High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

I’m not sure I’ve ever “endorsed” disparity. If I have please point it out so I can take a look at it, figure out where I worded things poorly, correct the post, and make certain not to make the same mistake again.

Stopped at the first sentence because it’s wrong.

Even into WoWs 2nd to latest expansion, High elves are seen as a separate and Alliance centric entity, you just view lore through Horde centric glasses my guy, Blood elves are High elves, but not all High Elves are Blood elves or on the Horde. Sorry. :man_shrugging:


They already did a bunch of changes for people who want high elf appearances, let those of us who want other appearance options to have some of the development resources. I’m happy people who want high elves got the changes that they want, I wouldn’t want to take that away from you.

I like void elves more than blood elves.

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I like Lann and he and I share quite a few stances on things we want added to Blood Elves. I actually value his opinions even if I don’t always agree with him.


We didn’t though. Until we get natural hair colors (It doesn’t have to be a lot it could literally just be white, black, and blonde. 3 colors) we can’t really make a truly High Elven looking character.

I vote for Black and White especially as they’d look VERY good with Void-y Void Elfs too. Pure white and pure black should have been Void Elf hair color options since Day 1

I also want more purple eyes for Void Elfs and I’d like stuff like void-hair glow options and also it’d be nice if we could customize our Entropic Embrace form and even keep it up all of the time.


Yet they still have greasy tentacle ridden hair. Getting more Void Elf customizations is fine, but we also want High Elf ones to match up with Alleria.

Where are the cases of players being polled if you’re so honest and such a good judge on honesty.

Here you are stating BE’s should live in Kalimdor, and a few posts later asking me where I got that idea from. But yes its me who isn’t paying attention.


(Observation): This is an unnecessarily hostile comment.

(Commentary): I think the issue for Lannisterian is that the Blood Elf and High Elf aesthetic are too close to the same thing. Before an analogy using pie was employed. We might be better off with flavors of icecream.

(Analogy): Let’s say High Elves are vanilla flavored, Blood Elves are golden vanilla, and Void Elves are grape flavored. Vanilla and golden vanilla are so close in flavor that there may as well not be any difference. So the inequality rises from Void Elves having two distinct flavors, while Blood Elves have two flavors so close they may as well be one flavor.

(Commentary): The solution would logically be to request a new flavor of ice cream, such as raspberry (Dark Ranger/San’layn). My only concern is that so much time is being spent agonizing over Void Elves getting Grape and Vanilla. More effort on what is wanted, and less on what others have, will be likely to yield greater results.


I hope we get more void stufffffff. If you want a blonde blood elf horde faction is waiting already.

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Wowee a fresh lvl 20 Velf in starter clothes coming to the forums to ask that Velfs don’t get High Elf options…totally not an alt account of some anti-Helfer like Starla

:roll_eyes: At least try to use an actual character next time. Vacant is at least an actual level 120 Velf player who is voicing his genuine concern.

There’s no reason to not add normal hair and hair colors at this point.

Don’t even need to copy it from Blood Elves. Just give Alliance Void/High Elves some Night Elf, Human & Kul Tiran hair styles and colors. It’s a simple fix really. They get regular non voided hair styles/colors while taking on a somewhat different look from Blood Elves. You can achieve the High Elf fantasy for people on the alliance side without taking more from the Blood Elves.


I agree with her.

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(Commentary): This is an unnecessarily hostile comment, and calling out another member of the community is quite rude.

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Doesn’t change the fact that it’s literally a throw-away alt character someone made to come try to stop Velfs from getting Helf customization :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not uneccessary or hostile, it’s quite accurate. It’s a fresh level 20 Velf in starter gear whose only posts have been attempts to stop Velfs from getting Helf customization (I’ve seen them in multiple threads).

Also Starla has been extremely rude, mean, and mean-girlish to me the day that I stepped on the forums and she accused me of being on an alt account, I’ve had her blocked and muted for a while after a particularly nasty string of comments she made. So I really don’t care if I call her out. I’ve also had multiple people add me on Bnet to talk to me about how she was extremely rude and antagonizing to them too.

Standing up to bullies is good in my books :slight_smile:


I’ve seen this argument before and don’t find it particularly compelling.

The reason being the two things aren’t mutually exclusive.

You are right, they could be like, “I’m upset this person has what I have.”

But that is still petty.

Since it’s a game people often use the analogy of toys, and, “I don’t want you to have this toy because I have this toy.” Is also petty. You may have negative feelings seeing someone else having that toy, but that doesn’t change how your wants and actions effect other people.

Yeah, the hair style debate is fine and valid.

The hair color debate is petty.

If people want to argue about hairstyles I can see the value in that.

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I kind of agree with you. I can see where people who don’t like void elves could come in and demand things people don’t want. But I would like us to embrace the void more. I’ll leave it at that, I really don’t want to take anything from what you want and I think I’ve expressed what I want. Good luck, everyone should be happy with their characters.


I hope we get lots of cool Void-y options that you can enjoy too!


While I fully expect that some traditional hair colors (including blonde) will be added to Void Elves at some point, I also desire more void themed options once the High Elf aesthetic is complete (which needs some traditional hair colors and a tentacle toggle at a minimum).

Some void themed options I’d like:

  • Additional skin tones with the void corruption on hands/feet
  • A tentacle toggle for hair to add tentacles to currently non-tentacled hair (and remove tentacles from currently tentacled hair)
  • Jet Black and Stark White hair color options
  • Void-scarred skin options similar to how Demon Hunters have skin options with those glowy fel scars all over their bodies with void-colored.
  • A blue-black eye option similar to the heritage wings.

(Speculative): People arrive new to the forums every day who haven’t spent time here before. We all need to start somewhere, and some are savy enough to not use their main or a character they play often out of concern for in-game harassment.

(Commentary): Again, calling out a member of the community is rude. Keep in mind that the internet is not the best place to convey such things as tone or sarcasm. Even my comments can come off as hostile or aggressive to people when I have no intention of that. I would suggest either informing them that you’re perceiving their comments in that way, or simply trying to be better. Being as rude as you perceive them to be simply perpetuates a cycle of angst and aggression between players, and causes circular arguments to form as neither will take the other seriously.