High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

(Commentary): Unit Exacitor agrees. It shows a distressing level of ignorance, since nothing is really being changed about Void Elves. Its not as if Umbric will end up with long flowing golden locks and a beach tan or anything. Nothing is changing about Void Elves with new options. That said, I am also in support of more Void themed options as well. I really want to see a Third Eye, and eye options that resemble the Old Gods.

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just to be clear, the players didnt and cant steal anything. thats up to the developers.

but this is the big question i have for people who dont want void elves to have any more customizations unless they’re grotesque: why cant we have both? is it written somewhere that new void elves are created via the same accidental events that produced our current state of permanently drenched.


They should have made Elves accessible by both factions from the get-go. When they added Blood Elves to Horde, they should have added High Elves to Alliance and gave them a Pandaran race type treatment.


Why would you want both?

Why would you want to be an exact copy/paste of a race that already exists on the opposite faction?

We already look similar enough.

we already have both. problem is we only have the same hairstyles and the same haircolors we started with. if we cant have any new haircolors or hairstyles, velf customization is gonna suck. there are people actively fighting against us getting further customizations unless they’re grotesque. i’d like to remind you, velfs are our high elf compromise. not much of a compromise if all you can do is change skin color or be even more old god than before.

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I’m not against getting new hair colors or hairstyles whatsoever. I just don’t believe we should get blood elf hair colors. We should just leave that unique to their race. It’s pretty much their whole “look” nowadays to be light-based and holyish.

Void-elves are the opposite. White hair and black hair I can agree with but no way should we get any kind of blond hair.


oh i dont either. except for black. we need black. i keep saying that cause i cant believe we didnt start with it. maybe it was too creepy but i think it’d look nice. you’ve probably heard my request - just lighten up velf haircolors into the pastel range and lighten the grey/silver up till its mostly white.

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Your request is reasonable and it’s something that would be new and different!

I’m just not cool with people asking Blizzard to 100% dump all blood elf customizations onto void elves.


Most male Void Elf hair doesn’t look that good for the clipping tentacles.

I don’t want HE hair or Blood Elf hair (We need the jet black hair. This is not Blood Elf property), I want versions of the same hair VE has but without tentacles. Would be nice.

My Elf stays Void Elf as he is now anyway.

now theoretically, for this to make sense, belfs also have to have access to those colors, just in the warm range. for example,

a velf would have cool pink,
a belf would have coral pink,
a velf would have soft blue,
a belf would have turquoise,
a velf would have mint green,
a belf would have seafoam green.

this is coral pink

this is almost seafoam green. almost. its a bit too blue. needs a bit more yellow


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To the thread, More customizations are great, but stop asking for the tentacles elves (a legitimately cool race that I like) to be turned into store brand reject blood elves.

Let them Be eldritch and awesome instead of the fake tribal blond blue eyed elf fetish.


At this point the only thing missing from Void Elf customization is green eyes. No one actually pays any attention to your character’s eye color anyway.

How so? WoW added some stuff about Night Elves spying/sabotaging them (which makes sense, because the Blood Elves were delving into dangerous magic and working with Illidan…) and had the Forsaken, which are led by one of their heroes, join the Horde. This, combined with their problems with the Alliance in Warcraft 3, gives them more than enough reason to join the Horde. I don’t see any retcons here.

I know Blizzard’s main reason to have Blood Elves join the Horde were to get more people playing on the Horde, but the lore makes sense also imo.

A reminder that High Elves never belonged to either faction and only made alligences out of convenience.

High Elves were there own thing before the Alliance of Lorderon was even formed and continued to be so when they formally left.

The Alliance is not owed something that was never theres to begin with


How about we let Blood Elves keep their last distinct feature, their hair colors.


no we still have the same hairstyles and haircolors we started with, none of which are blood elf colors. dwarves, humans, kul’tirans, gnomes, blood elves and goblins, have blonde/red/brown/black haircolors. but everything velf players ask for is met with controversy and insults, even stuff thats not even the same colors as blood elves. its rather silly at this point

(Speculative): Because the same race exists in the Alliance as well? Because we’ve been interacting with Alliance High Elves before Blood Elves ever joined the Horde?

(Commentary): It doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request. In fact, it’s a compromise. The fact people are accepting it and being torn down for accepting a compromise is a pretty sad thing. No wonder the world is as messed up as it is if this is how we treat a rational and mature response.


{Speculative}: You are a jabroni
{Commentary} You are a jabroni

hush. you got my favorite eye color - the purple npc eyes. those are so cool. velfs got purple too but they dont have a cornea circle. its just a white blob with some purple around the outside. you also got some great new hairstyles. if they let you stand up straight too, you’d be flooded by people wanting red eyed undead skin dark rangers, cause you also got the cool red npc eyes.

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I’m sorry if you’re getting insulted over a few pixels on the screen. Next time, just turn the screen off and go for a walk outside.

Except, nothing is being stolen, and you’re not losing anything.