High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

For whatever the reason, this topic is one that just tends to generate some strong opinions.

Also, I didn’t think much of it when they datamined all those TBC weapon recolors, but now I’m really beginning to wonder what they’re for? Maybe another timewalking thing, but I feel like they won’t do another Remix or plunderstorm type mode until we get to another patch or xpac lull.

Maybe they just got them done super early and aren’t done with armor recolors yet, but I suspect it’s for something else :thinking:

Edit: Given the possible upcoming new Draenei capital and the Silvermoon revamp, maybe it was just simply to easily add a few new weapons for the npc’s and maybe players to use? Most of those models are pretty elf and draenei-like.

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Just proving the point. This is hyperbole, you can offer nothing.

Case in point, you argued to me how Blood Elves can’t be High Elves because we can’t have certain specific labeled items.

When I showed you how they re-created a Hi-Res model of one of those items available to all and Blood Elves, you attack me personally and continue to do so.

Keep proving our point.


I think you may be right about a possible future Remix. I enjoy/ed the Remix.

They have hidden xmogs people were not wise to in the MoP currently.

Why update the Sin/Quel’Dorei Blood Knight Polerarm? (Ranseur)

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Wish it were a bit more… Gold? Deeper gold I guess it would be. The purple could be more cosmic and I’d lose my mind.

I’m betting they’re planning more remixes.

It’s a great way to get people to see old content and level.


Blizz has to use every single available shade of gold as to not match anything perfectly. It’s in the contract somewhere in the fine print.

I do hope we get this datamined appearances from another remix event, but I’m guessing we’d have to wait until the end of TWW to get another remix.


I went into it a bit skeptical, but I too have enjoyed it a lot. Certainly more than I thought I would, just as with Plunderstorm. Part of it may be that I missed MoP the first go round, so I’ve really appreciated getting to experience it.

In terms of the polearm, I am not sure, but I have a survival hunter, whom I imagine as a former dragonhawk rider, who uses it, so whatever the reason I’m glad they did :grin: lol

It used to be locked like the Blood Knight armor was, it no longer is.

So you could use the gold version after you do the quest with a High/Blood Elf Paladin.

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Bandwagoning, and jumping to conclusions that weren’t made just to make personal jabs seem to be something you tend to do. Even Fen had to correct you when you tried to fabricate an argument from me that wasn’t even being made just for the sake of being insulting.

Just stop.

Yeah, but it seems like some people tend to take them personal and turn every conversation into some ego-trip. I can disagree with someone and not feel the need to mock or condescend them with each reply.

Although admittedly, I will occasionally sink to their level when it’s clear to me that their only intention is just to insult me.

I’m hoping they’re trading post recolors.

Yeah, matching golds is utter hell. Each shade is just a little more yellow, or just a little more pale, or just a little more orange.

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Try it with Zandalari gear :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :sleepy: :sob:

I learned to just accept it.

OMG need that silver staff recolor for this Helf priestess ahhhh

TBC Remix would go super hard especially to “prepare” us all for Midnight the same way MoP “prepared us” for War Within!

Refresh everyone on Belf lore and even stuff like the Amani!


Oh lord I hope not. That’s such a long time

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They also added a bunch more Silver Covenant Helves around Khaz Algar!!


Dalaran survivor NPCs have been updated, there are high elves with VE hairstyles.




Around what?

I’m convinced blizzard is taunting me specifically with that falcon hairstyle

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Now that high elf NPCs have BE/VE hairstyles, this sharing of hairstyles should also be available for BE/VE players.


It will happen.

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I’d prefer it if each race had new styles specifically made for them. I’m going to be upset if instead of new styles that they put effort into we get shared styles instead. I don’t want the velf styles on my blood elves, I want new styles designed specifically for blood elves. Same with void elves, I don’t want the belf styles I want styles designed specifically for them.

And they could give each a couple of their own distinct high elf-esque styles too, since both races have helf customization. What I don’t want is for blizz to have an excuse to be too lazy to actually give new hairstyles.


I’d rather get reused styles than receding hairline or emo

God i hope so