High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

Blood elves with troll or orc hairstyles would be original !


If you’re talking about that kirin tor thing you shared a few weeks ago, i have to say that your perception of people’s words is certainly interesting. What was meant as a friendly remark seems to have been completely misunderstood by you

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What does it being friendly have to do with my comment? You’re attempting to rationalize something by the idea that it is merely a possible concept and yet that same logic doesn’t apply to someone as simple as a High elf appearing in Orgimmar.

Seems like this logic only works when suited toward your agenda.

Girl sorry to burst your bubble but we have several lovely hairstyles with normal hairlines and I have about 10 High Elf toons who use the variety of them, I use this hairstyle and tiara because it looks gorgeous together. If I was depressed by the hairline I would go to the Barber and pay 2 gold to use one of the several that has a normal hairline LMAO

Like we LITERALLY have higher quality versions of some of your hairstyles like the ponytail and long straight one :rofl: which my Helf Huntress and Rogue use :3


What i said was that it was weird seeing a high elf there after playing mop. I thought that it was a straightforward friendly comment about it being weird, but i guess you didn’t see it that way. I never said that they can’t be there, i said that it was weird, which it is, realistically speaking

You’re barking up the wrong tree. I don’t have any “agendas” when it comes to video games. Unlike you, i actually have better things to care about


You’ll never understand how hard it is to be a man :cry:


Yeah, with gaping holes in them like you got bald spots on your scalp, the others look like you’ve been drowned in a swamp lol

I commend your use of the tiara to hide the giant middle-aged man balding, I give you that.

You mean the ponytail with the giant gaping hole in it? :rofl:

The straight one I do like though, although I prefer the Blood elf braid, it’s much prettier and elven.

Just like no one is saying that it’s not possible for Void elves to style their hair however they wish, but it’s weird for an Allied race to have all the customizations of the parent race and more. I’m confused as to what part of this you’re not grasping?

Nah, this certainly seems like the right tree.

The part where you’re against people having more customization options. I want everyone to be able to have more options. I 100% support blood elf getting all void elf customization options. You, however, seem very demanding about how others should be allowed to play a game

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Who says im against people having more customization options? I just feel that it should be fair to both sides. Void elves can use unique customizations that set them apart from Blood elves, but the same can’t be said for Blood elves, especially if we just give them the last remaining options.

Give them new Void elf options, instead of just continuously asking for options from Blood elves. I don’t think this is unrealistic thing to want.

I already said that if this is the case, there really is no use for there even being two races anymore. Just make them one singular neutral race that you can pick from. Like if we’re going to completely eliminate any sort of racial visual distinction, what point is there even in keeping them apart?

I’d be fine with that. I’ve already said that I’m down for such things, especially if it comes with a “faction traitor” questline. It really adds to the world building and immersion as well as just being cool and fun

Well like Kul Tiran they could just add a new/adjusted model out of nowhere and that would just be what you get.

The big KT are only a small percentage of the NPCs so it could just be a handful of NPCs.

But I agree just giving people ears is the most likely/best option.

Felblood and/or San’layn. More Jewelry as well.

I think some should stay exclusive but a good chunk could be shared between the two.


LOL I know I’m sorry D: female Velves really got the blessed end of the stick with hairstyles


OH RIGHT! The felblood would be sick.

I agree, honestly. I’ve said before that i only really want the falcon and the foxtail

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I agree, I just think if the route we’re gonna take is share everything then this would be the more logical than keeping them separate and sharing everything otherwise. If they’re actually visually identical, it makes no sense.

At least then Alliance players can play pure High elves and not be stuck with the Void theme if they don’t want it.

But it seems like some people are only in favor of distinctive options in bad faith, like Drede here who seems mostly intent on pushing for dark, corrupted themes instead of light-based or just elvish themes for Blood elves. I watched him argued tooth and nail with people that Blood elves shouldn’t even get gold eyes because he wanted them to stay corrupted.

I really want that…

Though at this point I’m more pushing for all hairstyles to be shared across all races where applicable as well as tauren and worgen hair styles being expanded greatly. yada yada…


Glad to see we’re on the same page :slight_smile:

Why would Blood elf players want Orc and troll hairstyles instead of… elvish hairstyles that actually play into their themes as elves. It’s not like any of the suggestions for High elf hairstyles in your opening post involve troll, or Orc hairstyles.

Because it’s a cool way to show the cultural influence of being members of a faction with other races for such a long period of time? lol? Just because they’d get Orc or Troll hairstyles doesn’t mean they couldn’t get more new Blood Elvish hairstyles too lol. Not everything is “one or the other” when we are discussing new things.

And if they ever shared faction hairstyles Belves would also be getting a ton more Elvish hairstyles from the Nightborne which fit their aesthetic pretty perfectly. Not that this is ever probably going to happen anyways.


It would make a lot of sense if they get their hairstyles considering how close they are. Isnt Lor’themar married to whoever that woman is? That nightborne one you work with in suramar


If i was to take anything from the blood elves it would be the prince hair, chin strap facial hair, and eye colours 1/ 4.

The rest of the options i would never touch.

But im happy with the void elf options and dont care either way :stuck_out_tongue: