High Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves

I feel like you’ve had enough turns at the cookie jar. Don’t be greedy. Let them focus on getting Nightborne something more than 3 face options and 1 hair option or whatever sad state of affairs they have over there. Other races are trailing far behind in the option game and require attention before you get more.


So are forsaken, night elves, gnomes, and even tauren were nearly extinct in Warcraft 3. Numbers have no meaning in Warcraft.

Here’s my take on the whole BE vs VE thing, I think blizz made the mistake of making void elves look pretty identical to blood elves with their initial release of the race. Their posture, most faces etc are the same. If they had made them a little different, like the nightborne are to the night elf (totally distinguishable from one another even though they are basically the same at the root) then I think a lot of problems would have been avoided. However, since they can’t simply go back and un-do things, i think that when it’s time for blizz to create new allied races, they could make a completely different looking elf for the alliance that still serves the high elf fantasy a lot of them want, while leaving void elves alone for now because any future changes to them converting them to “high elves” takes away from the void theme a lot of players like and also makes blood elf fans feel like they aren’t unique. Also, I think it would be fair to give void elves a rest for now and give other races attention they need. In exchange for their high elf allied race, the horde can have their San’layn (?) race along with a more “tough” allied race that I see players asking for. I think a decent remedy to the situation concerning blood elves wanting to remain unique could be expanding on the blood elf theme in the future (tattoos, different hairstyles, body paint, etc) and they could do the same with void elves except void themed. That way, even if the void elves have the blood elf eyes, hair color, etc any tattoos or jewelry they choose will still reflect that they are void elves. Idk, just my thoughts on this

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That seems fair. But personally, some races really got the short end of the stick on options so even before they add those great suggestions of yours (and I think they are great) I would hope to see them prioritize attention on some of the wanting races first.



So would I.

But giving High Elf hairstyles to Void Elves is not going to do that; they will still be Void Elves dressed up as High Elves and therefore fakes.

You are not enjoying a High Elf; you are enjoying a fake version of High Elves that is destroying the Void Elves’ racial aesthetic.


Like this one better
Created on the current PTR


I have to agree, I have felt so sorry for Nightborne, Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren customization wise since they were added it’s like nice to see them getting some attention/planned to get attention even though I think they still need way, way more.



Much better (imho)
Created on the current PTR


Yeah, absolutely! That’s why I was saying for any future updates I think they should consider those things :slight_smile: I do agree other races need lots more love


Really high elves beg to differ :rofl:

Not really much of a choice but to be fake

With how close Blizzard has made void elves to high elves, it not only confirms void elves were a mistake, but we’re also very very unlikely to get real high elves

Might as well enjoy the Walmart brand because we’re not getting the brand name

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In game not using RL knowledge what’s the difference.

Created on the current PTR


Actually, he’s correct.

Blood elves inherited the high elf story line, they are the majority of remaining High elves in the world of Azeroth.

  • Blood elves continue High elven customs, live in the High elven capitol, practice high elven traditions, wear high elven clothes and wield high elven weapons. Blood elves are traditional High elves who’ve remained faithful toward their roots. Heck the Blood elf heritage quest quite literally turns you into a High elf.

  • Alliance high elves have largely abandoned their culture as high elves in favor of their Alliance hosts. They hardly procreate, and when they do its with humans, they wear human clothes and armor, and wield human weapons, abandoned their traditions and high elven practices. When Elisande confronts them in front of Suramar she essentially goes off on them for disgracing their royal lineage by throwing away everything that made them who they are, and ends her speech by telling them they are undeserving of the name “High elf”

If you are truly a High elf fan, and love the High elves for their rich history and culture you would know that the Blood elves are the actual High elves. And that Alliance High elves are really just pointy eared humans at this point.





addressing that to me?

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