High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

The problem is that most people don’t care about any of that. To them, if they look the same then they are the same. It’s like in real life if you consider a north Korean to be the same as a south Korean or someone from Pakistan to be the same as someone from India.

They only care about the race/looks, not the history or politics

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Obviously? And how much interaction does the Alliance have with the Silver Covenant on their own? Cause so far the Silver Covenant have basically been an anti-belf device. Not even a good one. Basically they appear when the belfs do in the story and go “grr we hate belfs for no reason”. So what about them?

Well you got the option to play a belf in the Horde and a velf in the Alliance, with a helf paintjob. I think that’s enough. You want more hair styles, sure, get them as long as the velfs get some that are appropriate to the velf look.

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This is what i meant by high elf fans diluting and ruining what makes void elves void elves.

As a void elf fan its just kinda sad :frowning:

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The void elf lore has evolved, now there are void elves who are not physically modified, they have their original appearance (BE/HE or darkfallen) like Alleria.

If Void Elves receive new High Elf customizations, they will also be Void Elf customizations.


By technicality but not by theming.
And everyone will forever associate those appearances with high elves as they do now with the white skin tones.

Everything a void elf gets to benefit high elf fans, is less the void elves have of the void.
If high elf fans got their way then void elves would become the sub race in all but name.

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I would like to see Wildhammer and High Elves added as playable races. Customization isn’t enough IMO.

BlizZard opened Pandora’s box by making earthen a playable race. If that is the criteria then bring on the Wildhammer and High Elves!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Let’s not flatter yourself. You weren’t even a player on this battlefield. All you do is to waste some time because RL has nothing for you to offer.

Despite Early Access, I went out to have voice recordings with eight friends for an movie dubbing project. I had the time of my life, it was so much fun. What have you to show off, besides complaining around on an internet forum?


Earthen actually are a completely different race though. Theyre rock robots with gems sticking out.

Its not really on the same level high elves who are the exact same race as we have playable now with no differences.

Wildhammer you could probably get away with as supposedly theyre taller and buffer.
That one might work as its own stand alone race if done right.

High elves as their own race could work but a new spin which isnt just a pretty haircut would be needed.

Personally i would give them more of a withered look to reflect their time without the sunwell pre wrath.
Not full on withered or anything, but slightly.
That could work as its own unique spin.

The source for this is the Tides of Darkness story, chapter 10.

Wildhammer dwarves are taller, leaner,[12] and wilder than their earthier Ironforge cousins.[6] Wildhammers are similar in appearance to Ironforge dwarves, though they have different skin tones in comparison to their cousins. Where the Ironforge dwarves range from tan to pale and ashy, Wildhammers are near exclusively tan, with some having nearly orange-toned skin.[13]


There are also many void elf fans who want the same customizations as Alleria. They just want to be a void elf like her.

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Yeah id totally take purple tats like she has now.
That would be cool.

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Have you noticed that its void form is less void ?

the race is more than just a combat proc.
(which people keep trying to alter. I’ve ever seen requests to glow with the light instead shudder )

Not really they are less popular dwarves than Dark Iron and Wild Hammer.

Bring on the High Elves and Wild Hammer!!!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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So this isnt about being unique or different (or lack there of), you just think earthen are lame and so any lame additions can happen?

I mean, fair i guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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Perhaps there should be an option to modify the intensity of the entropic embrace effect and/or to cancel it.

Id rather void elves be left alone :stuck_out_tongue:

From most preferable to least preferable

  1. nothing happens
  2. high elves get added in a way which makes them unique from blood elves/ void elves
  3. high elves get added as a boring clone race
  4. wow ends
  5. void elves become the sub race of their own race
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  1. The Void Elves and Blood Elves merge and become a neutral in Midnight.


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At least i would get green eyes i guess haha

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