High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

Exactly, so

Calm it down a bit

You just said the same thing I said but with different wording. You’re arguing for the sake of arguing. Just admit you’re wrong.

Yeah no kidding, because they wrote them into a corner when they put Blood Elves onto the Horde. The don’t fit in at all, and the fel crystals are still there. If they’re not going to update then it shouldn’t be in the story. There are Elves who use holy, and Elves who use Fel, perfect lines for a division in their people.

Wrong. Fel has been proven to corrupt the minds of all beings that came into contact with it. This includes Elves.

I’m not wrong. Go play WC3. They went to Outland with all the survivors he found, as in not anyone from the north. The fate of the Elves in Quel’thalas was unknown at the time, and Kael left without them.

Ambient radiation is still radiation, and if their bodies are absorbing and using it, then it’s just a slower version of what happened to the Fel Bloods.

They confirm anything and they have new writers coming up with inconsistent lore all the time. How can you have played this game and not noticed.

They didn’t and the lore is subject to change and suggestions. Never just accept an explanation, especially when it makes no sense.

Yet you can’t prove it.

Yes I can. The Q&A. Think before you talk lol

Uh, yes it haha. You speak for BE fans? High Elf threads have been on this forum for YEARS and it appeared on the Q&A for BFA.

And no, my thoughts on High Elves are based on actual lore, while yours are not. You’re just pissed at the idea of us getting back a race that should have been on our faction to begin with. You’re probably too young to remember the original Warcraft games.

As for the counter, you have no facts to back up anything you’ve said. You act like you speak for Blood Elves, when many of the people calling out for High Elves ARE stuck as Blood Elves right now.

(Commentary): To be fair, the Vulpera feel like they would’ve fit quite comfortably into Thrall’s New Horde. They’re a nomadic race, similar to how the Tauren were a nomadic race. They have a strong pragmatic view of morality, similar to the Orcs, and they also have friendly connections to various races of Trolls. Kiro would’ve easily fit in as one of Thrall’s advisors, helping him and the Orcs adapt to life in a harsh and inhospitable land. Heck, they even get along pretty well with the Forsaken.


I see a lot of people appreciate the Void theme so like, they can’t please everyone.

And they’ve already opened up the ability now for people to basically be the Wayfarers, and they’ve done what for Blood Elves in return?

Oh, I absolutely agree, I think the “not true Horde” stuff against vulpera is stupid. But this, “more of a Horde race” thing is pretty dumb as well methinks.


What in the world has you claiming this?

You started speaking for BE players way above, I’m speaking on what I’ve seen, you said there was polling done and provided zero polling, just your biased take, and you seem pressed now.

So I’m still waiting :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Void Elves are indeed niche and gathered a weak response from fans. They were popular until people got bored of their new mount and heritage set, eventually seeing them for the lazy knockoff that they are. They have a small audience, but generally speaking no asked for them.

The Q&A for BFA for starters. Blizzard themselves have acknowledged it. You haven’t seen anything because you’re not paying attention.

(Observation): Later sources of lore clarified that Kael’thas went to Quel’Thalas after it fell (thus not being present for the fall of Dalaran). He destroyed the corrupted Sunwell, gathered the strongest survivors, named Lor’themar regent over the rest, and then left Quel’Thalas to rejoin the Alliance to gain support in reclaiming Quel’Thalas.

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Where are you getting these numbers?

Blood Elf fans always show BE pride / love.

Void Elf fans are all over the forums being fans of their race. Who are you to invalidate these groups? Which by the way you have for both.

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The void theme could of been a wonderful story Avenue to explore without gluing to the high elf request to it.

Which is exactly what void elves were, proven further by their literal birth being their recruitment scenario.

Void theme should of been explored by actual void races, Ethereals or K’thir.

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So a Blizzard Q&A is where you got the authority to claim BE players dislike Blood Elves? And that Void Elves aren’t popular? Link please. Can you time stamp where they state it too thanks.

You seem to wish BE players hated BEs as much as you seem to but it’s simply not the case so big lol.

We were never in the Alliance like the filthy Blood Elves used to be

The Isle of Thunder is also where Romath talks about experimenting with Fel Crystal’s though… and the behind the scenes developers state they use fel crystals to keep the city together.

But that Magister comment is pretty revelatory.

I agree that most Blood Elves didn’t intentionally drain fel.

That being said, go take a look at the corrupted elementals in the Blood Elf starting zone and pay attention to the magister quest comments.

Also, aren’t the Crystal’s they are talking about in that comment painted red? Not that it matters. Romath in the “What’s in the Box” quest mentions they used to use fel Crystal’s alot and the arcane elementals are turning green.

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(Commentary): Or the Krokul from Argus. That said, I think Void Elves could work, but the problem is Blizzard hasn’t put the time or effort into making them a more interesting race. Right now they’re mages, but their magic is more purple than blue. That’s about the only difference. They have one (two) named lore characters of any significance. BFA was an expansion with a lot of void themes and stories and the Void Elves were absent for just about all of them. It’s sad, but it seems like they exist solely for Horde players to kill in Incursions and not feel bad about killing because they’re traitors corrupted by dark magic.


A hastily written retcon to explain away broken lore, and it’s not even in the game. Blizzard needs to learn that all story elements need to be included in the game, not external sources. Players want a complete adventure, not homework. Star Wars is having the same issue right now with writers trying to repair all the plot holes left by the smoldering heap of trash that was The Last Jedi.

Again, you’re adding stuff you made up on the fly, not actual sources. Watch the Q&A for BFA. The devs also talked about the popularity of high elves while discussing the new skin changes for void elves.

Do you have cognitive issues or just intentionally putting words in my mouth? You’re the only one who made such broad generalizations with nothing to base them on. You’re wasting my time.

No I don’t but I think maybe you’re talking so much nonsense you yourself can’t keep up, and that’s fine everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes, though not everyone pushes such awful opinions as facts when facts they are not.

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(Commentary): Not really a retcon though, just an addition to the lore to cover something we as players never saw or experienced during WC3. Likewise, these events can be viewed in game through the Blood Elf heritage questline.

(Analysis): Dictation suggests an elevated state of stress and agitation.

(Suggestion): Perhaps you should walk away from the computer for a little bit? Take a short walk, or read a chapter of your favorite book. Maybe get your favorite snack. If its close to dinner time, why not cook your favorite meal? Maybe take a hot shower or a bath later. The forums and this thread will be here when you return.


The answer is because that “meaningful customization” (the skin tones) took next to no time and effort. It was a virtual straight up copy paste. While I am in agreement with you that a ton of jewelry for just the females sucks, it unfortunately did take time and resources to make. The same goes for the hairstyles and facial hair.

Basically Blizzard spent their time and resources on the wrong Blood Elf things (jewelry) imo, when I feel they should have spent that time and effort on more hairstyles, scars, tattoos, and the big one, getting the Darkfallen aesthetic options in a usable state (of which they only had to add underwear to the female skin and then flip the switch on the skin and eyes).

But when you step back and look at things objectively, you can see that only a small amount of time and effort went towards Void Elves… it’s just that it went to something truly visually impactful. And one of the main reasons that probably happened right now is because it was a simple copy and paste job that took little time or effort (another being the whole High Elf debacle).

The skin tone thing could have waited until the allied race customization pass, but I am guessing that due to the high profile nature of the High Elf subject and the strong emotions that tend to run with it, Blizzard opted to add them now rather than make them wait, due to the low time/effort required to implement, and maybe also to rip the band-aid off and get the rage over sharing out of the way prior to launch.


Yeah. I’d be curious if we would have got the Blood Elf hair colors already if it wasn’t for hair tentacles. My assumption is the answer is yes.


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