High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

please dont gaslight. the race does not exist in the same capacity on alliance as it does on the horde. there is no equivalency between 4 npcs over 15 years and the dalaran elves acting as goons for jaina that one time and what the blood elves represent

the high elf culture, theme and aesthetic is part of the horde not the alliance. your continued refusal to not accept this is a joke

YOU are the one who has chosen to roll a void elf and not a blood elf. that means you accepted their void tainted appearance and weird voice. and you are a void elf, you start in telogrus and are informed of what you are. you have void powered racials allowing you to teleport through the void and one that transforms you in combat in case you forgot, hear voices and bleed blue blood. thats what you chose and theres nothing left to trade for what you want. we got an eye color(lol) and you got skin tones. its over. blood elves arent getting void colors and vice versa


All Blood Elves are High Elves
All Void Elves are Blood Elves and High Elves
Not all High Elves are Blood Elves

They are the same race, but infused with different powers.

Edit: Of course there’s a layer of political alignment on top of all of that


/carries sign

  • dark ranger/san’layn customizations for belfs
  • farstrider tats and runic tats for belf helfs
  • sun elf style fx, like sunlit mana hair and other light fx for belf helfs
  • botanist druids for belf helfs
  • more haircolors, beards and hairstyles for velf helfs and velfs
  • ear/eyebrow resizing for velfs
  • paladin class for velf helfs.

Holy crap I haven’t seen you post on here for ages and I have missed it, I’m happy to see you again dearie. :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart:


high elves are blood elves in terms of race. ‘high’ elves as you fanfiction are just a political faction of blood elves. there is no difference in theme or aesthetics

alignment or politics is not enough and never has been enough to differentiate a race. the whole point of your strawman is to separate blood/high to gaslight people into thinking high elves arent playable

I like how void elves look

Shame on you for disparaging them

Isn’t the other way around? The majority of the Thalassian elves changed their political faction while the rest remained as they were.


“All trucks are motor vehicles, but not all motor vehicles are trucks”. Ever heard of that phrase before?

There is no clear defemination on what “race really means” in the Warcraft Universe. For all we know, the race can actually be “elf”.

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i look like gray gray more gray. some blue. gray. and my hair looks like it use to be a braid but now its a glob. haha

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which ones, be specific. the dalaran elves and silvermoon survivors regrouped with kael and lorthemar and rebranded the race. whats your lore citation for a group outside of this

While I really advocate for better ways to represent a high elf with the void elf model (aka regular hair colors and tentacle toggle), I also would be even more excited for further void corruption as:

  • Medusa like tentacle hair
  • More drastic skin options
  • Red and black eyes, like that toy that adds them to your face
  • Void wings being taken off the heritage set and added to the customization menu, alongside 2 other different designs / purple shades

thats what i thought

i meant being challenged and dodging btw

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It would be greatly appreciated by many of us if Blizz would stop giving alliance more Blood Elf options.
So I really hope Void Elves do not get any Blood Elf hairstyles and hair colors.


Yeah, sorry I just got tired of trying to put together an answer here. Good luck with whatever you’re trying to achieve in this thread.

If you gave void elves ALL of the blood elf customizations they would be losing their whole identity. How can you say they aren’t losing anything? What exactly are they getting out of this?

They wouldn’t be getting anything except their race copy/pasted onto alliance.

Also, i’m allowed to feel insulted so don’t sit there and tell me how I should feel or tell me to calm down.

Telling someone to calm down is one of the most irritating/ignorant things someone can say during a discussion.

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why should you get both options?

(Observation): So far? They gain nothing. However, they lose nothing as well. Not a single customization for Void Elves is being removed.

(Commentary): I’m hoping that we’ll see more Void options in the future too. I really like the idea of a third eye on the forehead.


Believe me, it’s almost funny how any player’s who discuss Blood Elf identity get flamed and insulted… but oh preclude them from practically all Blood Elf customizations and they’ll scream to high heavens.

Get back to me when male Blood Elves get more than 2 new hair cuts, 12 new eye options, 3 new skin colors, and 3 new beard options TOTAL for their MAIN race Shadowlands customization…


I’ve come to realize that the majority of the peeps who post on this forum are alliance fans.