High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

I hope so… I don’t actually have anything against high elves or fans of high elves. I just think they are louder than people who want more void stuff so we might not get void stuff if Blizzard is only focused on appeasing one part of the crowd. Despite velfs being advertised to us as something totally different.

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Well… They’ve been loud for fifteen years. There are a lot of them. Void Elves have their fans, but unfortunately because of the way they’re added there is some strife there between people who wanted playable High Elves and Void Elves.

I have several Void elves and none of them are changing to High Elves. Though I’m planning to add a High Elf to my roster.

It’s not mutually exclusive. More Void stuff can be added.

I think maybe one of the best paths forward would be different hairstyles to go with High Elf hair colors. They could maybe land some hairstyles that would work for both Void Elves and High Elves.


Xidane, I would like to direct you to;

plenty of people there discuss possible hair styles for VE’s, no need to create another topic on this.

To add to the topic, I would like VE’s to remein unique in there own way though, I normally say add a LFD race/model toggle for people that wants to play closer to actual HE rather then VE, but in this case I agree with the post I linked about VE getting “kul’tiran” hair graphics VS BE hair graphics.

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That’s unfortunately just how things work popularity wise.

Also a friendly reminder that that dilemma is a Blizzard made issue, they tried to kill 2 birds with 1 stone aesthetically and missed.

If we had to have a cool void race it could of been Ethereals or K’thir, not blood elves painted blue as the substitute for a popular request that has nothing to do with the void theme.


To be fair, Void Elves are cool though. So despite how contentious and awful things were during BFA it’s nice having the race kicking around.

Maybe we’ll appreciate it in a couple of years.


I agree, they only need a bit more story added honestly.

Hopefully they won’t wait 15 years to add to the original story, like they did with the dreanei.

My wager is on that story not coming, or, simply being prosecuted by Umbric himself. Much as the two High Elf sisters are the representation for all High Elves and the Blood Elf king is the representation of all Blood Elves.

Just how they do things.

Unless you’re a gnome. Then whatever location you inhabit becomes a dungeon for adventurers.

Which says something about Gnomish engineering. Perhaps the reason there are no Goblin dungeons is due to their habitats not surviving the explosions.

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Lol, indeed Garithos, but how about the Orcs who burned their forests, pillaged their homes, and murdered their people? How about the Trolls being ancestral enemies since the Well of Eternity was discovered? How about the Forsaken being the undead remnants of good old Garithos’ men?? Yeah, makes so much sense for them to go Horde.

The bottom line is that Horde have Blood Elves but never should have, while the Alliance got a ridiculous, lazy knockoff with a rushed out story. Void Elves are Blood Elves too, actually, they just switched factions…AGAIN… You’re telling me that’s more realistic than just having High Elves or are more numerous than Voids, have a richer history tied to humans, and are already on the Alliance??

This more than just aesthetics, High Elves have a different philosophy and channel different powers than the Blood Elves. They can be druids, they’re master of the bow, they channel arcane power. And they could come out with amazing tattoo/warpaint options too.

Dark Rangers are Horde regardless if people want them for Blood Elves, Forsaken, or both. So no his point still stands without having doing to do this weird 1-2 step you came up with.


If I had to have a niche themed race, I would of preferred a deeper delve into a race heavily involved with it.

If we had to explore the void story with a race, I would of loved an eldritch/mind flayer type race or just a race with a heavy void history like Ethereals, to me, void elves just seem like a foot-in-the-door way of exploring that, they were quite literally invented to try and fill that role, as well as an excuse to not officially give the alliance the high elf faction they’ve always had.

In my opinion, it just feels like a loss to both aspects of what void elves tried to be.

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I’ll link one I made here for forsaken dark rangers etc.

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I’d rather be on the animal faction than share this one with you.

This has nothing to do with the logic being debated.

Both Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei were pretty half hearted Allied Races and would have been better off as customizations…

To be fair, High Mountain Tauren as well.


It actually does because you basically told him to “keep that same energy” more or less and he doesn’t have to because the situations are different, High Elves for Alliance when Horde has Blood Elves is a valid point of contention. Telling someone who has that issue to take issue with the Horde receiving Horde customization isn’t the same thing.

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I object to that.


I pointed out that he was coming out against Void Elves getting their full customization…

but was for Blood Elves getting a full Dark Ranger customization.

In order for that to be fair and not hypocritical, he needed to go and campaign against Dark Rangers getting eye colors, or skin colors.

It is, after all, the only way to be fair.

But then he said it did not have to be fair, and thus his complaints about Void Elf Hair Color were even more hypocritical.

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Says a man who did not object to being named Slugbite.

He sounds fair to me, perhaps it’s your standard of fairness that isn’t accurate.

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I’m an unholy DK. Being nasty is like, my thing man.

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