Firstly I’d like to thank Blizzard for being open minded with the modifications to Void Elf skin colors and respecting the fans enough to be more in touch with us on the topic of High Elves. It’d be greatly appreciated if we could actually have Elven hairstyles and hair colors, much like Alleria, who isn’t cursed with the ugly tentacles and greasy looking hair. She still has the appearance of a High Elf and we’d greatly appreciate the same.
Goth Elf fans can still have their Void Elf look, but please consider adding the hair or I’ll be stuck wearing this hood forever.
They should just execute Alleria already so we can stop hearing about this nonsense. Her lore is trash these days anyway. Just roll Horde already if you want to play a Horde race.
Reason? You do realize they’ve already done it right? They just need to add the hair and we’re good to go. Additionally, you’re technically playing an Alliance race, you know that right?
Void Elves are already something they shouldn’t be, they exist. High Elves should have been the playable race even back in TBC, if you follow the lore correctly with no retcons. BFA was the time to bring them back, but Blizzard wasn’t aware of the demand until the Q&A. They’re busy people and no one’s perfect, but they’ve already come out with the skin colors, so I don’t know what you’re complaining about. It’s already done.
Good call!
They’re an Alliance race actually. The Horde only got Blood Elves in rushed story for some shock value. Besides, they’ve already done it, so what are you talking about. My character languished on the Horde long enough, it’s time to go back the real Elf faction. I take it you never played Warcraft II.
As far as I’m concerned this guy could be a lot voidier and I hope those options are available. For ONE, jet black hair. Why isn’t that already there? The void race doesn’t have access to black hair? What?
Alleria says otherwise. LOL New lore can be inferred from this change. Meaning the Helves and Belves in the Rift figured out how to create more Velves in a similar manner to Alleria, which means we’ve got a lot more of them now.
“I don’t like how people want to look like her, so I’ll blame lore!”
I’m expecting a few options, once they work on allied races. I’m actually surprised they didn’t also get the shorter ears but maybe later. I’m expecting, since I believe I read it somewhere that they plan on doing this, Jet black and Pure white hair. Not sure about other colors. Would like a deep, blood red. If they get blonde, that’s cool but idc all things considered on it.
Would be curious to see new hair styles, hopefully non void ones and some void ones. New options for both. Could be neat to see some sort’ve void scars on them and something maybe similar to void tattoo’s or something since they are one of the only races without any sort of body modifications. Maybe tattoo’s same with Kul tirans. I was entirely expecting sailor themed tattoos.
Over all , I don’t care for the void tentacle theme. Looks kinda meh.
Sorry, but you are. I take it you didn’t play Warcraft II. You race was on the Alliance originally. Did you really think Blood Elves were Horde originally? Joining the Horde was a silly plot twist done for shock value and based largely on retcons. You’re free to stay in those animals if you want, this doesn’t hurt you at all. And if you think it’s stealing, it’s not, it’s retaking something that was stolen already.
Thank you for the trolling but can’t you add anything useful like an idea of your own or a legit reason why this doesn’t work? Not a single one of you has offered an ounce of intelligence so far, just childish behavior.
Indeed! Great points!
Lol, I should have thought of that
Glad to see someone adding ideas of their own. Good job, sir! Personally hoping to get my old hairstyle back. Right now I’m stuck wearing a hood to hide it. I can only be myself for 5mins every half hour. Seriously hope they end this controversy by just allowing High Elves lol.
Void Elves as an allied race never made sense in the first place. It was just a random race added because they could not just give ally Vrykul. They honestly should have added high elves if they really wanted to give Ally Helves in the first place.
I’m not the one trying to pick an argument. Your initial reply was that of a pouty child. Yeah Blood Elves were put on the Horde for nonsensical reasons and we have to live with that, but fans have been calling for High Elves since before WoW even launched. Blizzard has finally shown some receptiveness to that and it’s greatly appreciated. Voids Elves got a lukewarm response so now they’re getting improvements, I’m just asking that they finish the job. You can stay on your animal faction all you want.