High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

“You opinion and one not supported by the numbers.”

Show me the “numbers” then. Oh wait you cannot because you and your pathetic excuse for an argument is just made up nonsense. Everyone one of you idiots make the same ridiculous claim - “I want High Elves, nobody wanted Void Elves and everyone agrees with me.” No they don’t. Got it?

No I don’t. I got an eye for an eye standard. If velves got pure skins then give belves light, undead, or sanlyan skins. Create quest chains (like nelf black eyes) to justify it.

Blond hair for velves, just turns them into blood elves that sometimes turn purple and can teleport. WTF is the point of them being an Allied race. That’s why i said, why dont we also give maghar green skin too. Or HM bull horns. You get the point?

Well they didn’t shy away with that when it came to pandas now did they, and putting Elves on the HOrde was a mistake to begin with.
You’re confusing Blizzard’s poor handling of them for what they could have been. I was talking about what Blizzard should have done. We know it’s all screwed up now, which is the only reason I made this thread of Void Elves getting High Elf customizations. If I had it my way we’d have High Elves.

Well no because it’d have to be incomplete. Like red eyes and not the skins, or skin colors and not the eye colors. That’s an eye for an eye.

So get on over to the Dark Ranger request thread and correct em’. Otherwise your arguments seem pretty hypocritical.

That still doesn’t make sense. You can play a green orc or a regular Tauren on Horde.

They gave Alliance High Elf customization options but left what they were going to do with the hair up to committee.

Lol no, thats incorrect. Velves have unique eyes and skin colors from belves. That means belves need their own unique skins and eye colors to balance the scales.

I’ve played the beta. Can’t make a green or gold eyed Void Elf.

So like I said, get on over to the Dark Ranger threads and tell them that they’ve got to choose.

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Just cuz pandas are a thing doesn’t mean velves need blond hair. Should horde have nightborne free from the nightwell taint then?

My male Nightborne and Male Night Elves share hair colors and skin colors. The tattoos are optional, so the only difference is that one is skinny. Doesn’t support your argument.

Now get on over to the Dark Ranger forums and give em’ the what for. I believe in your ability to be intellectually consistent so if you’re trying to be moral and fair you can’t let that request stand as it is.

Sure why not. And Blood Elves should have Fel Blood options. The only reason I want blonde hair for Void Elves is because Blizzard trolled us and hasn’t given High Elves. In short, they’re all we have to work with. High Elves should have been the playable race even in TBC, and they most certainly should be now instead of Void Elves.

Void Elves are a clear indication that Blizzard is out of touch with fans, however they seem to gradually be getting the hint and finally started giving Void Elves High Elf appearance options. Not perfect, but better than nothing.

it doesn’t need to be even down the middle. The point is velves have pure and corrupted options, so give them to belves as well. Hair is not enough of a difference between an AR and its parent race as you can see from every single other race.

Well if it doesn’t need to be even down the middle then aren’t we fine then?

So what are you arguing against?

Void Elves can get the hair options they need to properly represent High Elf customization.

I’m glad you’re with us.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

The story evolved teh way it did, and you coudl even see it in Warccraft 3 with Garithos. Belves ARE the Helves. Pure options for velves was just throwing helfers a bone so they’d finally shut it.

Because it’s extremely unbalanced when you essentially gave belf skins to velves minus the hair. They’re not a neutral race. Every AR has distinctive differences to justify them, not just hair.

You just said it doesn’t have to be down the middle.

So you’re saying it’s fine if it’s unbalanced, as long as it’s the Alliance side that comes up short? Because that looks like what you’re saying.

Why do things have to be fair for the Horde side but not the Alliance side?

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Well Blizzard is the one who billed these new customization options for Void Elves as “High Elf Customization Options” so the “mixed together” recipe is the direction they seem to be going.

Blood Elves are Horde
Void Elves are Alliance

And in the words of game director Ion Hazikostas:

Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves… Void Elves are also pretty much another flavor of High Elves

And this is probably why these options are being made available.

Remember that Blizzard intends for us to make our derivative races through customization now. That’s why we are getting Wildhammer options for Dwarves, Sandfury options for Trolls, etc. It’s a fairly strong indication that derivative allied races will be few and far between in the future, and probably be more like Vulpera in that they might use an existing rig but not be related to the race whose rig they are using (Vulpera are in no way related to Goblins and therefore are not derivative).


I wish my Velf was getting some actual void looking customizations… I like the “high elf” skin tones but I still want her to have things like extra eyes, void tattoos, a full head of tentacles and other things to set her apart from Blood Elves. I really don’t want to be a Belf copy.

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I know I did, that why I mentioned the eyes. It doesn’t matter if one has slightly more eye colors from the other. Just how its clear that velves have a heavily corrupted option, so to should the belves with either light, undead, or snalyan.

Other wise, like I said, whats he point of them being an AR.

Eh. Allied Races haven’t actually received expanded customization options yet though.

Void Elves did get those options, but this came after fifteen years of requests and then a persistent and strong request for playable High Elves after the implementation of Void Elves that never died.

So wait and see. Void Elves could get more Void stuff.

Allied Races in the future are probably going to be more like Vulpera than like Lightforged Draenei. The new customization options is apparently how they’re adding those different things now.

Perhaps we should be complaining that Trolls got like… 5 Allied Races added simultaneously while Alliance only received one and a half?

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