High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

Maybe my head should form an alliance with their hairstyles then. That’s my new faction

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Not as silly as you lot trying to yuck others yums. lol

You don’t want it, then don’t use it. And certainly don’t give the threads about it so much attention that Blizzard gets to see em constantly.

Just mute it and move on.

Technically the majority of Horde aligned Blood Elves and players never consumed the Fel. Those that did eventually became the Felblood Elves, but the Blood Elves sure did start using the Fel magics to their own ends and dropped their taboos on it.

But thats honestly such a technicality at this point and has nothing to actually do with High Elves being a common Alliance force while Blood Elves are, obviously, a Horde force.

Also I want Blizzard to tell us if thats what they do… cause thats still kinda just up in the air. >:[

Without a doubt it will. I’m curious to see how they do it. Additional Customization? An AR?

After the Earthen I’m not going to ignore any possibility. lol

Truth honestly.

If you’re part of this community can you like…suggest stuff for Blood Elves in the Blood Elf one rather than yuck peoples yums?

Seems more sensible to work on Blood Elves if all they have is their looks. Clearly more needs to be done there.

If you’re splitting them up this much then you’re going to need a lot more factions.

Either way you should be able to tell they were referring to groups of Thalassian. High, Blood and Void, not their individual internal factions.

Your facts are based on useless information though. You refuse to accept the fact that Blizzard doesn’t have official populations. They just add what they decide is there at the time.

Either way between gnomes, trolls and void elves there really isn’t an argument for numbers regardless.

Your facts are baseless.

I wonder where the running would be though, if people could be the high elves they wanted?

I’m not really convinced myself that the High Elf folk and Void Elf folk are larger than one another but I can bet that a huge swath will switch… cause right now they’re only able to do it that way. With options they’d pick the “real thing” every time.

Can you tell me what was taken away?

I’ve not lost anything on my blood elves to my knowledge…

I think both Void Elves and Blood Elves have slightly different beards actually…

I’ve said this before, but blame Blizzard for creating this problem.

“No high elves” stopped making sense when they started adding high elves to WoW after TBC instead of entirely writing them out. After MOP and Legion, the default excuse (there’s not enough of them to be a playable race) was no longer enough, so it was only a matter of time. Especially since the only other reason thrown around was “Blizzard wasn’t happy with the pandaren on both factions so they won’t make high elves playable for Alliance” which is a terrible reason at best.

From a writing perspective, void elves should not be a thing since their origins make no sense and it waters down what Legion tried to do with Alleria. That said, writing them out now would just be bad because the dye has already been cast and I’m not a fan of just undoing story events (no matter how terrible the idea).

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Oh really? Then ig I’ll be fine with slightly different blood elf hairstyles lol. Or at least the only two that i want

Personally I think all hairstyles and bear styles should just be shared across all races that have “human” looking faces.

Its kinda just dumb that hairstyles are limited at this point. By the same token Blizzard should also greatly expand the hair and beard options available to everyone.


Oh i 100% agree. Ffxiv has almost every hairstyle shared across all races and it adds so much more uniqueness to the player characters. Besides, if people are so worried that they’ll lose their “uniqueness” then I’d like to remind them most people tend to wear a helmet so it’s not like you can even see it

Technically four, but everyone always forgets about the various groups of Darkfallen.

Most Sin’dorei in Quel’Thalas never touched fel for their personal magic needs; the green eyes are the result of community environmental exposure because it was used for rebuilding infrastructure. They did however drain mana from living creatures such as manawyrms, and this feeding on living creatures is what led to the controversy with and eventual banishment of some of those who are now called Quel’dorei from Silvermoon, who limited themselves to draining magic from objects and protested against feeding on creatures.

I just took a quick look, and I think only one of the styles is exactly the same between the two? There’s a few that are similar to each other, but not identical.

I support this, generally. I can understand a few restrictions (for example, Forsaken have a handful of hairstyles that are specifically monster movie references that would probably be odd shared as-is to any other model), but more hair and beard options are great, and there’s no need to completely reinvent the wheel every time. I’d rather distinct customization options for each player race be something like tattoo or body paint options, where the restrictions make more sense. For example, Kaldorei and Shal’dorei both have tattoo options, but they’re completely different from each other, and it makes sense that they are. It makes less sense that an individual can’t experiment with their personal hairstyle after having seen what the latest fashion in Orgrimmar or Stormwind is.

Ah, well like i said earlier, i wouldn’t exactly mind a similar thing with the hairstyles too. Or rather i wont as long as they dont try to make them edgy or give them that awful hairline

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High Elf, Void Elf, Blood Elf, Darkfallen, San’layn, Felblood, Wretched.

I miss any?

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Already told you. These calculations are based on the populations that were given by Blizzard :slight_smile:
Complain what you want with them, but once they gave us the numbers of High Elves prior to Scourge Invasion and started giving us % of surviving elves, the % of the remaining high elves that were not within the kingdom anymore… Math is there, you can contest how much you want, but these are all based in sources provided by Blizzard and never contested or retconned.

If you feel so offended by these numbers, you should write to them to ask them to confirm or deny these numbers that they once provided us and never questioned/said they weren’t true anymore.

See, the real reason Rommath was so against Umbric messing around with the Void is that he feared for the morale of the public if everyone suddenly started going bald all at once.

I think that’s everyone, but of course there’s some overlap, and not everyone will necessarily agree on exact details of how to classify Thalassians. In terms of specific factions, of course, it gets much messier, but for broad distinctions, I would classify the Felblood as a subtype of Sin’dorei, and San’layn as a subtype of Darkfallen, and consider Wretched a condition that can afflict the living. I just bring up the Darkfallen because the Dark Rangers in particular are still very much present in game, and they don’t neatly fit into the current divide between Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei.


Non-cannon ones since they no longer exist anywhere and do not conform to any known lore.

The last time Blizzard said anything about populations was that they don’t worry about it. They have what they need for what they’re doing. Which they said not long after everyone got on their case about the crack squad of void elves.

Who are playable despite “few in number”.

So High Elven populations on the Alliance are 1) more than enough as is, and 2) whatever Blizzard wants it to be at any given moment.

Population doesn’t mean anything to any of the game or its races.

And I would write them about it but they already clarified by saying they have what they need at any given moment and I suspect they’d probably not bother with anything to do with population since its literally not important to them.


So… anything that is no longer available because it was removed from the old web sites are non canon??

That’s a bold statement.
Do you have an official source about that? Or is it just your opinion?

I suggest you: go and modify the Blood Elf wiki page and add in the talk “sources no longer reliable, they are no longer canon” and let me know, I’ll grab popcorn while you get schooled by everyone there.

Especially considering how much they love their hair. Guess the arcane technology of minoxidil 5% yet alludes the magisters of Quel’thalas


Look, if Kael’thas Sunstrider himself couldn’t stop magically-induced hair loss, what chance does anyone else have?


i think theres a few in the arathi, also. so add that to the faction list

Hey, he got it back in the afterlife and he only lost his hair after what happened to him in tempest keep. So there is hope for us


Fair enough. Turns out that resurrecting someone by stabbing them through the chest with a big fel crystal may have unforeseen consequences. As rough as Shadowlands was as an expansion, I did greatly enjoy both Kael’thas’ new model and getting to drag him around like a balloon for a bit.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think any of the Arathi that use the Thalassian model are full High Elves. All the one’s I’ve seen use the shortest available ear option for that model, so I think they’re just Arathi who favor their elven heritage a bit more.

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You just didn’t read. They’re non-canon because later statements make them non-canon. Blizzard has said they have population for whatever they need at that time and that its not important to them.

Populations don’t mean anything.

If they did the Void Elves wouldn’t be a thing nor would Gnomes or Darkspear.

Even the Draenei would be sus.

I…Only just realized that yeah… he did get a lot of his hair back in SLs. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought you meant the people in the Arathi Highlands in the crevice.

The Arathi are all half human half elves. They’re technically a little further removed from that because its been half breed lines continuing to breed and diverge since to the point where NONE of them are pure elf or pure human bloodlines anymore in the entire lot of them.


Let him be, he has nothing going forward in his life, if he really needs to bring “justice” to a forum message board while being +40 years old. The topic has been discussed to death at this point.

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