High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

Oh no I understand, but as per nelves, customization options via quest lines are a thing too.

High elves studying the void and can use void powers without having to be infused like original void elves are.

See how easy it is to create story when you have more than 1 creative brain cell? :kissing_heart:

Yeah those are called shadow priests LMAO, taurens and other races that are uncorrupted can do that too.

But regardless, what about mounts and heritage armor huh? Are you playing a helf that robbed a velf?

Try again.

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I don’t think you understand what a thought experiment is.

Which is my polite way of telling you that you don’t understand what a thought experiment is.

But, I guess we have to keep with our tradition of you being aggressively nonsensical towards me.

As far as people claiming Blood Elves aren’t Horde, which is pretty off topic and has little to do with the present conversation, the evidence to the contrary is pretty clear so I’m not sure why that bothers you?

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I’m not the one who provided an extremely poor example of one though.

Uh, we don’t use it?

Are all void elves forced to wear their heritage armor and forced to use the mount?

No cause that’s gameplay cosmetics.

Try harder. :rofl:

LOL what???

Just cuz you don’t use it doesn’t mean you don’t have it. Man you must have a gold medal in mental gymnastics.

Considering I provided a good example of one, I’m not sure who you’re talking about…

Don’t you have some real housewives to be watching? Is it an off season or something? Ru Paul’s Drag Race? I feel like there has to be some programming your fond of that has nothing to do with nonsensically interjecting into discussions with me. :rofl:

Thanks for providing a quote that they aren’t planning on giving void elves the complete look at this time, just a few options that tie back into it.

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Everybody knew they weren’t planning on giving Void Elves the complete look at this time.

You could log onto the Beta and confirm that, or read any of the forums.

After all, that’s why you’re in a forum where people are requesting these options.

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Mmm gotcha, so there’s actually a thousand invincibles being ridden by a thousand randos in WoW?

Cause our inventories are canon now?

My god kid. To think anyone gave you the time of day :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

And you’re what? The judge of that? I find the accuracy of it questionable because what you compared was two different situations that don’t require the same energy to be kept.

I’d laugh but you aren’t funny.

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It demonstrates how out of touch the devs are, but at least that they’re starting to come around. The point of this thread and others like it, is to show them that it would be a welcome choice by many. Trolls will trolls on here, but the fact that there’s so many people fighting over it shows that this stuff actually matters and is worth their attention.

(Observation): I imagine Blizzard’s employees are more clued-in than the rest of us.

(Commentary): Arcane magic can also manifest as pink or purple.

(Commentary): All of which is optional. I mean, emotes, for starters, are shared across all races. The only difference would be voice lines, but you can always just /em to get around that. Don’t need to use the racial, or the Heritage Armor, and there are so many mounts in the game that using the Void Elf one is hardly the only option.


It’s called ‘gas lightning’, and Lann is exceptionally good at it. He tries very hard to make you think that you’re the crazy one and dodges all semblance of rational thought, articulation, and responsibility.

You’re better off just putting that mook on Ignore. There is a ‘forever’ feature now, and it is wonderful.

The same could be said for most ARs, since none of them have gotten “their turn” yet.

You know they’re planning to continue customizations into shadowlands yeah?

You can’t compare 1 lore heavy undead horse to armor and a mount that’s given to any void elf for hitting max level because they’re a VOID ELF, who been turning purple during their entire journey as a warrior with 0 magic abilities.

Just stop, you can flip all you want in your head but you’re playing a velf buddy not a helf. Just like how dwarf players with tats are playing as wildhammer weebs.

And yet you were trying to imply that is was more than that earlier. Since you were saying things like:

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Ooh. This is news to me. :purple_heart:

I appreciate it.


Mmm yes I can, because they fall under the same concept: non canon, any armor or mounts we receive are non canon my guy.

Also doesn’t even remotely matter because void elves can have our canonical high elves and still be known as void elves for gameplay purposes without actually being the original void elves.

It’s called lore, I’m aware it’s hard for some :cry: