High Elf Customizations for Void Elves

hi rose :grin:
i was the biggest proponent for dark skin tones being added. dunno if you remember way back in the early helf allied race debates, i suggested the devs could do something like this:

thousands of years before arthas invaded quel’thalas, 2 ships of farstriders set sail from the coast, to survey the surrounding islands. a storm blew them off course and they ship wrecked on an uncharted island, apparently a remnant of the troll empire.

the farstriders found several abandoned ziggurats and eventually a cache of mana laced artifacts with instructions on how to tap them for magic. this is how illidan learned the method, from an ancient troll temple, which he later would teach the blood elves.

anyway, the shipwrecked farstriders were considered lost at sea. all records of their fated journey were destroyed during the creation of the dead scar, where it pierced the walls of silvermoon and destroyed the library of the quel’dorei. they continued on for generation after generation on the uncharted island, eventually developing darker and darker skin.

then one day, while searching for the dragon isles, wrathion’s crew found the shipwrecked group. they had survived for thousands of years, sated their magical addictions and withdrawal from the sunwell and leylines of quel’thalas, what little they had, with the troll artifacts. and now they were going to be reunited with their quel’dorei kin.

it fell upon wrathion to catch them up to the whereabouts of the quel’dorei and the schism that developed between them and the sindorei. shocked that their ancestors would join forces with trolls, they asked to be returned to the safety of the quel’dorei, now members of the alliance.

tada, actual high elves, with various levels of skin color, who dont know the nuances of the making of the sindorei but remember vividly being killed by trolls

oh yeah. hehehe. had blizz went with something like that, the debates, omy the debates.

More character customization is always a good thing.

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Thinking back Hyper.

This was a very unfair assumption of me. This was more about a few interactions with a few bad members.

I apologize in advance, that was not cool of me.

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Oddly enough it’s probably a serious case of selective memory since the author theirself forgot to finish the statement.

excited to see classic tbc? i know i am.

I’m not getting my hopes up until I see it for real

but I think it is the peak wow experience

Reminds me why I took a break from this place… is never good enough for you people.

Isn’t enough for you OP that you get to steal 80% of a horde race? You want the whole 100%?


i think so too, though i remember emfh and shadowmeld in combat, which were both added in wrath pre-patch, i do believe, sure made alliance pvp more tolerable and also resulted in all my priests being nelfs cause dungeon healing was so much better.

but i just love tbc. love the new races, the new music, the new dungeons and raids. the various reps, the zones, the economy. was golden era wow

I agree Blizz make Alleria be more Void Elf in appearence so we dont have to deal with these people trying to turn void elves in to high elves.


well if its any comfort, i dont personally want blonde hair. i think they could take void elf hair, lighten it several shades, so we have pink, soft blue, mint green, light blue violet and silver white, and kul’tiran hairstyles, and i’d be happy as a peach. oh and black, we need black hair.

Holy :poop:posting Batman!

Anyway back to the original topic at hand, I’d definitely like a blonde or two for Void Elves seeing as their racial leader is Blonde for one(inb4 Alleria is “different”) and that the PCs are following suit via skin colors, so it’s strange that hair options weren’t ported over as well.

That being said I feel there’s an opportunity for something more unique, aside from Blonde hair, not to placate anyone or anything like that, but to add stuff more fitting for Void Elves and also to expand their aesthetic as far as color tones go. I’d give them golden blonde, platinum blonde, white/silver, black, a light lavender, a powder blue, powder pink and a void touched silver.

As far as styles go I’d give them Blood Elf styles 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19 as these all already exist on the Alliance, many actually originating from the Alliance, though I wouldn’t mind if the whole lot were copied and pasted, though I would like other Alliance/original styles in lieu of the ones I didn’t list to keep some differentiation intact.


Blizzard also seems to be trolling the Blood Elf player base as well. You literally can’t have one single thread or post about blonde hair for Void Elves without dozens of players getting angry and the whole thing devolving into “abandon thread” territory.

The normal skin tones for Void Elves alone has made some Blood Elf players furious, but requests for hair colors that match the normal skin tones for Void Elves is literally flame bait.

It’s also noteworthy that years ago, Blizzard actually said that they would consider giving Void Elves the option to have normal skin tones.

It would seem that giving Void Elves normal skin tones was a bigger mistake than adding Void Elves as an Allied Race for Alliance given the amount of new controversy over it.

I personally think the devs should have A, just left Void Elves as Void Elves, no normal skin tones ever, or B, given Void Elves normal skin tones along with normal-ish hair colors.

This half-measure of normal skin tones for Void Elves without matching hair colors just puts everyone at each others’ throats for no good reason, and it certainly doesn’t help that Blood Elves are lacking in the area of new customization options, either.

Even now, they STILL haven’t finished implementing the new skin tones for Void Elves, as face posing for the new skin tones isn’t implemented yet and they are STILL USING THE BLOOD ELF UNDERWEAR TEXTURE that they promised would be changed to the correct Void Elf underwear.

Guess they’re going to fix that in 9.1 along with the Mag’har Orc beard option “Goatee,” and yeah, they refuse to fix the “Goatee” model bug. Can’t wait for 9.0.1 to hit live servers with the wrong beard model for Mag’har Orcs, see people complain about the “Goatee” option being changed, and then the bug getting fixed in 9.1, and people complaining that the option has changed again.

Hopefully they will do more customization updates for both Void Elves and Blood Elves. Both races need more options and these threads are getting ridiculous.


Good thing I like a clean shave. :rofl::rofl:

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so basically it was just a buzzword and you have no real proof of what your saying? sounds like a troll to me.

Nah girl. I had to fall asleep for work. Don’t you worry, I’m not chased away that easy. :heart:


have you seen kul’tiran hairstyles on void elves? both males and females, look amazing.

Oh yes. Saying “no” is making an absurd accusation. Please, continue to tell me how I’ve devolved into kicking and screaming. Provide evidence too, while you’re at it.

I just disagree with giving void elves high elf styles and colors. That’s what blood elves got. I think it would be nice to make void elves “voidier”; black and pure white hair, darker skin tones, more intense glowing eyes, etc. I find it lazy that people want the same race on both sides. You seem to assume that I disagree with void elves, but that’s simply an assumption you’ve made with no evidence to back it up. I just want more diversity between blood elves and void elves.


These threads are a cancer.


I did, and while I do like a couple, there are other races I prefer more, namely the list I posted which already exist for Draenei, Humans, Night Elves and more. I did omit some I believe were never ported to the Alliance or that I considered tacky.

I feel like it would be a great disservice to both Kul Tiran and Void Elf players if they were to just clone all the Kul Tiran assets to Void Elves.

If you want this, you can play a blood elf. Stop trying to change me and my race. It’s so insulting.

You already have skintones. Y’all need to just give it up already because now you’re simultaneously pissing off void elf players AND blood elf players.

You wanna steal a look from one race and then try to change another race into something completely different with that same stolen look…

Can’t stress how awful that sounds when you say it out loud.