(Commentary): By my perspective you keep dragging in unrelated factors to the discussion at hand. We’re talking about Void Elves, Blood Elves, and how the Developers themselves have outright stated the goal is to give both of these races the High Elf aesthetic. You keep bringing in other races, or other customization that do not pertain to High Elves, or try to somehow shift High Elf aesthetic as not being part of a fantasy because it lines up with real life human appearance.
(Commentary): I’ve been trying not to accuse you of goal-post moving in this discussion, but that’s what it comes down to. It feels like we’re talking about two very different things. I’ve stated repeatedly that I am discussing the reasoning Void Elves received more than Blood Elves in order to fulfill the High Elf aesthetic, and I’ve been stating it is a matter of equity. That has nothing to do with other Allied Races or the lackluster new Blood Elf customization, or their lack of a second visual theme (something I am an advocate for).
(Commentary): I’m not really sure how to address our disagreement at this point beyond that; I am discussing one thing and you’re trying to bring in unrelated points of discussion to derail it. Maybe we’re better off agreeing to disagree.
Extremely inaccurate, but not surprising that its coming from you, Starla doesn’t need to explain why she’s in a thread or not in a thread.
I missed this comment, I was in my own exchange, I don’t understand why people are so intent on misunderstanding your intentions its sad.
I have to disagree, Starla is not a bully, I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again I disagree with her on different topics and I have never seen her both with me and others she interacts with have anything other than well meaning intentions and well wishes, I think people label “pro HE” and “anti” too much, thats not a factor in character, she always manages to uphold the conversation in civility.
The point is that between Void Elves and Blood Elves it is an inequitable situation due to the actions of the devs, and that the devs doing something does not make it equitable. I will grant that perspective ties into it, and to one perspective the void elves are in an elevated position compared to blood elves, and trying to limit this to just the high elf customizations is to say, to go back to my take on your bike example “Stop talking about how I have two bikes, we’re just talking about how it’s only fair that my second bike needs to be the same as your one bike!”
Hah, you must have missed the multiple other threads I saw her bullying people in. She also likes very aggressive or rude tweets towards other people to passive-aggressively support other people that bully. The first day I started being active on these forums she tried accusing me of a bunch of stuff, got her friends to gang up on me, and basically tried to bully me off of them. She probably won’t remember since I was on a diff character and she seems to do it to many people, but I remember
I genuinely don’t remember seeing you in any of those so it makes sense (It wasn’t any of the main Helf/Belf/Velf ones) but she is probably the biggest bully on these forums from what I’ve seen. And multiple people have agreed w me and shared similar experiences.
She jumps in to stir the pot CONSTANTLY (like that seems to be all she ever logs in to do), throw shade (not very well), etc. but always under the guise of false “innocence”. Everything is worded in a way that’s fake nice so that when people eventually do call her out (which they do) she can pretend she meant no harm and act like everyone is attacking her…and she does this over and over. It’s basically gaslighting. The Green Regina George but not pretty.
I’ve seen multiple people that have been on here for years before me that have all said the same thing about her, and many people had said the same thing before I was even active on here, and multiple people in this thread have expressed agreement with me who have been here longer than me, so clearly it’s not just me and it’s not an isolated incident. People add me to talk to me 1 on 1 on Battle.net about it even which is even more telling.
She’s just a mean girl bully who comes on here to bring people down and that’s why I have her on mute/block. It’s sad that some people have nothing better to do with their lives than be an internet goblin but it’s whatever. Some people have real life issues so they turn to being mean online, I get it I guess.
If you wanna view her fake nice tone as “civility” that’s fine, I still have respect for you as a poster, but none at all for the bully. People who are bullies online are worse than real life ones because they have to hide behind the screen to do it. And when I see someone who is blatantly a bully I will call it out whether it be IRL or online.
The same lil group that always defends her will probs attack me after this but I really don’t care at this point, it’s like the flock of seagulls from nemo: white noise. I will just play my Ariana Grande and Gaga and
I see you’ve misunderstood what I wrote.
When I said you must be new here I meant to this forum and this discussion. If you had been involved at all in the past months here you might have seen Nico and Lann having many good conversations even though they’ve had disagreements. So I really think Nico would disagree with the way you’re making personal attacks on Lann, at least I hope so.
If you want that blood elf there for you already. My void elf fantasy shouldn’t have to loss when tou can already play with blood elf. I never wanted the skintans and now may not get any void option.
Its not High Elf fantasy. Its the Blood Elf fantasy. They the same race but they’re not the same thing.
Given how all other AR’s have been treated you weren’t going to get any void options right now anyways. This doesn’t make sense. They added extra options, they didn’t take any away.
Both can be asked for without stepping on each others toes.
You guys should have kept fighting to actually get high elfs. Not settle for void elf’s with pink skin.
Though honestly I’m pretty sure goldshire on moonguard is gonna be lit when pink skinned void tentacles start tickling people. So congrats on that regard.
Once they add the natural hair colors there will be. Right now its kinda half measure.
Still you lost nothing.
The way they’ve treated the other AR’s you weren’t going to see any void additions during this first customization pass.
Some are still fighting for that.
The reality is that its not going to happen any time soon though. Blizzard offered this compromise and its almost what folk want so we’re working with what we got.
The personal attack was made at me when that troll misquoted me. What is it with snowflakes never taking accountability for their OWN actions. You people never look in the mirror.
I’ve been writing High Elf threads since before any of you even played this game, so don’t expect me to capitulate to immature fools who misquote me and take me context instead of delivering valid arguments. Only idiots argue like that and I called him out for his stupidity. Never misquote someone in a debate, because it always weakens your own point and bites you later.
Misquoting someone and taking them out of context is a personal attack, so cry me a river.
Then don’t use it. Be a Void Elf all you want, but High Elves and Blood Elves are not the same thing.