High Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves

Similar feelings here, don’t wanna crap on OP’s dreams cause I know many others want this. If anything, I think any hairstyles on Silver Covenant NPC’s could be fair game, but nothing else/ no new “helf” styles. I’d really like to see some shared styles from humans maybe to show how Stormwind culture has begun to rub off on High Elves.

This is gonna sound real nerdy, idk if there’s any ATLA fans up in here but I played a long haired belf since TBC. Going from that to a short haired (dark tides hairstyle) Void Elf during Shadowlands felt like the equivalent of Zuko & Iroh cutting off their fire nation pony tails.

Whether you headcanon as one of Umbric’s Blood Elves or a Stormwind/Highvale High Elf that has taken interest in the void, at the end of the day both groups have been exiled from their homeland and declared “enemies of the state.”

Considering that, while some may still cling to old traditions from Quel’thalas, I’d think many would accept that they have strayed away from their homeland and begin to adopt new customs.

Similar to immigrants that migrate to a country that is very different culturally, some will cling to their old traditions while others will make attempts to assimilate into their new home, with the latter being the usual route in cases of exile.


I have asked for High Elves on the Alliance side; that has NOT happened.

You’re saying, “Well, they almost gave you what you wanted, so you should be happy you don’t have what you want.” No… that’s not how it works.

Right now, the HORDE can create proper High Elves… but not the Alliance.

That’s… bananas.

And as far as resource-allocation goes, all they have to do is enable that feature for Void Elves… they have to do ZERO rigging. Void Elves use the same exact body as Blood Elves.

If the Void Elves were also given the Blood Elf hairstyles, almost zero work would be needed. It’s just a copy and paste…


These look amazing… I LOVE this… my biggest concern is the lack of long male high elf hairstyles that don’t have some crazy widow’s peak…



The nice thing was allot people were having a good time, just hanging and out talking, hasn’t been like that in a while. Felt good!


Perhaps they can add some already established hair trends from the other Alliance Races, and also some fan art hair styles, also like said before some Silver Covenant stuff to.


Void elves should take a back seat. Other races need the extra customizations more than VE’s at this point.


Name one other race that’s been consistently requested for 15 years to this degree.

Not only that, Blizz has actively antagonised the players asking for HE throughout WoW. Remember the multiple times in game when the Alliance tried to court the BEs to leave the horde? Ion’s comments re “the horde is waiting for you”? The entire thing has been a massive game of keep away until now.

Not to mention the massive forum threads with players actively telling HE fans why they shouldn’t have what they want?

What you’re witnessing is a decade and a half of pent up demand playing out. None of this should be surprising.

The “give a mouse a cookie” argument could be applied to damn near anything players ask for (in large part because Blizz has been telling us all for years that we don’t really want the stuff we ask for), but sure, go ahead and tell HE fans how childish they are for making requests.

Perhaps they’re finally getting what they want because of a) sheer persistence and b) because they spend their time making constructive requests instead of telling everyone else they can’t have what they want.

Like it or not, the HE camp has waaaaay more support than any other, eg Nightborne, LF or HMT. If I was a big gaming company trying to save my game I’d be triaging the requests with the most support too.

Disclaimer - I’m pro HE, but I’m also pro pretty much anything that opens up more character customisation in WoW. There’s far too little.


Threads like this are why Blizzard never should have given you anything because it never ends.


“You” = player base. I’m guessing you must be against HElves since you’re fixating on them specifically. Look around, the entire forum is people asking for stuff. Nightborne stuff, Blood Elf stuff, red eye stuff, glyph stuff… the list goes on and on.

I’ve seen you asking for a better Nightborne model in another thread, and could easily go over there and reply “omg Blizz is giving Nightborne more customisations already, they should’ve never given you anything because it never ends”. Blizz could make Nightborne the most customisable race in the entire game, and there’d still Nightborne fans asking for features they asked for and didn’t get. It’s simply the way it is.

I for one would love to see more Nightborne customisation too, I tried to play one but just couldn’t really get into it - due in part to the lack of options, I couldn’t really make a character “mine”.

What you don’t realise is that another race getting more options doesn’t diminish your claims, it actually strengthens them. The more stuff Void Elves get, the more stuff they’ll have to give other allied races to maintain any semblance of fairness, and I think that’s a great thing.


Yes, I ask for Nightborne stuff because they have basically nothing but I also have supported and support lots of races getting stuff when they ask for it including Void Elves just because I’m sick of you people (Void Elf players and Alliance players) asking for more and more and more like you are the only ones that matter doesn’t make me a bad person it means I have my limits. Period.


Would have been nice to have taken care of this problem 10 years ago, then we wouldn’t be here now at this point.


On a lighter note, seeing all the happy High Elf / Nightborne players running around, chilling, and chatting on PTR has honestly been really wholesome.

Nonstop chat of players complimenting eachother saying how good they look it’s very sweet.


Was really nice to hang out and talk to everyone on the PTR and chill!


Maybe you can roll a belf and move along.


dont need to now :wink:


Damn it i still need to farm the gear to make my mage look like the Silver Covenant mages.


No. I don’t want your disgusting hair. You stay away from mine.


Thats what was doing today was checking out all the different Transmogs we have making that farm list.

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Yep. Blizz gave in on High Elves in all but name. They gave in on HvH BGs on TBC servers. Sigh, I give up. :white_flag:

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I just want the tiara hairstyle.

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