High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

Were they? I mean, this is all just a buncha nonsense to try and let you play what you want by watering down an awesome race by wasting its customization time copying a horde race. I liked this thread more when I just read the title and thought you were trying to suggest giving blood elves (the real high elves) void elf customizations so they aren’t inferior to their knockoffs in options.

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I’d rather have void elves.

Don’t get me wrong though, keep asking for what you want to see.

But I rather like the void elf story. I’m hyped for our high elf wayfarer brethren to join us.

I think these options will fulfill the needs of a lot of the High elf fans, once they add the natural hair colors.


I as well like void elves. But I also agree that it was a huge slap in the face for anyone what was requesting high elves. I think the more races they add the better.

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You opinion and one not supported by the numbers.

Well said.

Yes they were. Elves were an Alliance race if you played Warcraft II and III. And if you want to talk watering down, then Void Elves epitomize that. Elves were originally an Alliance race that were stolen and added to the Horde for petty shock value in a paper thin story, so you’re kinda backwards on that one.

Fans have been calling out for High Elves since before this game even got past beta, but if we’re to be stuck with these cheesy knockoffs then at least we can look the part and have High Elf customizations like Alleria. And includes tattoos and warpaint. It’s simple, the Alliance race that got ripped off by the Horde wants to go home.

Agreed, and I hope you continue to enjoy your Void Elf. Thank you for being open minded, it’s refreshingly welcome.

Indeed it was. But I glad you’re having fun. Keep it going :grinning:

Yeah sure, lets also add regular kul tirans, regular gilneans.

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The story of the expansion pack for 2 had them leave the Alliance, and wc3 is hardly a rousing story of the High Elves being all in on the Alliance.

Yeah, you’re just a whiner who’s upset that one pretty race wasn’t given to the Alliance even though it was a better story than the boring same old same old fantasy stereotype you’re pining for.


Those should be human customization options with varying features or clothing. High Elves on the other hand are an Alliance with a massive backstory and history. They have way more lore and compatibility with the Alliance, which means that future stories would greatly benefit from their addition.

Yes, Kael gathered surviving Dalaran Elves and went to Outland…then joined the Legion. With the exception of the Scryers, they all went insane. Any survivors in Quel’thalas itself were cutoff from him and we didn’t even know they were alive.

Some retcons were written in later to try and explain things, adding events that never took place and made little sense. It’s bad writing that came out well after the established lore, but we have to roll with now. I’m just asking that we allow the High Survivors to join us.

I could say the same thing about you whining for wanting to hang onto your stolen property. And it’s not a better story by any stretch of the imagination because it’s absurd.

Their story with Alliance could have started out with Humans finally arriving from Stormwind to help, only to find Elves who are shaken and have heard rumors of Human betrayal. Still fighting for their lives against undead hunting them in the night, they have no choice but accept this help. Tensions only go up further with the presence of Night Elves, who don’t trust them.

The quest for reconnection is difficult, with Humans having to be the intermediaries, but in the end Humans and High Elves battle off the Scourge and the Night Elves cure the Ghostlands of its curse - rebuilding respect and mending age old animosity between them and the Night Elves. Later on the Sunwell is reborn the same way it was in TBC, with the Alliance’s help, completely a hard reconciliation, and firming the age old ties between Humans and Elves.

That makes way more sense than joining faction of marauding animals that is comprised of enemies, has nothing in common with them, and blindly follows murderous dictators. The Horde is a joke.

Except that they’re the same race as blood elves. So no.

You’re on something hard if you think you’ll get helves as an actual race despite being identical to belves and velves getting fair skin options.

Also lore wise, alliance helves haven’t gone anywhere. They don’t need to be, and will never be, a playable race to benefit the story.

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Void elves are not goth. I am sorry but you can’t just give someone pale skin and dark clothing and say, “oh, that’s goth.”

(Observation): To be fair, there are people who would like for the Worgen’s Human Form to persist through combat, and a common request for Kul Tirans is the thin model, or at least the standard human model.

(Commentary): With that said, why not? What is honestly lost by opening up these options to players?


Somehow I get the feeling Tahonto isn’t dropping into the Blood Elf / Dark Ranger threads and complaining about people trying to make Blood Elves into Forsaken…


It’s not mutually exclusive though.

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Playable Worgen are meant to be Worgen. You want to be a human then play a Human.

Playable Kul Tirans are meant to be the fat ones. Just like how Playable Forsaken are undead humans, not undead eleves, or banshees. Or how playable Zanda trolls are upright, despite there being haunched ones too in the lore.

I think belves should get either undead skins or sanlyan via a quest chain in shadowlands (similar to nelf black eyes) to balance out velves getting pure options.

Why would you support this? It damages Blood Elf Integrity.

Well because velf integrity has already been pooped on to pander to noisy helf fan boys. Might as well do it to belves so they get unique options too.

Plus, an event in revendreth that causes a group of belves to trigger a minor sanlyan transformation that’s more cosmetic then effective could be used to justify it.

If not then holy light skins will work also.

Yeah, but if you’re going with the, “We might as well do it for Blood Elves” thing, then what’s your actual reason for arguing against Void Elven hair colors and styles?

Seems to me that you’ve got one set of rules for a Horde race and another set of rules for an Alliance race.

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Because then there would be 0 differentiation between velves and belves. Isn’t it obviouse, come on.

Should we give mag’har green skin too. Or Vulpera magical skin tight goblin body suits?

That’s fine, but seems superfluous considering Orcs already have green skin.

Also seems like a distinctly different situation.

Mag’har were added to the game to represent Mag’har options before they added customization options. If Mag’har were added today it would likely be through customization options.

Like I said, seems like you’ve got a different standard for Horde and Alliance races.