High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

Wouldn’t be the first time but sure problem comes from me the person that’s been avidly supportive of all classes for all races because I look at that they added a NPC as like a teaser and then said right after nope not actually giving this to you.

But thanks for the opinion, however I’m gonna disregard it and ignore anything else you @ me with.


That statement wasn’t aimed at you personally but if you wish to take it that way then go right ahead

:broken_heart: gonna go cry in the shower, brb


We actually got a response from the specific Dev who made the Void Elf Paladin NPC on twitter and this is what he said:

"There were so many different possible directions we could go with Aeonara. For me, the most important aspects to get right were
1. Cool name
2. Clarity of what she is
3. Good mog
4. Room for growth
Every other detail for her had to fit into #4."

So clearly she’s not a troll NPC but a very intentionally made Paladin Void Elf for a reason lol


You are still waiting until at least Midnight if not longer so you still have to wait since that was already confirmed by Ion, they aren’t going to just give Void Elves Paladins just so you have them because you want them because they expand classes for all races lacking them not just Void Elves thank god.

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Please don’t make me wait till Midnight expansion. I just want a Night Elf Paladin :sob:


So they gave her a lot of thought, i see. Maybe she’ll become a class trainer or something for void elf paladins

Fr, been waiting since legion


High Elf NPCs have blue and pink hair. Blizzard should add these hair colors to HE customizations.


Colors dont mean much if the hairstyles are crap. Just give me my foxtail and falcon and I’ll be happy


I just want HE to have their own, even if slightly tweaked model, and their own racials, mount, tabard, heritage armour.

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See my point of view with this one is completely different because I’d be on board with them just giving Paladin class to Night Elves right now or before other races because Night Elves are at least justified to be Paladins since Legion so it wouldn’t actually be like out of nowhere like out of nowhere it would be more like adding a class that should have been there for Night Elves quite a few expansions ago now anyway.


This paladin (there is also a priest) officially canonized void elves who can use light.:raised_hands:

They don’t explode !:grin:


Logically all blood elf customizations should be added to void elves because they are blood elves and they can be non-void like Alleria ! :smile:

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Your track record regarding these things is in the negative.
No High Elf customization for the Void Elves
No black hair for them, and then Blizzard disagreed with your sentiment and gave them even more additional hair colors
No story/character relevance, and now they have expanded upon it with the upcoming storyline
No additional job classes.

Just let the people have fun.


I mean, you’re not wrong on one thing, about Void Elves being Blood Elves, but I rather not have the Blood Elf customizations shared between the Void Elves. Like, truthfully, while Blood Elves does have nice customization options currently, mostly with the hair styles, (Pre-Shadowlands imo), I rather see some new and unique customizations that can go with the Void Elves, not only that can represent with the Void Elf side for those who prefer the Void Elf side, for those who want to represent the High Elf sides. Like, I rather see something new and unique that can be better suited to the Void Elves.

And it is the same thing with the Blood Elves too, I rather see more things that are only unique to them. But giving everyone the option on which path they would like to play as, whether role playing as a High Elf on a Void Elf, or High Elf on a Blood Elf, or which ever.

Having the customizations only unique to those groups would make those groups feel, well, like they are worth to still be a bit different, rather than just making them the same.


Do you think I care as someone that’s been pro all classes for all races if Void Elves get Paladin or not, they could do it tomorrow and I’d think cool for people that want it, I’ve never once said I’m against it like against it but I’m also realistic and I know it’s not going to happen tomorrow so again don’t even come at me Blast or you will end up back on my ignore because I don’t even know how you got off of it to begin with.


No offense: I’m not intimidated by this childish claim that a forum ignore list has power over me or anyone. You really need to step back from the internet and enjoy life more. Feel free to put me on “your list”. Regards, Blast.


Wish granted I chucked you on there, take care and now we won’t have to interact anymore at all.


Belf shaman for me :sob:


Void elves can officially be non-void like Alleria, so they are void elves with their original appearance (high elf or blood elf).

Void elves need Blood Elf hairstyles or new HE/BE hairstyles.:man_shrugging:

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This would be cool, even though class trainers are mostly defunct, would love to see that.

Given the lackluster additions we’ve seen through DF I’m betting that those general colors they’ve been handing out will eventually hit everyone. They’re just, for some reason, spreading them out over a long period of time rather than just giving every race the new hair colors.

They never did. >.> That was always entirely a player assumption.

It flew in the face of all canon before it.

While I’m very much on the side of all hairstyles and colors should be shared across all races…

I don’t see why unique things cannot be brought to bear for both void and blood elves. There are aspects to both groups that could be used to give them differentiations and still be similar between both groups.

I want belf shaman and druid so bad… I have stories ready and everything.

Need seems a strong word.

Must they be copied? Or would you be fine if they just added hairstyles that met the needs you’re seeking even if they are unique?