High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

BuT bLiZzArD oNlY cArEs AbOuT tHe HoRdE!!!

*Stares at the IMMENSE customization options coming for Humans and Night Elves…


Stop pretending to be something that you aren’t, Illidan wannabe.

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roll with this: more than one subrace option means more customizations. for example, blood elf dark rangers or blood elf san’layn or blood elf felbloods, are 3 different blood elf subraces that should singularly or collectively be accessible to blood elves.

in the same manner, humans have 2 more subraces added, dwarves have an additional subrace, trolls have an additional subrace, and many other races want subrace customizations too. for example, orcs would like dragonmaw and blackrock orc subraces. for void elves, their requested subrace is high elves.


What they should do is add human hairstyles and colors to Void Elves, not Blood Elf ones. Then add Forsaken hairstyles and an undead look to Blood Elves.


Well High Elves were originally an Alliance race and fans have been calling for their return since WoW was being beta tested. Blood Elves being on the Horde never made sense to begin with, and was only done at all for cheap shock value. Technically they were stolen from us. So naturally when Blizzard implemented lazy knockoffs that no one asked for, like the Void Elves, fans felt pretty disrespected.

If we can’t have High Elves, then yeah that’s sad, but at least we can look the part and fight for the Alliance as we should have been all along.

This is a great idea. I was actually thinking the same since the Blood Elf racial got nerfed into the ground. I figured they should rework them into having a Fel Blood form, but a sub race is a great idea.


Please Blizzard.

We are begging you.


I agree. The High Elves abandoned the Alliance and joined the Horde. The Warcraft 3 fans are reminiscing over an era that has long passed. They aren’t arguing for the Lordaeron humans (AKA: Forsaken) back because Lordaeron used to be Alliance. They cherry pick who they claim we “stole” from them to fit their high elf fantasies.

And nothing is wrong with wanting a High Elf. Nothing is wrong with wanting a Void Elf. But the two should stop being confused and mixed together like some crappy cookbook recipe and we should accept that they exist in different factions.

Elves should never have been on the Horde to begin with due to cultural incompatibility alone. It was done for cheap shock value, not because it made sense. Since then we’ve barely been a part of the game because our lore doesn’t tie in with the Horde at all.

High Elves and Humans on the other hand, have a lengthy history and fought side by side during the Troll Wars, the 2nd war, and 3rd war, where we battled the HORDE… The same war where Orcs burnt, pillaged, and murdered hundreds of Elves in their own homeland.

This is also the same faction that has Trolls, ancestral enemies of the Elves. The same faction that has Forsaken, the risen undead of Lordaeron, the exact same people who actually betrayed the Blood Elves under a rogue general’s command.

Sylvanas is a typical mustache twirling villain who didn’t even try to hide her contempt for the living, including her own people. I guess Elven IQs dropped along with the quality of writing.

Uh, no we really don’t. Void Elves got a mediocre response from fans that faded fast. They have a small fan base, which is fine, but overall, Elf fans want High Elves and feel like our intelligence is being insulted by this lazy gimmick.

Actually they joined the Legion.

If you follow the actual lore from WC3, Kael’thas abandoned Azeroth entirely with the Blood Elves and Illidan. He later betrayed Illidan and joined the Legion. He had no idea there were survivors in Quel’thalas because communication with the north cutoff and he had no opportunity to leave Dalaran, so again, this makes no sense. The only remaining Blood Elves who haven’t turned to Fel Bloods are the Scryers who got wise to Kael’thas’ insanity. Any High Elf survivors were on their own in Quel’thalas.

Even if Kael could have overcome his fel-snorting for five minutes to check up on his people, why join the Horde?


  • Orcs burnt much of the Elves homeland to the ground and murdered hundreds of them in the second war. Not all that long ago, especially in the eyes of an Elf.

  • Trolls are their ancestral enemies. They hate each other.

  • Forsaken are the undead resurrections of Lordaeron Humans, the exact same group of people who betrayed them. Brilliant.

  • Sylvanas shows nothing but disgust for the living, including her own people. Yeah let’s join her…

  • Completely cultural incompatibility: This lack history and cultural melding has led to nothing but watered down stories since TBC and Blood Elves barely playing a part in the game. And for what? Simply so they can be the Horde token pretty race? What a waste.

I never see anyone besides Alliance posters and or fans say this, and it’s normally rooted in not accepting the fact the Blood Elves were never an Alliance shoe in race and the story moved elsewhere.

Helped the Blood Elves in their time of need, when they were undergoing a cultural reset and were looking for allies.

Literally all of this means nothing because it isn’t the Blood Elves. You’re listing all the reasons why maybe Alliance affiliated Thalassian Elves may still hold grudges, but not Blood Elves.

You have trolls listed but if Garithos isn’t responsible for all humans, which trolls exactly were the ones the BEs have issue with? At the time of their joining you are saying then the Darkspear are the responsible party?

And you list the undead as if you don’t understand the connection the BEs have with Sylvanas and I guess that’s just a you thing because I don’t know what’s not clicking.

This is your opinion, clearly because I again don’t see Blood Elf fans complain about their race not being Alliance, I see Alliance fans who for some reason in fighting for Alliance High Elves feel the need to talk out of the side of their mouths about Blood Elves. Speaking of Horde culture, do you speak on this as an expert on the Horde, the game in general, as a dev?


Yes, Alliance players do make up most of the High Elf fans. You know why? Because High Elves are an Alliance race, and they’ve been so since Warcraft II. The lore itself has a long history of Humans and Elves going back 3,000 years. Plenty of lore and stories to explore in that time.

I’m not asking for Blood Elves on the Alliance because Blood Elves shouldn’t be a playable race at all. Kael’s Elves all went to Outland and lost their minds. The Scryers represent the last of the Blood Elves, and would most likely rejoin the High Elves.

Yeah because that’s not out of character or anything. Changing the fundamental aspects of cultures or characters to fit a narrative direction is poor writing. Orcs generally don’t respect races like Elves and were afraid of their magic.

Blood Elves may be a rebranding of the High Elves under Kael’s comman in Dalaran, but they’re still the same people who got brutalized by the Horde. As for the Trolls, their entire race has fought and hated Elves since the Well of Eternity was discovered and Night Elves came into being.

Garithos was a rogue general of Lordaeron Humans, so if Elves were to judge any group of humans based on his actions, then the Forsaken are technically that group.

Sylvanas was a hero in life, but her time after breaking free of the Lich King has turned her into a monster who has become everything she once stood against. She never made any secret of this to anyone with half a brain, so why would the Elves rally to that.

Yeah, I’m sure the warlike culture, animal skin huts, spiked walls, disgusting manners, and diametrically opposed ideologies have nothing to do with it. Come on, you know Elves are the elephant in the room and have zero compatibility with the barbaric races of the Horde.

My main faction is Alliance but I know everything about the Horde and their history. A lot of these devs get hired from other companies without knowing the source material in depth or think that retcons are a professional method of storytelling. So yeah, I know more than them.

This is made obvious by the complete lack of Blood Elf content. They always seem separate from the Horde and on a whole different level of intelligence and maturity. Haven’t you every wondered why? Their relationship with the Horde is flimsy at best.

High Elves have so much room for such greater stories, and many Elf fans in general would like to play as the wise, ancient, kind hearted, nature loving Elven archetype in WoW, and should reflect in their racial traits and class options. The Alliance is the place to truly do that because they have a history together. The magic junkie story frankly sucks and is a disservice to Elves.

(Observation): To be fair, that’s how it was written. One can argue as to the quality of writing, but if Blood Elves were going to go Alliance, then it would’ve been the Alliance helping them in their time of need, when they were undergoing a cultural reset. In a funny way though… that is exactly what happened. When Kael’thas betrayed the Blood Elves, it was the Alliance which defeated Kil’jaeden and restored the Sunwell in it’s new purified form. The Draenei, an Alliance race, have had far more impact on Quel’Thalas from a point of cultural growth.

(Commentary): This is, in my opinion, the big flaw with the Blood Elf story; Blizzard themselves either cannot, or outright refuse to properly divorce it from the Alliance. When Blood Elves do feature in an expansion, they’re almost always either acting as intermediaries for the Horde, working with the Alliance for the Horde, or are somehow being abused and used by the Horde. This is not a good narrative for them and Blizzard really needs to start building more stories with the Blood Elves and the Horde. The Nightborne weren’t a bad first step, but now it just seems like they’re in an isolated Club House with other elves who don’t quite make sense in the Horde either.


Just keep asking for the Alliance High Elves folks let them know what they did is not acceptable. We did not ask for their alternative, we just ask for what has always been there, Alliance High Elves.


I’m down. Void Elves will always be remembered as the “Oh no, we forgot to give the Alliance an extra allied race!”.

Anyways, no one wanted Void Elves quite literally because they were a last minute invention, even Alleria, the first of Void Elves, doesn’t look like the rest of her people + the fact of course that we farmed reputation with the Broken Draenei to unlock Elves(?).

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Nononono, they were only an alliance race for the main campaign of WC2, then they left it.


You can’t even get the the thread title right - this is about High Elf customizations for Void Elves.

Well said! Correct on all points! :+1: :+1: :+1:

Yes, you’re right, we absolutely should keep calling for REAL High Elves. Their story is way deeper, and they’d able to play druid. Their racial abilities should also reflect who they are.

Agreed 100%

Not exactly, they were still on the Alliance when you play the game, which means they’re still out there with us. The backstory has been retconned and messed with so many times that it’s not even consistent with the game, so I don’t give that nonsense much credence.

Void Elves are the ones getting High Elf appearance options, but it’s the players who want to be High Elves. I’m referring to those fans as High Elves. Personally I’d rather just have High Elves, period.

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I saw what you ment. Unfortunately this is a hot button topic. People that don’t have any skin in the game generally just want conflict. So it doesn’t matter what you say, they are going to argue for the sake of arguing.
The fact of the matter is this.
Alliance got a half baked high elf. At this point it doesn’t matter if they have blonde hair… they have everything else. Give them what they have been asking for since TBC.

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Agreed, trolls will be trolls. And yes, this lazy knockoff gimmick we got stuck with is just insulting. Not sure why Blizzard is being so stubborn or out of touch with fans, but they really should get it together on this one and end the issue by getting it right. I might just start yet another High Elf thread. I’ve been doing them annually since before TBC, so I might as well again.

No, Void Elves are the superior elves - Elves 2.0. The whiners will continue in their self-delusion that they speak for everyone when they clearly don’t. At all.

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Love how you stated your opinion then followed it up with insulting anyone who disagrees with you. You must talk a lot of politics.

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