High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

It does not make me feel better to tell you people you are deluding yourself into another disappointment. I don’t get off on that stuff, unlike you it seems.

But what you fellas are demanding these days has become very unreasonable.

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Ignore the 40 year old man, who discusses why your puppet shouldn’t be here.


Honestly none of us know whats going to happen in the future and its foolish to engage with people who only care for restricting what you can ask for. This thread isn’t for arguing over if it could be or not, but rather what form players would like to see it take should it occur as either an Allied Race or, more likely, customizations for void elves.

Lets keep focused on that and not worry about what we know nothing of in Midnight. :stuck_out_tongue:


I do think it would be cool to get this body type for helves. Granted I wouldn’t object if all Thalassians could pick whichever body type they used since they are the same race just different factions. But it would be a way to make them different and maybe we’d get some good face options. Still wish all races had faces separate from makeup.


They know that when we ask for things, Blizz tends to listen to our feedback because the goal of the company and the Devs is to make the playerbase happy. So they try to come in here and belittle us, intimindate us, harass us, demean us, gaslight us, etc. in an attempt to shut us up and make us stop talking about these things. Because that’s the only way they can “win” the imaginary war in their head over pixel characters, is if they silence us.

But what they fail to realize is that doesn’t work, never has worked, never will work, and only serves to feed our threads with more engagement/interactions. :joy: and it’s also not that deep



agreed! Speaking of body type choices, someone on Twitter noticed that in the Anniversary Class Sets promo images there is a normal sized Kul Tiran human model, like the Arathi use. Looks like Blizz may be giving those body type to regular humans soon? That could open up a lot of fun doors!


Looking forward to race changing my Paladin to a High Elf in Midnight. Naysayers and gatekeepers be damned.


i have always thought i wouldnt mind if an alliance race was shared with horde, provided it made sense. helfs have always made sense as an alliance race


So… there’s a half-elf in Hallowfall.

Half-elf customization options for humans and/or elves incoming? Someone better go tell that level 10 dwarf to come back in here and get unreasonably angry about the possibility of it happening.

Just one? Lol

The Arathi are really a step beyond half elves. They’re all a mix between the two that have been long enough that there may be no true humans or elves among them. They’re just Arathi.

But yeah I wouldn’t be super surprised to see this for all humans and thalassian elves at some point.


I haven’t gone around looking at everyone’s ears. lol

I just know there’s one with a prompt where you can ask her if she’s an elf.

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Do you think blizzard ever feels embarrassed to know private servers made for free offer 100x the character customization options ?


Or even just hire the people who put stuff on the private servers so we can get all the customization options in retail.


remember when blizz thought they’d make some jokes at the expense of helfers, back in bfa or legion, forget which, and had an event in dalaran where everyone could get elf ears, so the game was filled with half elves. lol prophetic


Also Kul’tiran Model Paladins too that aren’t available yet.


Alliance hasn’t gotten a new Paladin Silhouette since BC.

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One can hope to see Night Elves, Gnomes, Kul’tirans, Void Elves, and Worgen Paladins soon hopefully.


I cannot wait for paladins for all races. Going to be so good.

My main right now is a Paladin and while I wouldn’t change her from human as I’m more into my toons stories, I’d love to explore other paladin characters as well. :smiley:


holey rusted metal, batman

man, i keep forgetting how much alliance was neglected


a mechagnome transformer druid lol

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