guns could bag a wyvern at full speed from three hundred meters. Go ahead, have a look.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: Our official orders are to escort you to Stormheim and ensure your success on this trial.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: Unofficially, however, we have another mission

Sky Admiral Rogers says: The 7th Legion. The toughest men and women the Alliance have to offer. They, too, have come on direct orders from the king.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: Three days ago, the Forsaken fleet set sail from Durotar, heading straight for the Broken Isles. We think Sylvanas Windrunner herself may be among them.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: We are to track them from a safe distance. We may engage, but only if the situation demands.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: I strongly suspect the situation will demand it.

Genn Greymane says: It had better.

Genn Greymane says: I am not in the habit of tracking prey unless I intend on killing it.

Sky Admiral Rogers says: Preparations are nearly complete. Please make yourselves comfortable.


A part of it was dropped content as well. Back when Legion was going to be a linear storyline, the Alliance was going to find this thing and it was going to lead into Stormheim later with more context.

But that was dropped so
 we have what we have.


Was it only an Alliance thing at the beginning? Since when it went live that questline is mirrored on both sides with each side recovering what seems to be the same journal.

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Both sides do, and the remnants of the journal do reference Sylv’s plan. If you don’t do azsuna first there’s not much to indicate what the deal is.

The fact is though, Genn stopped her from enslaving an ally, which had she succeeded could have jeopardized everyone’s fight against the legion.

Anduin probably shouldn’t have sent people whose homes where plague bombed into oblivion to spy on the one who plague bombed them.

In retrospect.


That’s the assumption, but Sylvanas was also fighting a war against the Legion. I do not think it’s in her nature to do something that she feels she couldn’t get away with. In other words had she been successful she had confidence the Legion would be defeated.

It’s just speculation either way, but I think it’s just as fair to assume we would have still defeated the Legion, because Sylvanas would not act against her own survival in that way. And the fact then remains she was still unjustly attacked, largely fueled by Genns vendetta and a “hunch” from a “bread crumbs” journal.

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Does it matter? Arguing over cut content is sort of like arguing about who’s the tallest midget.


The cool new additions are fine
but what would be even cooler would be to add in what has been a long standing request, and exists in lore in-game, for many years.

That’s an odd interpretation of the events in Stormheim.

She was trying to forcibly enslave Eyir for those infinite Valkyries. Which is morally wrong, regardless of any other possible higher motivations.
She made a deal with Helya who was actively messing with Odyn, one of the chief allies and protectors of the planet, while said planet was being invaded by the largest army of demons ever seen.

Further, she specifically started the war over the Azerite. The War of Thorns was meant to be a first strike to demoralize and cripple the Alliance, as well as prevent their access to Azerite in Kalimdor. This war was started by her without any aggression from the Alliance. The War of Thorns then ended with genocide in Teldrassil.

Sylvannas, queen undead banshee waifu, is a villain.

The person who shows aggression is her. Also see Gilneas in Cataclysm, where she unprovoked attacked the Gil’neans
on the express attempt to kill them and raise them into undeath as more Forsaken (or as extra parts for existing Forsaken — it was only during the invaison, she found out the Gilneans had turned into Worgen, she didn’t know that in advance). Say what you will, but that’s immoral and villainous.

You can be mad that the Horde has been shown to have a more villainous side over the years than the Alliance. Trying to justify their behavior as being necessary due to warfare with an aggressor? (Warfare they started btw) That’s just actively disregarding the lore as it has happened and massively strawmanning (or at least misrepresenting) the events.


This is uncalled for. It’s inflammatory
please stop it.
You can believe what you want about Sylvanas character but these types of comments are insulting the person you’re speaking to.


Ah the joys of the novelized 5 minute peace treaties that erase all the times alliance started a war.


The Alliance might have a bit of grit if the writing team weren’t all trapping for the Alliance like.


Everything the alliance had in attacking Sylvanas was based on speculation since the journal was all they had and it wasn’t legible.
It came down to Genn going against his orders from the king because he wanted revenge.