High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

Well I guess you should recognize it when you see it all things considered, given your tone in speaking to people in your post history. But in this case it’s projecting. I typed it out I assure you with a tone of kindness I do type for all individuals.

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Yes, because they’re freaking VOID elves.

My only problem with this is that it allows an undead race to lorewise be paladins, making it not fair to the forsaken who asked for it.

I welcome customizationa options for all. New hair color like green or red. More skin colors to make us look more like felblood elves or maybe class options. This does not just go for void elves but all races like frost beards or blue fire ones for dark iron.

Easy, first of all there are sanlyan paladins in ICC.

Second, make it a quest in revendreth where some shenanigans happen and some Belves get exposed to some kind of magic that makes then go through a minor, mostly cosmetic change, like black nelf eyes.

I played back then and never encountered san’layn paladins.

Then the BE won’t inherit they’re lore, which is basically the same problem VE has right now.

Do we need to link you the page where a Blizzard art person states explicitly that they’re representing High Elves?


It’s not like there aren’t undead npc Paladins in game already.

But I also have no objection to Forsaken gaining access to the Paladin class, though it would skew the balance of Paladins to Shamans across faction lines even further in the Horde’s favor than it already is right now (Alliance need two more Paladin races to even it out currently).

IDC what some clueless blizz employee says, what are you goign to say when your “High Elf” turns purple or you use any of your VELF racials, emotes, heritage armor, or purple chicken.

Rep doesn’t mean they actually are. Its just a poop covered bone.

Yet Blizzard’s stance on Blood Elves being Horde and fitting Horde is also quite clear. Do posts of HE fans denying Blizzard’s stance on things while insulting Blood Elves need to be linked to you?

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I guess, but atm it’s not like it’s not eskew as it is with alliance 5/5 and hordes 8/3 numbers.

even the paladin to shaman ratio’s and we are in buissiness.

Alliance should have 8 paladins to hordes 8 shamans and vice versa.

I don’t support any undead paladins though

Go to the blood halls, there’s npc’s throwing BOP’s to other npc’s.

And so what, this would be new lore to justify the new option.

“Letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy they want to play out.”

This is the way that Blizzard decided to allow players to play High Elves.

You’re arguing for Dark Rangers. They have many of these same drawbacks. What are you going to do when your Dark Ranger makes noises in battle?

That’s just a limitation of the way they decided to implement High Elves.


one spell is not a full on class though. It’s not true justification, specially if you know paladin lore.

Not only did you lose your credibility in the first sentence.

You’ve also shown to not know lore remotely, if the new customization options were OG void elves, they would not be able to look “regular”, their void accident is as far as we know: irreversible.

Regular skin options are either new lore that says they can unvoid, or it’s high elves added along with their iconic blue eyes.

Which both allow for regular hairstyles and colors, sorry. :heart:


What would that have to do with anything?

Honestly, I feel like all of our conversations are like this…

and I’m honestly not sure how to resolve the fact that your statements to me typically have nothing to do with what is being discussed.

No, this is why I said make it a quest similar to night elf black eyes. They’re still BLOOD ELVES, just belves who’ve been altered slightly and now look like vampires.

I think you have a gross misunderstanding of the new customization options that have been added.


LMAO what??

There’s no way around it, pure option or not you’re playing a velf. How else do you have velf racials, mounts, and armor. Nice try there with your double think.

I provided you with a better paralleled “thought experiment”. You’re welcome.

Why is it Blizzards word is now taken. But from the same HE fans who think they know Horde lore, and BE lore better than Horde fans, BE fans, and Blizzard devs themselves?

Why is Blizzards word relevant here, but chosen to be ignored by people in regards to BE’s being Horde? And in the same context of expecting another poster to keep the same energy, why don’t you keep the same energy and hold those HE fans speaking out the side of their mouths about Blood Elves, and remind them its Blizzards game.

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