I remember those high elves, they protected the Alliance ship with a magic shield.
High elves are military logistics specialists (portals, protective shields, etc.).
I remember those high elves, they protected the Alliance ship with a magic shield.
High elves are military logistics specialists (portals, protective shields, etc.).
What weapons would they use? o:
All 3 of them lol
Spellbreaker would be shield+1 handed weapons, including glaives.
Spellblade would be a 1 handed weapon with an empty off hand. Free hand is for casting spells.
Spellbow is obviously a bow.
That would be preferable.
That reminds me that they apparently renamed the “Quel’Dorei Mage” NPCs into “Silver Covenant Mage”.
Also it’s connanocal they helped in BFA at the gates,
Is it? Because there were no Silver Covenant at the gates besides Vareesa. And even then, Vareesa was assisting a joint effort between Horde and Alliance.
Sword hate will not be tolerated >:(
Yup! They were on Alliance sided Island Expeditions, particiapting in the Battle for Stromgarde, teleporting us to our Warfronts, and Vereesa was at the gates of Ogrimmar with High Elven Ballistae!
They very much so were actively helping their faction, the Alliance, during the Fourth War :3
So excited that they get a renewed focus on them in Midnight
Also, the Devs have added in Umbric and several Ren’dorei Voidguard NPCs fighting alongside the Silver Covenant Mages and Sunreaver Spellcasters in the Isle of Dorn intro! Looks like they aren’t being “intentionally” left out after all!
No examples of them fighting, absent for 99.9% of the faction war, but they were very much active, lul
I just think Bows are more elvish then swords. Plus Spellbreakers are more of a Blood elf thing I’d imagine.
Maybe not overly active yet they definitely had a presence. The significance of it maybe be tertiary or fringe, but I suppose the bottom line for me is that, even if somewhat easter-eggish in their appearances, they were indeed present. Anytime Alliance aligned high elves appeared, I’ve always been happy to see them in whatever capacity. I don’t mean to oversell their role, but even if just as fan service, I’ve always considered them a welcome sight.
On another note, I always thought that usually generic night elf npc voice lines were used for them, but I just noticed today that the Silver Covenant Rangers on the Isle of Thunder had a few unique on-click lines. Nothing noteworthy or eyebrow raising, especially since it was so many years ago, but strange that they had new lines in a different voice
Exactly, imagine thinking fighting in island expeditions, portaling troops to warfronts, shielding warfront battle ships with magic, being present as troops in Stormgarde warfront wearing the 7th Legion Tabard, and having ballistae at the gates of Orgrimmar isn’t “fighting” Guess they showed up to the battles to just look pretty!
They just have to keep moving the goal post. The copium is strong
YES I love how they use Night Elf voices they sound so nice!
Well I mean you nailed it on the head there, they were sort of easter-eggish and sporadic in appearance, but never used in any impactful way as to suggest they were some coordinated force. Here’s one NPC holding open a portal, here’s another sitting on a ship while all of the other races are shown amassing forces in direct combat with the Horde. With all the opportunities to add them in a faction war expansion, we can literally only count on one hand how many times they were used, and how many even exist.
If the idea were to express otherwise I’m sure they would have been given the same exposure all the other races and allied races were afforded.
I don’t think you’re overselling their role, to be clear I don’t think anyone is implying they don’t exist, just trying to be realistic about their involvement. lol
There were many opportunities to use them, and it almost seemed deliberate that they were left out. Even when they attacked Undercity and Saurfang said that all of them would come for them, we saw no High elves present in any capacity, even with Alleria leading. Void elves seem to have replaced High elves as the alliance elf force, with the occasional sprinkle of some High elf easter eggs here and there.
Always confused me as to why they were never given a unique voice of their own, and instead continued to borrow from the Night elves.
I believe the voice from the Silver Covenant artifact guy got added to a lot of the NPCs.
They are do for some updated in voice lines though. The trimmed down Night Elf does work as a “Not as uppity” elf though.
It could still work since void elves were blood elves like 2 weeks ago (relative to elf years)
They really should do a revamped voice system now that they changed to Body Types 1 and 2 and there has been character creation pronouns datamined.
Let people choose a voice regardless of body type, and then throw in different options too
Humans can use normal voices, Kul Tiran voices, or Gilnean voices,
Thalassians can use any Thalassian voice,
Night Elves and Nightborne
I meant the NPCs but I agree.
No reason there can’t be 3-5 voices to choose from.
Kinda indeed! It only changed the voice set of NPC’s that used the same model appearance than him; it seems that using the same than older NPC’s made them everyone share the new voice set.
And to remove too specific NE sayings. Loved when Dark Rangers got unique voice set on BfA. It feels like Midnight is the last chance for High Elves to get a unique voice set, so fingers crossed ayy.
I’ve seen some high elf npcs with unique vouce lines. I remember one in the hunter order hall and also one in the isle on thunder
Yup! The voice set of Courier Larkspur got added to every HE NPC that already used that appearance. Weird how some things on the WoW coding work.
Ah, so that’s the reason. Indeed odd how that carried over.
Was there a specific reason he was given unique lines?