High Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves

Are people not allowed to request customization?

If it bothers you so much mute the threads, grow up.


I hope to eventually see more void elf styles that don’t copy from Belves, and especially no more receding hair widow’s peaks!!!


That goes the same for you, spamming around every threads stalking around just to voice your disagreements. You surely are wasting your time.


You know you could just leave right? Stop being a forum police.


I googled “widows peaks” and clicked images and I’m not seeing the problem?

The one on the bottom left is going to be the one I’ll use. glad we can turn off the tentacles.


I really wish they would give all Sin’dorei hairstyles and colours to the Ren’dorei. I have a warrior Sin’dorei that I would love to faction change since I play Alliance now, but the only hairstyle I love is the high pulled back ponytail. He’s had the same hair since I first made him, it just fits with his story. And since Ren’dorei were originally Sin’dorei, it seems like they would, by default, have all the hairstyles. Ugh… sad panda :frowning:


This, they should just gave void elves all blood elves hairstyle.


I don’t see any geniue reason speaking against this idea.


There currently isn’t even 1 long hairstyle for male Void Elves that doesn’t have a widow’s peak or half the head shaved off.

I don’t want my male High Elf to look emo. He’s a High Elf, not an edgy high schooler from the 90s.


That bottom left one is one of my favorites as well. It’s crazy how different they look with the natural colors & the tentacles toggled off. They look so much better imo.

I would still like to see more though! And im confident we’ll get more. Perhaps in 9.2 we’ll see more hairstyles (as well as stuff for other races.)

For both the Male and Female Velves, i think they should get the standard “Long” hairstyles ported over from Night Elves. Perhaps even give the Females that “Sombra” hairstyle. I think that fits the Ranger look. A few human hairstyles would work good as well.

Personally i don’t really want to see Velves get carbon copies of Blood Elf hair. I think porting them over from existing Alliance races is the way to go. Although SOME of the Blood Elf hairstyles that are already shared with both Night Elves and Humans i would say could be exceptions to the rule. But i wouldn’t go further than that.

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I’m not a big fan of “copy-pasting” blood elf customization, only really fuels the flame of the angry fan boys who cry foul on the entire situation.

Best case scenario for me would be regular hairstyles either uniquely created for void elves or taken from other alliance races.

That being said the only thing I want from blood elves is the blue death knight hair color.

Then again I think all races should have massive color options for their hair. :man_shrugging:


They really need to give at least some be styles to ve because humans already have them and that will always make less sense.


There’s the hair style, simple, that I use for most of my blood elves. I recently discovered that although it is not an option for void elves it is for humans and it looks like trash on them. How about give races the styles that actually look good for the model you know.

IMO segregation of hair is a very dumb idea. Both races come from the same source it’s exponentially more likely for two thalassian elves to share a hair style than say a blood elf and a human but guess how it is?


I agree I just want the bun hair do and the pigtails the only two hair dos I care for on belfs. I have mostly good hairs on velfs . So I only ask for the two .


Normally I’d say no to this but at this point, wtf? Why not?

Just make them blood elves with a different name

Who cares?

I mean if we go by the lore, a few short years ago all those void elves were blood elves.

Stands to reason they’d take a lot of inspiration of style from their previous lives

As long as I get to keep my tentacle hair tho


Stop with this “we should have the same” no we bloody shouldn’t. They should have distinct cosmetic options and only have a small amount of overlap.

VE and BE should both have access to high elf hair styles/options and some generic hairstyles, but the majority should be specific to each race. Void/gothic hairstyles for VE and farstrider/Victorian hair styles for BE.


No. Hair is hair, the same barber should be able to twist and trim and dye any race’s hair into any style or color. Race hairstyles are a red herring.


New hairstyles by Faebelina!

They all look absolutely fabulous, look at how she wove the tentacles between the braids and round the bun!


No, you should stop telling people what they should or shouldn’t have.