Hairstyles have never been faction-specific, hell Blood elves got Dreanei hairstyles when their animosity with them was at their height. It’s not like any of the Hairstyle suggestions up there are inspired by the other human races either, they’re clearly designed to appear and push elvish themes. Imagine if Void elves got a customization wave, and all they got were gnome hairstyles. You guys would raise hell.
Don’t try to push something you yourself wouldn’t want if it happened to you.
What a strange thought that people who pick an elf race want to play as elves, and get elvish themes. To waste a customization wave giving Blood elves hairstyles totally inappropriate for their race would be received pretty poorly.
I feel you lol. It just feels more natural to me for people in fantasy settings to have long hair, probably because i watched lord of the rings as a kid
I want to say the balding thing was meant to represent them losing their humanity to the void, losing their hair in favor of tentacles and becoming closer to the ethereals. It’s the only reason I could possibly rationalize why they would ever give men and women balding hairstyles.
Idk what you’re talking about tbh. I would love to use Nightborne/Mag’har/Zandalari hairstyles on my Belves and love to use kul Tiran/Draenei/Nelf hairstyles on my Velves!
It’s not that difficult to be honest, I do freelance 3d modeling for VRchat with WoW models and occasionally some private wow servers and it’s a pretty easy swap as long as the races aren’t that different from each other. Most hairs are hollow underneath and simply need to be placed correctly to fit.
Honestly, thats a reason why I’d want that too. I can see my friend picking one those styles and me saying that he looks like an idiot. Seems pretty fun to me
Well thats quite simple. My friends dont play this game, so something like that isn’t going to happen. I, however, do play this game every now and then, and I’d like to play it like i want. That entails looking a certain way
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, although I personally think it’s wack af to think all members of a race have to be a monolith who look and dress the exact same.
I would LOVE to use Mag’hair hairstyles on a more rugged Farstrider Belf warrior or hunter who has been grizzled by the wars and abandoned more neat and frivolous hairstyles for more practical ones, influenced by his comrades in the Horde. The many plaits and braids especially would keep it still feeling Elvish.
Meanwhile a more noble Belf mage might use a Nightborne hairstyle that is super prim and invokes a regal aesthetic…
But I suppose when you lack imagination and don’t understand that player characters are allowed to be individuals and don’t have to be clone NPCs that represent the basic aesthetic stereotype of their race that could be lost on you!
That’s the beauty of OPTIONS to give players the CHOICE on how to visually customize their character to best represent THEIR story. Crazy concept for an MMORPG, I know!
It’s not that difficult to be honest, I do freelance 3d modeling for VRchat with WoW models and occasionally some stuff for private wow servers and it’s a pretty easy swap as long as the races aren’t that different from each other. Most hairs are actually hollow underneath and simply need to be placed correctly to fit. It’s just a matter of swapping constraints.
Strange then that none of these ideas seemed to be pitched here in the Helf thread then, seems like all the suggestions here seem to follow the exact same theme because it’s appropriate for the race. I guess its due to a lack of imagination lol
Then why aren’t you asking for these hairs for the Void elves? Why are you asking for Blood elf hairstyles if the Mag’har or Zandalari troll hairstyles would work equally as well? Where’s all the troll and orc hairstyle requests for High elves and Void elves lol
Right, considering that all the customization options for High elves here have been isolated entirely to elvish themes this is a pretty hypocritical comment to make lol
Why adapt hairstyles from races entirely inappropriate for elves instead of just… making new elvish hairstyles designed for them.
Idk what you’re not following but I pitched an idea of sharing hairstyles between all races on a faction. So yes that would apply to Helfs too lol…
Don’t project your lack of reading comprehension skills onto me lmao.
Because…those are Horde races…and the idea I’m discussing is sharing hairstyles between races of the same faction to expand options while maintaining some sort of visual identity…?
Are you following yet or…?
Not really at all considering this thread is for the basic options of Helves if they were to be their own race…? I also did not write the OP so not sure what you’re expecting me to do there LOL
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, although I personally think it’s wack af to think all members of a faction have to be a monolith who look and dress the exact same.
Oh the irony…especially when hairstyles are shared between factions all the time. Humans use blood elf hairstyles, and Blood elves use dreanei hairstyles lol
New races get hairstyles from existing races all the time, how is that an argument? what?