High Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves

i’m sorry, but i’m a 62 year old woman with a bad chest cold and a headache. can you speak clearly ?

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God I hate the Pureheart courser is locked behind a grindy achievement.

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I went and got Sundance over in Bastion real quick, for the pics I took after talking with peeps on the PTR.

It really doesn’t matter anymore if they are fakes or not. In the end you play a High Elf-like character and that will be enough for 95% of the player base.


I like your idea of forming an entirely new elf to be the Allied High Elf. And why not make the Horde version of the new elf, a dark ranger of the vampire-like Elves that some Horde have been wanting?


Yess san’layn for the horde :grin:

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Blood Elves need more of their own now, and only they should get any further high elf treatment. These psychotic velf players have not only ruined belf identity but ruined any chance of future void like styles of any kind which sucks. These two races should have their own separate identities and I cannot believe that half the people who play them just cannot see this. No velf paladins, no more helf things for velfs. Only belfs get these things going forward.


Horde needs Ogre, not more elf.

Okay, but that’s the ONLY “High Elf” haristyle available to male Void Elves… all the others look horrible.

And I already use that hairstyle for my Void Elf rogue… >:(


oh ffs. You got your high elves. Just give it a damn rest already.


No, literally I have not.

Those hairstyles are not High Elven hairstyles; they are Void Elf hairstyles with natural colors on them.

NOT the same thing.

While I would be VERY happy if they created brand-new “High Elf” hairstyles for Void Elves, I am fine if they were just given the Blood Elf hairstyles, since that’s easier for them to do.


While I’m all for getting new hairstyles, I don’t need blood elf hairstyles to have my high elf fantasy. Just the colors alone will get me pretty much there. 9.1.5 can’t come soon enough!


The last one on the picture looks really great.


Oh I agree, there needs to be more hair styles added 100%. that receding hair falling out look needs to go or a fluff version added to on the male models, or not so pronounced don’t look good with the new colors. (imho)


When I spent the day on the PTR I did notice that allot of the female hairstyle looked rather well and didn’t have that wet hair look like the male hairstyles did when using the new hair colors, also the Female hair styles look more main stream then the male hairstyles also. (imho)

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The thing that kills void elves hair for me is all the widows peaks. What is it about the void that causes that?


I think the best male hairstyles for a “high elf” look are:

That’s not to say that more hairstyles wouldn’t be appreciated. I’m just pointing out that if you want to make your void elf look “high elfy” when 9.1.5 hits, these hairstyles do a pretty decent job of that.

I’d love to have more hairstyles, but I don’t think they have to be blood elf hairstyles. In an ideal world any new hairstyles void elves get would look good and work for whatever theme you wanted to go for.

These look pretty “high elfy” to me.


I can’t say I disagree, but I don’t agree either.

Only one of those hairstyles really qualifies as, ‘long,’ and then it’s not all that long. Still kind of unkempt looking as well.

At this point my thoughts are, any hairstyle we see a High Elf NPC using should be applied to Void Elves. Alternatively (and this is a lot more work), add some proper High Elven hairstyles to Void Elves and change every High Elf NPC in the game to use them. Now, considering new hairstyles tend to be three per gender, that’s a pretty limiting selection for what amounts to hundreds of NPCs in the game.


It would be nice if the longer male void elf hairstyles didn’t all have receding hairlines. I’m just not sure asking for even more copy/paste from blood elves is the best answer after all that void elves have received from them.

I would like more hairstyles in general. I’d also like to see high elf npcs use some of the current and any new void elf hairstyles rather than blood elf hairstyles as well. It might take some work but I think the end result would be worth it. But that’s just me.


Its not ideal. Speaking for myself though, I would be content. The goal was to always look like the High Elf NPCs we see around Stormwind, Dalaran, etc… Hairstyles are a part of that. I’d rather copy the hairstyles High Elf NPCs use (meaning the new ones Blood Elves got should be entirely their own), and leave the resources for new hairstyles exclusively for new void aesthetics and thematics.